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Location Crypt of Hearts II
Race Spiderkith Gender Male
Health Normal785,860Veteran2,077,908 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile Class Nullifier
Ibelgast's Promise

Ibelgast is a Spiderkith warrior in the Crypt of Hearts II. He is accompanied by his Broodnurses, Cauterizers, and Wefters. His Broodnurses can also summon a Flesh Atronach if they are not killed before completing their ritual.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does moderate physical damage.
A melee attack that causes high physical damage and knock back if it connects. This attack can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.
Ice Cage
The enemy summons a ring of frost around itself that does moderate frost damage over time to all players in the red circle.;
Negate Magic
The nullifier creates a globe of magic suppression for 10 seconds, removing and preventing all player area of effect abilities from occurring in the area. Players within the globe will be silenced and pets/companions are stunned. Silence prevents players from using any ability costing Health, Magicka, Ultimate or have no cost at all as long as they are in the affected area.
Summon Spiderkith
Throughout the fight, the boss will call his allies: Broodnurses, Cauterizers, and Wefters. They will remain even if Ibelgast dies and his Broodnurses can summon a Flesh Atronach with a ritual unless they are killed.


When you first approach him, he will say one of the following:

Ibelgast: "Take them apart! But leave Alanwe alone!"
Ibelgast: "Kill them―they are not to reach Nerien'eth. Alanwe is not to be harmed!"
Ibelgast: "Tear them to pieces! But Alanwe is not to be harmed!
Ibelgast: "Make ashes of the intruders! But Alanwe is not to be harmed."
Ibelgast: "You won't get far. This place is not for mortals." (Summoning his Wefters)
Ibelgast: "We're going to open you up. Find some chains to hang your innards." (Summoning his Broodnurses)
Ibelgast: "Even if you defeat me, you won't get far. This place is not for mortals." (Summoning his Cauterizers)


Ibelgast is associated with four achievements:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Group Dungeon.png Crypt of Hearts II Vanquisher 10 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, the Chamber Guardian, the Brothers Ilambris and the Ilambris Amalgam, Mezeluth, and Nerien'eth in Crypt of Hearts II.
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Dungeon.png Veteran Spiderkith Slayer 10 Defeat 250 Spiderkith in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Skill Master.png Deadly Crypt Survivor 50 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, Chamber Guardian, Ilambris Amalgam, and Mezeluth, before defeating Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II without suffering a group member death.
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Speed.png Crypt of Hearts II Assassin 50 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, Chamber Guardian, Ilambris Amalgam, and Mezeluth, before defeating Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II within thirty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when the entrance gate opens.