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Location Fathoms Drift, Cipher's Midden
Ship The Opulent Gale
Race High Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower During Destiny's Tide

Landolvel is a High Elf sailor who can be found outside Fathoms Drift in Apocrypha. He does not know how he got there and is looking for his father Naanurrel who was the captain of their ship, The Opulent Gale.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Destiny's Tide[edit]

Approaching him:

"You, traveler! Over here!"

When you find him, Landolvel is quite confused and is not sure if you are real or not:

"I need help. I was swept overboard in a storm and found myself washed up in this terrifying land. What happened? I must find my ship. I must find Naanurrel, my father. Are you real, or just another spirit?"
I'm as real as you are.
"I am Landolvel, first mate on the Opulent Gale. My father, Naanurrel, is the ship's captain. We were trapped in a horrible storm. I fell into the churning sea. I was dragged under the waves, blacked out, and awoke nearby in a ships' graveyard."
What do you need, Landolvel?
"I need to find my father and my ship. When I last saw him, he was at the wheel, clutching his treasured belongings—a locket, a spyglass, and the ship's logbook. Our ship must have run aground. We need to find him!"
I'll help you, Landolvel.

After you agree to help, you can ask Landolvel further questions:

"Thank you! I fled from ghosts and Daedra when I came ashore, and heard one of them call it Fathoms Drift. I will not leave this place before I've tracked down my father and our ship. Surely he survived the storm!"
Tell me about your father.
"My father has captained the Opulent Gale since I was a boy. He built the ship with his own two hands. I may never be the captain he hoped I'd be, but I'll never forget how alive I felt knowing he was at the wheel."
Are you sure he can be found in this place?
"This place? I don't know where we are. There was a storm and a great wave and my father shouting. Yes, he was shouting at the storm."
You're in Apocrypha, domain of Hermaeus Mora.
"Hermaeus Mora? High Elves don't deal with Daedra, but he's known among the sailors as Herm'us Mora, the Tide King. He carries many names, but he lives deep beneath the waves. Could my father have angered him somehow?"

Once inside Fathom's Drift, Landolvel will become your follower and points out where you need to go:

Landolvel: "The wrecked ships are ahead, through these sea caves. Look for my father's belongings. If we find them, we'll likely find him as well!"

You can speak with him as he follows you, and more questions will become available as you find Naanurrel's belongings:

"Keep your eyes peeled, my friend! Finding my father's belongings would help locate him and our ship."
What's the last thing you remember on the ship? (Available when you first enter Fathom's Drift)
"We were caught in a powerful storm and the sky shone a sickening hue. I had my sea legs, but the incessant waves drove me to my knees. I heard my father … shouting?"
"I heard him yelling. At me? At the crew? A huge wave struck the ship and I fell into the churning sea. I can still taste the salt water. My lungs felt so heavy. I was choking on it."
You were drowning.
"But if I drowned, then how did I awaken here? What happened to the rest of the crew? What became of my father? Why was I spared?"
Why do you call him Herm'us Mora? (Locket found)
"The Daedric Prince has many faces and is known by many names. To the Khajiit, Hermorah. Herma-Mora to the mer. Among seafarers, he is called Herm'us Mora, he who resides in the darkest depths."
What is Herm'us Mora to you?
"I am not superstitious. But my father, on the other hand, would mutter some prayers into his locket each time we set sail."
So your father believed?
"Among seasoned sailors, Herm'us Mora is both a blessing and a warning. Speak his name with dignity and one may cross the most vicious seas with little more than slightly damp boots. Ignore him and you risk his wrath."

Landolvel also makes comments as you find Naanurrel's belongings:

Naanurrel's Locket:

Landolvel: "My father treasured this locket. He wore it on every voyage for good luck. He would never leave it behind. But it is marked with the symbol of Herm'us Mora. I never noticed that before."

Naanurrel's Spyglass:

Landolvel: "I recognize this, Father's spyglass! But its lens is cracked and useless."

Naanurrel's Logbook:

Landolvel: "That's my father's handwriting. And someone else's as well. What does it mean?"

As you approach the shipwrecks, Landolvel will say:

Landolvel: "There! The Opulent Gale! Is my father there?"

Once you discover Naanurrel's spirit on the wreck of the Opulent Gale, the spirit will call out:

Naanurrel: "Landolvel, my boy! You're alive! I'm so relieved!"
Landolvel: "Father, is that you? Are you…this ghost?"

If you talk to Landolvel before Naanurrel:

"All this time I had been searching for my father. He can't be dead! He's faced the jaws of a sea serpent and lived!"

After talking to Naanurrel who explains what has been done, he will want to meet both of you outside:

Landolvel: "I am alive. I should be dead. I need time to think all this over. Let's gather the items my father's spirit spoke of and go back to the brazier where you found me."

Speaking with Landolvel before heading outside:

"I remember. The cold waves dragging me down. And my father, dead! Gods, this is a lot to grapple with."

Outside, Naanurrel will be waiting besides the brazier and he will explain what needs to be done to complete the pact:

Landolvel: "I cannot believe it! My father traded his life for mine!"
Naanurrel: "Let me tell you all, my friend. Then you can cast the items into the flames and complete my pact."

If you talk with Landolvel first:

"This brazier really is a bit odd on second glance."
How are you handling this?
"This is … a lot to take in. Am I to do as my father says and condemn him to this place?"
Will you not accept his decision?
"That is what plagues me. I would have never chosen such a thing! He was everything to me, and now I bear the guilt of the sacrifice he made. How can I face my mother after this?"
Is there another option?
"I wish there were. Dealing with the Daedra is perilous in the first place."
Agreed. Particularly with a Daedric Prince like Hermaeus Mora.

