Online:Garalo Givyn
Garalo Givyn | |||
Location | Gorne | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | House Telvanni |
Garalo Givyn is a Telvanni spellwright who is trying to acquire research notes of the portal mage Dreynis in order to rise through the ranks of his house.
Related Quests[edit]
- In a Troubled House: Help Garalo Givyn procure valuable research from the island of Gorne.
Chronicle of Fate: Learn what was forgotten.
Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]
In a Troubled House[edit]
He will be at the docks outside of Gorne when you approach him:
- "There, I could seek help at Necrom or… Ah, you there!"
Speaking to him:
- "Hmm. Drab attire, sharpened blades, a dangerous glint in the eye. An adventurer, I take it? I could use someone with your particular skill set. Let's speak for a moment. I promise to make it worth your while."
- What do you need help with?
- "The island of Gorne is home to a reclusive portal mage by the name of Dreynis. His research could further my ascension within House Telvanni. I could use a skilled hand to aid me while I procure these findings."
- By procure do you mean steal?
- "Nonsense! oh, there is something to be said about the sharing of knowledge and the marketplace of ideas, but that's neither here nor there. Let's just say there is a tidy sum to be earned by an adventurer who can handle a delicate task."
- I can be delicate.
After accepting his request, you can ask further questions:
- "Wonderful! I had a good feeling about you. I prepared this boat to take us up to the island. We'll be a bit snug, but it'll do. And do be on guard. I have heard the island isn't the most welcoming of places."
- What do you mean by ascension within House Telvanni?
- "Ah, of course. A few too many syllables, I suppose. How about rise instead?
Imagine a ladder. As a Telvanni spellwright, I must prove my skill and expertise each time I wish to go up a proverbial rung. I hope to speed my climb."- And this mage's research is supposed to help with that?
- "At his peak, Dreynis was a Telvanni master unmatched in portal magic. It's been ages since he's published any of his research, but he must still be tinkering away. I'm certain we can find a few pages lying about the island."
- And how will this help you gain recognition?
- "Isn't it obvious? If I publish the findings in my own name, the finest minds on the peninsula will flock to me. Oh, they'll be eager to bask in the genius of Garalo Givyn, portal master!
I can feel their adoration already."
- What can you tell me about the island?
- "Gorne belongs to House Indoril, as you'll see when we reach their sprawling estate. I've heard they formerly used the island to house the mentally unstable and magically insane. But I don't know whether it's still in use."
- Didn't you research the estate before planning to steal research?
- "Steal is so vulgar. I much prefer material sourcing. And I'll have you know I did plenty of research. For example, the going rate for capable mercenaries such as yourself. A tidy sum well worth your time and effort."
- You don't seem very prepared.
- "You should know that you're talking yourself out of my memoir. Imagine the prestige you could gain in Telvanni lands for being the loyal and capable servant to an esteemed mage."
When you land in Gorne:
- Garalo Givyn: "Here we are. Gorne. Let's see if we can find Dreynis. Perhaps my charm will make this easy."
Speaking to him before you move forward:
- "Odd. The estate here isn't as illustrious as I was led to believe. And do you smell that? There's a strange stench in the air here. Like something is burning?
Let's get moving and look for Dreynis."
While progressing through Gorne:
- Garalo Givyn: "Why in Oblivion is Gorne besieged by Daedra? Adventurer, we should find Dreynis. Quickly."
A portal is opened and Dreynis comes out to greet both you and Garalo.
- Dreynis: "Ah. Another over-eager pupil seeking to profit from my efforts."
- Dreynis: "Could I instead interest you in some fungal tea? No?"
- Garalo Givyn: "He seems suspicious. Why don't you speak to him, adventurer? See where he stands?"
Speaking to him before Dreynis:
- "It seems Dreynis suspects my motives already. Why don't you speak with him? Sound him out, if you will?"
After speaking to Dreynis, the search for the notes resumes:
- Dreynis: "Good luck! By which I mean, I hope your deaths are painless! Mostly."
<Dreynis disappears in a portal.>
- Garalo Givyn: "A hunt it is. Adventurer, scour the island for glowing notes! Meet me in the middle of the estate once you have them."
You can speak to Garalo before you proceed the search:
- "Dreynis wans't [sic] quite what I'd imagined. He didn't even seem the slightest bit bothered by the veritable Daedric war going on behind him. Regardless, we're here for research, not feuding Daedra. The sooner we find it, the better."
- What did you expect?
