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Dark Brotherhood


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Location Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
293,200 (In the Cathedral of Akatosh)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood

Kor is a Nord member of the Dark Brotherhood. You will meet Kor inside the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary after you have carried out the first contract for the Brotherhood and gained access to the Sanctuary.

He is a friend and a protector of a fellow Brotherhood member, Hildegard, who is a werewolf and is not completely comfortable with living among humans.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Welcome Home[edit]

Kor and Hildegard

When you first meet Kor, he is trying to talk to Hildegard who is in her werewolf form and seems to be shy towards you as she has hidden herself in a corner:

Kor: "It's all right, little one. Just a new smell. Your new Brother or Sister must be here! Don't you want to meet them?"
Kor: "Come on now Hilde. Don't be shy …."
<Kor turns to you.>
Kor: "Sorry. She can be skittish around strangers."

When you talk to him, he will warmly welcome you:

"New-Sister/New-Brother! Welcome! Welcome! You need anything, anything at all, you come to me, yes?"
The Matron suggested I meet the rest of the family.
"Of course! It's important to get to know everyone. You're part of the family now. And family helps each other. It's what we do."
Why do you have a werewolf in that cage?
"Oh, that's not a werewolf. Well, I guess it is. But it's also little Hildegard.
She's really sweet, but you'll need to say hello later. She still doesn't have the hang of controlling her transformations."

You can then ask Kor more about himself and Hildegard:

Hildegard sounds like she has an interesting story. / Hildegard sounds like an interesting person. What's her story?
"Hildegard is like the little sister I never had, but her true family was awful. They drank the blood of were-beasts! It's a dangerous practice, but not entirely unheard of in Nord lands.
They even forced their children to participate."
Is that how Hildegard became a werewolf?
"We assume so. But as to why she can't control her transformations, that remains a mystery.
She lost control one day and hurt another member of the tribe. They cursed her and she ran away. I found her later. She was confused, alone, and nearly mad."
You're lucky she didn't attack you.
"I'm a skilled hunter. Taming animals is almost second nature to me. It took time, but she came to trust me. Accepted me as her big brother.
Before that happened, though, she nearly tore my face off. See? I still have the scar."
Tell me about yourself, Kor.
"I always liked to hunt and fight. I became a soldier, but that turned out to be more about waiting around than actual battle.
So I sold my sword as a mercenary, made some enemies, and soon found that the other sellswords were being paid to kill me."
Looks like you survived.
"Indeed I did! Kept a low profile in town, spent most of my time in the wilderness. I almost decided to stop running and then I found little Hilde.
She became my reason to go on living."
How did two Nords end up in a Brotherhood Sanctuary on the Gold Coast?
"Well, you know, there are some things we just don't talk about in the public. I hope you understand.
I will tell you that we love it here. We're part of the best family in the whole world. And we're glad to have you with us! I'm sure Hilde agrees!"

Speaking to him again before leaving:

"If you're done exploring the Sanctuary, I heard that Elam wants to see you. Probably has a contract waiting just for you.
Good luck, Initiate!"

Speaking to him after completing the quest:

"Just between us, don't let Elam or Astara get under your skin. They've got to be tough on initiates to prepare them for life in the Brotherhood. But you're family now, and we're all here to support you. Remember that."

A Lesson in Silence[edit]

In the beginning of the quest:

Hildegard: "The Grand Sermonizer is at it again, Matron."
Kor: "Those loud-mouthed fanatics! It's time to teach them a lesson about the blessings of silence!"
Astara Caerellius: "Enough! I'll decide how we respond to these malign sermons."
Astara Caerellius: "Initiate, I have a task for you."

After talking to Astara about your assignment:

Kor: "Initiate, I have my own contract in Kvathch. I'll join you and Tanek as soon as I'm finished."
Hildegard: "Three blades on the same contract? Is that wise, Matron?"
Astara Caerellius: "Just make sure the Grand Sermonizer dies, initiate. That's my chief concern."

In the Grand Sermonizer's manor:

Tanek: "I'm just going to sit here and see who comes for me first, Sithis or Tall-Papa."
Kor: "Tanek! Are you planning to just lay down and die?"
Tanek: "They knew we'd come for Cimbar. Trapped his body with some kind of foul death magic."
Kor: "Get up, you milk-drinker! Sithis still has work for you to do."
Kor: "Initiate! The Grand Sermonizer is yours! I'll get Tanek home."