You can then talk with Naanurrel about the pact he made with Mora and he asks you place his belongings into the fire to complete the bargain. Speaking with Landolvel before this:

"My head is spinning. My father is dead, a ghost trapped to this land? There must be some way to free him!"

However, after you place the belongings into the fire, Naanurrel's Logbook does not burn, instead it opens up and floats above the brazier:

Landolvel: "The logbook! Why didn't it burn? I don't understand."

Talk to the perplexed Landolvel, and he will explain what has happened:

"How is this possible?"
Is something wrong?
"Herm'us Mora has changed the bargain. It now reads "Let Naanurrel, OR THE MEMORY OF HIM, become my guide for the drowned dead." The words "or the memory of him" are new. What does this mean?"
Hermaeus Mora means to make good on Naanurrel's bargain one way or another.
"You mean to suggest Herm'us Mora wants me to forget my own father? Forget our time together?"
We're within his domain. Anything is possible here.
"Surely I would never …. No, I will do it. If it means my father will return to the mortal plane, I will do whatever it takes."
You wish to accept this new offer?
"Herm'us Mora will trade my memories for my father's life. I would forget him, but he would live. Yes! Give me the book!"

Before you take the book:

"My father will not budge, but neither will I. You will have to choose."

At this, Naanurrel will disagree with this and asks to complete the bargain. After you take the Altered Naanurrel's Logbook, you have the choice of giving it to either Landolvel or Naanurrel. You can speak with both of them to hear what they have to say before making a decision:

"Traveler, give me the book! I will gladly trade my memories for his life!"
Your father made his decision. You disagree?
"My father put everything on the line to save me. But I cannot let him die, not if there is a better alternative."
You would be making a deal with a Daedric Prince.
"Should I hesitate where my father made the same choice? This isn't what I wanted, but my memories seem a small price to pay for his life. Give me the book."
I will entrust this to you.
"Thank you, traveler, for helping me rescue my father. Herm'us Mora will now come claim his bounty, but for these final moments, I will think of my father. Here, for your efforts."
Give me a moment to think. (Ends Conversation)

If you choose to give the book to Landolvel and exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, he will say:

"Thank you. I know it is a difficult decision."
I will leave the spell to you. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you decide to side with Landolvel and give the book to him, the following will happen:

Landolvel: "Hear me, Herm'us Mora! I accept your offer! My memories for my father's life!"
<Sparks of light surround Naanurrel and he becomes flesh again.>
Naanurrel: "You have saved both me and my son, but at what cost?"
Landolvel: "… Who are you, old man?"
Naanurrel: "I am … No. I am a friend of your father's. Come, let's talk."

Speaking with Landolvel afterwards:

"This man is a friend of yours, no? He feels … quite familiar."
What will you do now?
"To be honest, I'm not sure."
How does your head feel?
"Odd. Things feel familiar but distant. I remember you, and almost drowning, and washing up on shore. But there's something else. Something deeply important that I've lost track of."
Do you know what you'll do now?
"I'm not sure. This old man. He seems … familiar. I think he's a captain. Perhaps I will go to sea again. Yes, that would be good for me."
I agree. Have a good life, Landolvel.

If you talk to him after youa freed to follow his father's request, but before finishing the quest:

"I understand that you wanted to respect my father's wishes, but losing him, even to save my life, was a horrible price."

In the case that you decide to have Naanurrel fulfill his original bargain, the following will happen:

Naanurrel: "Hear me, Herm'us Mora! My liege, seal our pact for eternity. We rebuke your other offer."
<Naanurrel's spirit disappears>
Landolvel: "My father … gone. I have no words. I am grateful for your assistance traveler. Please, leave me with my grief."

You can then speak with Landolvel after completing the quest:

"Would this have gone differently … had I never requested your aid? I'm sorry. Leave me to my thoughts, and to my memories."
What will you do now?
"To be honest, I'm not sure."
I think it was best to leave the decision to your father.
"I suppose you're right. Still, I am left to mourn a loss that did not have to be."
He was proud, and insisted on honoring his agreement.
"At least I will still remember him. I should thank you for helping me find out what happened to him. And to me."
Have a good life, Landolvel.

You can find Landolvel at Cipher's Midden if you choose to save his father:

"Greetings, friend! It's good to see you!"
How do you feel, Landolvel?
"Odd. Things feel familiar but distant. I remember you, and almost drowning, and washing up on shore. But there's something else. Something deeply important that I've lost track of."
Do you know what you'll do now?
"Not yet. There's an old man here who's been looking after me. He's been very kind. He's a captain, and talking about building a new ship. I think I'll help him. That would be good for me."
Have a good life, Landolvel.

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

If you choose to honor his father's wishes, Landolvel will attend the ceremony at Cipher's Midden if you helped him previously:

"And I thought I had it tough. You fought to save all of reality!"
I'm sorry about your father.
"I know. I miss him. But he honored his promises and remained true to his word. I respect him for that."

If you choose to resurrect Landolvel's father, both father and son will attend the ceremony:

"That old man we met tells me tales of your exploits. I appreciate you helping us both in Fathoms Drift."
How are you holding up?
"Well enough. It feels like a part of me is missing. But I want to thank you for everything you've done, for me and for our peoples."

He will be one of the voices that will support you during Scruut's speech:

Landolvel: "Amazing. I can't believe everything you accomplished!"

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