Online:Eyes of the Queen
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The Eyes of the Queen, sometimes referred as the Queen's Eyes, are Queen Ayrenn's personal intelligence network. It is said that Ayrenn began assembling her network of spies before she returned to Summerset to claim her crown.
As part of the Aldmeri Dominion questline, you are recruited into the network by Ayrenn after foiling the plot against her in Vulkhel Guard.
For more information, see the main lore article.
— A city found in the southwestern part of Summerset. (map)
Arenthia — A city in northern Reaper's March. (map)
Bramblebreach — A Bosmer settlement in eastern Greenshade, south of Marbruk. (map)
College of Aldmeri Propriety — A school in northwestern Auridon. (map)
- The Demi-Plane of Jode — A realm visited from within the Two Moons Path by Khajiit seeking to become the Mane.
Firsthold — A city at the northwestern corner of the island of Auridon. (map)
Hectahame — An Ayleid ruin in northern Greenshade, northeast of Dread Vullain. (map)
— A major settlement in the eastern highlands of the Gold Coast. (map)
Marbruk — A city in eastern Greenshade. (map)
Mathiisen — A town in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch. (map)
Merchant's Gate
— A gate found on the southern border of Wrothgar. (map)
Mistral — A port city on Khenarthi's Roost. (map)
North Beacon — A lighthouse in northern Auridon, northeast of the city of Firsthold. (map)
Pa'alat — A small town in northern Reaper's March, northwest of Dune. (map)
Rawl'kha — A city in central Reaper's March. (map)
Seaside Sanctuary — A large destroyed island settlement in northwestern Greenshade. (map)
Senalana — An Ayleid ruin in northern Reaper's March, west of Arenthia. (map)
— A zoo in southeast Summerset, southeast of Shimmerene. (map)
Skywatch — A city at the eastern side of Auridon. (map)
Two Moons Path — An ancient Khajiiti temple in the eastern section of Dune, in Reaper's March. (map)
Vulkhel Guard — A port city at the southern tip of Auridon. (map)
Woodhearth — A city in western Greenshade. (map)
Related Quests[edit]
Breaking the Barrier: Help the Battlereeve and the Guild gain access to the Firsthold Castle.
The Colovian Occupation: Help the Arenthian resistance drive out the Colovians.
The Den of Lorkhaj: Help the Lunar Champion walk the final, dark path.
- Debts of War
: Help recover looted valuables and bring the Butcher of Bravil to justice.
Double Jeopardy: Uncover the Heritance spy's plan to conquer Valenwood.
Ensuring Security: Help Watch Captain Astanya shore up security for the Queen's visit.
- Eye Spy: Help disrupt the Covenant troops attacking North Beacon.
- Final Blows: Destroy the last remnants of the Veiled Heritance.
The First Step: Help the Lunar Champions in their first trial.
Frighten the Fearsome: Earn the Bramblebreach Clan's trust.
- Gates of Fire: Help defend an Ayleid ruin from the Colovians.
- Harsh Lesson: Uncover abuse at a renowned school.
A Hostile Situation: Bring a traitor to justice.
Lifting the Veil: Root out the Veiled Heritance agent in Skywatch.
The Moonlit Path: Help the Lunar Champion walk the Two Moons Path.
- Over the Edge: Help retrieve some critical medical supplies.
Putting the Pieces Together: Scout Mathiisen for signs of the Veiled Heritance.
The Perils of Diplomacy: Uncover a plot to destroy Mistral.
Sever All Ties: Help save Auridon from the Veiled Heritance and their Daedric allies.
The Staff of Magnus: Retrieve the Staff of Magnus from the Marbruk vault.
Stonefire Machinations: Defeat the Stonefire Cult and the Dark Mane.
A Storm Upon the Shore: Drive the Sea Vipers out of Seaside Sanctuary.
Striking at the Heart: Defeat the shade of Prince Naemon.
- The Sweetroll Killer
: Investigate a string of violent murders on the Gold Coast.
- A Traitor's Luck: Help uncover evidence that a Khajiit is selling Dominion secrets to the enemy.
- Untamed and Unleashed
: Restore order at the Royal Menagerie in Sil-Var-Woad.
The Unveiling: Help uncover the Veiled Heritance in Mathiisen.
The Veil Falls: Root out the leaders of the Veiled Heritance.
Veil of Illusion: Trick a Heritance spy into assassinating the "queen".