Kor tends to Tanek in the sanctuary with Hildegard:

Kor: "Don't worry, Tanek. A cask of mead and you'll be back on your feet in no time!"
Tanek: "Ech. Your mead tastes like bee vomit. I'll pass."
Hildegard: "Tanek, I hate that this happened to you!"
Tanek: "You worry more than the Matron, Hildegard. I'll be as good as new before you know it. Ah, New-blade has arrived. Give us the room if you would, Kor."
Kor: "Certainly, Tanek, but I still expect you to be completing contracts again in a few days."
Tanek: "I'll do my best not to disappoint you."
Hildegard: "Take your time, Tanek. I'm going to say a prayer for your quick recovery."

When you talk to Kor after the conclusion of the quest, he will say,

"I can't believe Cimbar is dead. And Tanek would've met the same fate if not for you."

Questions of Faith[edit]

"Ah, friend, am I glad to see you. It's Hildegard. She never came back after she went to say a prayer for Tanek.
I think I could use your help."
How long has Hildegard been missing?
"After Tanek was injured during the Grand Sermonizer incident, Hilde went to pray for him and I haven't seen her since. No one has! It's not like Hilde to just disappear without saying a word to me or Astara."
Where does Hildegard usually go to pray?
"She loves temples, but the trouble in Kvatch has made her avoid the big Cathedral. Lately she's been visiting the Great Chapel of Dibella in Anvil. I think the rituals soothe her, you understand?
Will you come to Anvil and help me find Hildegard?"
I'll help you find Hildegard.
"I'll meet you at the Chapel in Anvil. Hopefully, we'll find Hilde curled up and sleeping under Dibella's statue.
Just be careful when you get to the city. The Pirate Queen hates the Brotherhood almost as much as the Sermonizers do."
Has Hildegard gone missing before?
"She likes to commune with the Divines and with nature. And she takes on contracts like the rest of us, so it's not that unusual for her to be away from the Sanctuary.
But with the recent attacks against us, I can't help but imagine the worst."
You think something may have happened to Hildegard?
"I hope she's all right, but who knows what to think when the world turns upside down? Someone's been murdering the murderers! If Hildegard has been hurt—or worse—I don't know what I'll do."
What's the deal with you and Hildegard?
"What are you implying, Initiate? Hilde is like a sister to me. Ever since I found her, I've been trying to help her come to grips with her situation.
She may be a werewolf, but she's a good person. The Brotherhood is lucky to have her."
Hard to believe the Brotherhood tolerates a werewolf in its midst.
"Why is that so hard to believe? She's an excellent tracker and a ruthless killer in werewolf form.
Sometimes she brings back body parts she's still gnawing on, but who hasn't gotten lost in the moment a time or two? And I always clean up the mess."
Why does the Pirate Queen hate the Dark Brotherhood?
"The Pirate Queen hates everything she can't control. The Count of Kvatch. The Primate. Us. She wants to rule the entire Gold Coast, but we're not willing to just roll over and give in to her demands.
We're independent and we like it that way."

Make your way to the chapel in Anvil and you'll find Kor there waiting:

Kor: "Hilde's not here. Let's ask around and see if any of the worshipers have seen her."
"Hilde isn't here. Where could she be? I'm certain this is where she was headed when she left the Sanctuary.
Let's ask around and see if anyone saw her. Hopefully someone can point us in a new direction."
Do you think anyone in here can really help us?
"I certainly hope so. Hilde is pretty distinctive. After all, how many young Nord women with flowers in their hair could there be in Anvil? And visiting a chapel, no less!
Ask around and see if you can find out anything."

After speaking to everyone including Alcedonia Delitian, speak to Kor again:

"Troll's blood, can these people gossip! They're worse than the Rat Master's informants, and he pays them to dredge up secrets!
Hilde was here, but no one could say where she went or when. Tell me you had better luck, Initiate."
A woman saw Hildegard speaking with Chanter Nemus before she fled in tears.
"A Chanter spoke with Hilde? That's not what I wanted to hear!
Understand, Hilde isn't like us. She grew up in the wild. The idea of being civilized is really new to her. And she still feels guilty about the wolf that's inside her."
You think the Chanter said something to upset her?
"It certainly sounds that way to me. It doesn't take much to turn her guilt about what she's done as a wolf into self-loathing. I'm constantly trying to get her to change her feelings on the matter, but her beliefs run deep."
Any idea where she'd go in such a state of mind?
"Back to where it all began. Back to Skyrim.
I'll check at the docks to see if she's tried to secure passage on a ship. You go talk to the caravan master. Hopefully one of us will discover which route she took to go back to where the wolf was born."
I'll talk to the caravan master.
"If the caravan master hasn't seen her, meet me at the docks. Otherwise, I'll meet you over there.
Now, hurry, Initiate. Hurry!"