- "A great mage. Perhaps even a Telvanni master. Though if you go too long without proving your magical prowess, people start to question whether you still deserve the title.
And Dreynis has spent a very long time here on Gorne." - It seems you aren't the first to come looking for his research.
- "Perhaps not the first to look, but I intend to be the first to succeed. Once we have that research, we can leave Dreynis to his fungal teas.
Search the perimeter of the estate. I'll head for the manor house in the middle. We'll meet there." - I'll start looking.
After finding all of the notes and you meet up with Garalo in the manor house:
- Garalo Givyn: "Ah, there you are. Please tell me your search was successful, adventurer?"
Speaking to him to move on to the next step to finding the prism:
- "I hope you found everything I'm looking for. The sooner I can leave this place behind, the better."
- Here. I found these pages around the island.
- "Excellent! Let's take a look. Hmm. This can't be right. It's little more than a personal journal. There's barely anything worth publishing. And what's this about a prism?
Oh. How interesting. I've got an idea, adventurer." - What are you thinking?
- "Dreynis writes that he turned the manor's rotunda into a magical conduit. That would make this room the center of his work with portals. Yet there's no sign of this prism. If he hid it, then it must be important."
- Where do you think he hid the prism?
- "If I were a master of teleportation, I'd hid my secrets in a place only I could reach. That's it! The magical foci on the balcony above us. If we activate them, we may open a portal to Dreynis's little hiding place.
Oh, I'm a genius!" - Tell me what to do.
Garalo will start to channel his magical ability to create a portal and will need your assistance to activate the foci.
- Garalo Givyn: "Activate the foci above us while I conjure a portal. With any luck, we'll reveal all of Dreynis's little secrets."
Speaking to him before activating the foci:
- "Activating the magical foci above us will be like unleashing a raging river. It will require all of my vast skill to anchor the flow into a stable portal. Do be quick, though. I detest the stench of this place."
Activating the first focus:
- Garalo Givyn: "Take note, adventurer. It takes an extremely skilled mage to effectively wield this magic."
Activating the second focus:
- Garalo Givyn: "Yes, I can feel the flow of magicka! Keep going!"
Activating the third focus:
- Garalo Givyn: "We've almost got it! Quickly, the last focus is down here. I can't hold on much longer!
Once you activate the last focus, Dreynis will appear and will go inside a portal to try to stop you from taking the prism:
- Dreynis: "What? How did you manage this? It seems I underestimated you."
- Dreynis: "But I won't allow you take the prism, I won't!"
<Dreynis goes into the portal again.>
- Garalo Givyn: "Don't let him get away! Follow him! I just need to catch my breath. Meet me at the docks once you have his prism."
Speaking to him before going into the portal:
- "Don't dawdle! Who know how many Daedra we'll have to deal with if Dreynis gets his hands on that prism again?
After him, now! That's an order!"
When you return back to him with Dreynis' notes and the prism near the docks:
- Garalo Givyn: "Over here, adventurer. Let's chat."
Speaking to him to relay the results of the task:
- "Well" Where did that fool's portal take you? Did you receover that prism Dreynis wrote about? Or at least some more of his research?
I'd hate to leave this smoldering heap empty-handed." - Here. I found more of Dreynis's research.
- "Remarkable! Even at a glance I can see these are more comprehensive than the scribbles you found strewn about the island. Oh, it's a pity Dreynis became so…confused. There's a shadow of his genius in these pages.
What of the prism?" - I have the prism.
- "Oh my. I hadn't dared to hope, but it seems this prism is a Daedric artifact. And a powerful one at that! This prism could accelerate my studies beyond imagining.
I can't imagine Dreynis was happy about parting with it." - Dreynis warned me that the prism corrupts its owner
- "Corrupts it owner? Oh. Was this the cause of Dreynis's deterioration?
I suppose his research notes alone would serve for publication. It might be rash to expose a mind as important as mine to the prism's affliction."
- "Corrupts it owner? Oh. Was this the cause of Dreynis's deterioration?
- <Lie> Dreynis said you should have the prism.
- "Dreynis's notes didn't do it justice. The power this prism radiates is palpable. And to think a Daedric Prince wasted such an artifact on an old fool. Did he tell you how to use it?"
If you choose to warn him about the prism's effects:
- What will you do with the prism?
- "I've spent years hoping for the chance to study an artifact such as this. Now? I'm not so sure.