After making little headway with the caravaneer, Kor will arrive and make a more compelling argument:

Bilami the Caravaneer: "Sorry. I protect my customers and their secrets. I've got nothing else to say to you."
Kor: "Caravan master, please! The young woman with the flower in her hair. She's in terrible danger!"
Bilami the Caravaneer: "Well look at you! You must be the brother!"
Kor: "So you did see Hildegard! Please, you need to tell us where she's gotten to."
Bilami the Caravaneer: "You're all she talked about, other than begging me for transport. Said she was going to miss you most of all."
Kor: "Word on the docks was that the Silver Dawn was looking for my Sister, too. We need to know where she went."
Bilami the Caravaneer: "The young woman wanted a ride to the Jerall Mountains. Sent her on the last wagon, but I can take you there if that would help."
Kor: "We'd appreciate that. Thank you."

Speak to him and he'll say:

"The news about the Silver Dawn has made me even more concerned about Hilde's safety. We have to hurry!"
What was that about the Silver Dawn?
"The Silver Dawn are werewolf hunters! Whatever that Chanter said to Hilde has made her run back to the wilderness where I found her, and now a hunting party is on her trail.
They're going to kill her, Initiate!"
Not if we reach her first.
"Let's get moving. We can't let those Silver Dawn bastards find Hilde before we do."

Once you arrive in the Jerall Mountains, Kor will take off without you:

Kor: "Let's split up and look for Hilde. But stay alert. The forest is probably crawling with Silver Dawn hunters."

Catch up with him and he'll have found Hildegard. She will be in werewolf form and aggressive:

Kor: "It's me, Hilde! Your big brother!"
Kor: "Calm down. We're here to help."
Kor: "Remember yourself! Remember who you are!"

Hilde will change back to the Nord girl:

Kor: "That's good, little Sister. Very good. Now breathe. Relax."

When spoken to after he has calmed Hildegard down:

"I've calmed Hilde down, but there's still so much we don't know about what happened and what she was thinking.
You should talk to her, Initiate. But be gentle. We've all had quite a day."

Before returning to the Gold Coast, he'll say:

"Let's get back to Anvil. I'm done with this place."

Back in Anvil:

If you were kind to Hildegard:
If you were harsh on Hildegard:
"Thank you for saying such kind things to Hilde. I know she's taken your words to heart.
You did good, Initiate. I'm glad you're one of us now."
"I appreciate your help, but I think you were too hard on Hilde. She knows she was tricked by that religious fool. She won't let it happen again."
You need to make sure Hildegard gets to the Sanctuary safely.
"I know. And I will. I'm just not eager to see Astara. She won't be pleased when she hears about this.
I wish I knew what Chanter Nemus hoped to accomplish. Someone needs to stick a fork in him and call him done. Anyway, we'll see you back home."

After agreeing to take care of the Chanter for Hilde, he'll say:

"You're going after the Chanter? Excellent! If I didn't have to get Hilde back to the Sanctuary, I'd go with you. I'd love to give the Chanter a piece of my mind. And by that, I mean kill him.
Make his pain last, Initiate, for a long, long time."

After seeing the Chanter, you'll find Kor and Hilde still at the gate:

"We'll meet you back at the Sanctuary. But Hilde and I need to have a very long talk first."

Dark Revelations[edit]

After the conclusion of the quest, Kor will tell you, "Don't blame yourself for what happened to Mirabelle. Her grief drove her into a blind rage. It made her reckless. We can't let ourselves fall into the same trap, no matter how we feel. Stay focused and keep moving forward."

The Wrath of Sithis[edit]

Kor is present when you return to the sanctuary after dealing with the Black Dragon:

Tanek: "So the New-blade brought down the Black Dragon? And I didn't expect you'd survive your first contract!"
Hildegard: "All our Brothers and Sisters murdered. But we're safe now, right? The Black Dragon's dead."
Astara Caerellius: "The Assassin ended the threat of the Black Dragon, but we won't be safe until Artorius joins her in the Void."
Hildegard: "But the Primate speaks for Akatosh! Isn't that blasphemy?"
Kor: "It can't be blasphemy if we don't adhere to that religion, Hilde."
Tanek: "I want to plunge my dagger into him, once for every Brother and Sister he's killed."
Astara Caerellius: "Artorius will die. You have my word on that. And you'll each have a hand in the slaying. Now move. We have preparations to make."

Filling the Void[edit]

Hildegard and Kor participate in the raid on Kvatch's Cathedral. You come across them pretty early:

[Hildegard, in werewolf form, howls in the distance.]
Kor: "Hilde, wait! Hilde! Hildegard! By all the ice in Eastmarch, she's fast when she's furry!"

When you and Kor encounter a Wamasu Matriarch:

Kor: "Hildegard, which way did you—Ow! That smarts! I'll deal with the little ones. You take care of their mother!"

If you step onto the metal grate and gets electrocuted:

Kor: "Don't stand on the metal grate!"
Kor: "Stick to the stone floor to avoid the lightning arcs!"

After that fight, Hildegard reappears briefly:

Kor: "That was … intense. Glad you showed up when you did."
[Hildegard enters the room.]
Hildegard: "There you are, Kor! Did you need to stop and rest again?"
Kor: "I never rest when there's trouble around! We dealt with the big monster, and now I'm taking a break."

If you manage to speak with him after you kill the wamasu but before he enters the side chamber:

"I hate fighting four-legged creatures! They're so... stompy. Hilde and I will hold this position and point the others in the right direction as they arrive. Good luck, Assassin!"

When the mission is over, you can speak to Kor:

"I look forward to working with you again, Silencer. Perhaps we could share a murder spree sometime soon, yes?"


Hildegard and Kor playing dice after completion of Questions of Faith

While in the Sanctuary you have the opportunity to strike up a conversation with him.

After finishing Questions of Faith he can be found in the sleeping quarters of Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary playing dice with Hildegard. You can talk to him:

"You helped bring Hilde back. I owe you for that. Thank you."

After you become an Assassin, he can be found in the kitchen area with Hildegard:

"You've proven yourself time and time again, my friend. I've gone from worrying that you might fall to the Black Dragon to believing you might just be the one to obtain vengeance for us all. Dread Father guide your blade."

After you become a Silencer, he can be found in the kitchen area with Hildegard.

"Silencer! Well look at you! I figured Tanek or Mirabelle would achieve that rank first, but there's no denying you deserve it.
Just don't expect me to bow or anything."
"I look forward to working with you again, Silencer. Perhaps we could share a murder spree sometime soon, yes?"
"Look at you, a Silencer! The Speaker must be so proud! He brought you to us, after all.
If it's not beneath your new station, I'd love to go hunting with you again sometime. And by hunting, I mean sending some deserving souls to Sithis."


You can also witness his conversations with other Dark Brotherhood members in the main hallway. needs many more conversations from throughout the storyline

Kor: "Why back to Skyrim? What brought this on?"
Hildegard: "Just for a few weeks."
Kor: "Matron willing, I'll join you. But why?"
Hildegard: "I want to hunt like I am now. Not by instinct. I want everyone to know I am a part of this family."
Kor: "Of course, Hilde. We'll take the contract together."
Kor: "I think Hildegard may be ready for more … complex contracts."
Astara Caerellius: "She can control when she changes?"
Kor: "No, but I believe she and the wolf inside her have reached an understanding."
Astara Caerellius: "I'll think about it."
Kor: "Good. I'll look for contracts that require the body to disappear completely."

On fighting in a Cathedral and killing Primate Artorius:

Tanek: "That was a battle for the ages! And I never got to kill someone in a Cathedral before."
Kor: "For all the harm he caused us, I feel a little sorry for Primate Artorius."
Tanek: "How could you feel sorry about that barnacle on a mudcrab after all he did to us?"
Kor: "I feel sorry because he only got to die once. We should have killed him at least four times for what he did."
Tanek: "I'm not sure you're really understanding the concept of empathy on this one, Kor."