I certainly can't leave the prism here. Someone else might claim it, and my place in House Telvanni. So perhaps I lock it away. Or destroy it?" - That may be a good idea.
- "On further consideration, I find Dreynis's notes are more than enough. Even his margin scribbles have valuable insights about portal creation and trans-planar travel.
Here, your payment. And I'll even mentioned your name in a footnote!"
If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest:
- "I'll be able to dig more deeply into these notes once we're back on the mainland. Perhaps I'll have a replica of Gorne's rotunda made. Hmm. Perhaps I should have drawn some sketches while you were dealing with Dreynis."
- Be careful with that prism. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
After you turn in the quest, you can ask him what will happen next:
- "The journey towards my ascension was made a little easier today. Despite the hordes of Daedra and the smell of burning fungus, I'd say this went remarkably well."
- What will you do now?
- "Interested, are we? Of course you are. No one can spend an hour in my company and come away without an appreciation for my intellect. Well, I'm awash with brilliant ideas!"
- Was the research helpful?
- "It may have pointed me in the right direction. I hope to present my findings to representatives of House Telvanni back in Necrom. They'll be eating out of my hands! I'll have to choose between all the offers and titles."
- Are you able to reproduce Dreynis's results?
- "If they ask, I'll simply ask "But of course, my magister." If that old loon got results, then so can I. Soon enough, you'll hear my name from lips of strangers. I'll be remebered every time a portal is opened!"
Once you finish speaking to him, Straath will appear and knock him out to confiscate the prism:
- Garalo Givyn: "Tempting though it may be to keep it, I suppose I should just toss this wretched prism into the sea. "
<Straath appears out of nowhere>
- Garalo Givyn: "What the—!?"
- Straath: "That treasure is not to be wasted on a mortal like you!"
<Straath punches out Garalo and steals back the prism before vanishing in a smokescreen>
If you chose to lie to him about Dreynis's warning:
- No, but he made it clear it was important to his work.
- "Of that much I'm certain. I'm sure his notes will show me how to make use of it. Remarkable. It seems we've stumbled upon Gorne's true treasure, adventurer. I don't suppose you'd let me test it on you?"
- I'd rather you didn't.
- "Pity. The rigors of magical academia aren't for everyone, I suppose. I've grown quite fond of you. We could have had a wonderful career together as magister and quill fluffer. Or paper fetcher? I had a list of fun titles prepared, mind you."
- Good luck in your rise to power. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
- "Yes, yes, of course. It's strange. If I didn't know better, I'd say this prism was alive. One could almost mistake its pulsing energy for a heartbeat. It's beautiful, isn't it?
Ah, of course, your payment. I haven't forgotten!"
If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest:
- "I'll be able to study the prism in more detail once I get it back to my study. I wonder what magical tests I should subject it to first? Or perhaps I'll return and capture a few of these warring Daedra for experimentation."
After you turn in the quest, he informs you of his future plans:
- "This prism is quite marvelous. A smooth crystalline exterior with a—hmm, writhing?—interior. How curious.
Oh, if you are waiting for an additional payment, there's none forthcoming. Our agreement did not cover any gratuities." - What will you do now?
- "Interested, are we? Of course you are. No one can spend an hour in my company and come away without an appreciation for my intellect. Well, I'm awash with brilliant ideas!"
- What about the prism?
- "Shhhh! Don't speak of it so loudly. It's marvelous, truly marvelous, but no one else can know that it exists! I must leave no opportunity for it to be taken from my care."
- What does it do?
- "It's... strange. Wondrous. Almost ethereal. Already it seems to be revealing itself to me. I keep glimpsing tendrils of magic, just out of the corner of my eye. A remarkable artifact, truly. One that I can't wait to pore over."
Once you finish speaking to him, he'll walk to the edge of the dock, speaking the following to himself:
- Garalo Givyn: "Hehehe. What wonders will you reveal to me?"
- Garalo Givyn: "Oh sweet little prism. What will you show me?"
- Garalo Givyn: "Together we will climb into the innards of this world!"
<Garalo disappears in a flash of purple light>
Chronicle of Fate[edit]
If you persuade to get rid of the prism, he will be in attendance for the Necrom celebration.
Speaking to him:
- "Surprised to see me? I'll admit that deciphering Dreynis's notes have proved to be quite the ordeal. A surprising number of sleepless nights, but I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Not when there are so many important people in attendance."
- Seems you didn't need the prism after all.
- "You were quite right to warn me. Even so, sometimes late at night, it's like I hear it whispering to me."