Share your generous hospitality with this Dark Brotherhood duo to learn more about Hildegard's dual nature and Kor's life experiences. — Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor bundle description
Hunter, Dark Brotherhood assassin, big brother—Kor is all this and more. Invite him into your abode, and he'll share observations about his life. After adding Kor to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Type Houseguest
Acquired From Crown Store: Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor
Price 025002,500 Crowns
Availability December 21, 2023 - January 4, 2024

Hildegard and Kor are available as houseguests. They are paired in the Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor bundle, which was available in the Crown Store for 025002,500 Crowns from December 21, 2023 to January 4, 2024.


Appearances: 2

  • Crown Store — December 21, 2023 - January 4, 2024[1]
  • Crown Store — January 30 - February 3, 2025

Houseguest Dialogue[edit]

Kor as a houseguest
"The Night Mother? Of course I know the stories about the Night Mother! But I know better than to repeat them! Don't you know she hears anyone who speaks to or about her? Now look what you did! She's probably listening right now!"
"As much as I try, I'm not really the sneaky type. Oh, I can be invisible in the forest when I'm hunting a rabbit, but sneaking up on someone marked by the Sacrament? No, I'm more of a rush-in-and-crack-your-skull kind of guy. It gets the job done!"
"Where I come from, most people believe that souls travel to Sovngarde when they die. I have no interest in that. The Void sounds much better. Quiet nothingness for eternity.
I feel relaxed just thinking about it."
"My associate Elam thinks he's an excellent vossa-satl player, but we all know the truth. He's not that great. And the sanctuary's echoes make it worse.
I would never discourage him, though. He's trying and I respect that."
"I know.
Scares the torchbugs out of the haystacks every time!"
"If you ever find yourself on the run from mercenaries, take my advice. Get yourself a vicious werewolf as a traveling companion. Once word gets out, the sellswords tend to leave you alone."
"I wandered alone through the forests a lot as a child. Learned valuable hunting skills. Hunger is great inspiration for teaching you how to catch food. Now I use those skills for other reasons. And I get my food from the market same as everyone else."
"My work lets me travel across the width and breadth of Tamriel. Wouldn't have it any other way. My feet get itchy if I stay in one place for too long."
"This Three Banner's War? Feh—bad for business.
Prayers for secret assassinations drop when people can just kill each other in battle. Sure, we'll get sacraments for cowardly nobles who won't fight, but it's not the same."
"A lot of Nords try their hand at music or poetry. It's an honored tradition, but I can't carry a tune. Doesn't stop me, though! My friend Mirabelle complained that the sound of my voice was killing her. I took that as a compliment."
"This place has plenty of charm and the sound echoes almost perfectly. Makes eavesdropping very simple. And you never know when that will come in handy."
"A day in the Dark Brotherhood is a lot like anyone else's. Wake up, eat breakfast, get to work.
Sure, not everyone slays in service to our Dread Father, but otherwise it's about the same."
"Some of my brothers and sisters find the Shadowscales unsettling. Something about being raised from birth under the dark eyes of Sithis changes how people see you.
Not me! The more beast-people in our family the better, I say!"
"No one believes I'm an assassin with the Dark Brotherhood, but it makes for some rousing conversations in situations like this. Everyone ooo's and ahh's and pretends to be shocked or frightened. It's good for a laugh and they're none the wiser."
"Always enjoyed fighting. That's why I originally became a soldier. But soldiering turns out to be more about standing around and waiting than fighting. So I moved on to a different profession."
"Nobles make the worst targets. They're so pampered and lazy! It's a wonder you can even get them off their plush lounges before delivering the killing blow.
No, give me a strong farmer or dock worker as a target any day."
"My targets often flee when we arrive to deliver Sacrament. Sometimes they try to hide in the woods which gives me a chuckle. I'm a born hunter! That's the worst place to go.
If they hide in the sewer, though, that gets tricky. Ugh, the smell!"
"I once fought with a fellow for three whole days. We began with swords. Those broke on the first night, so we picked up short blades. When they shattered on the second night, we used our fists.
I won, of course. Still, I respect his effort."
"I am Kor! Hunter, soldier, brother to Hildegard by love if not blood. And I happen to be part of a larger family. A dark brotherhood, you might say.
But if you mention a word about such things, I'd have to kill you. Seriously."
"Some people have accused me of being quick to anger. Can you believe that? I never get angry. And I'll bash the head in of anyone who disagrees!
Ha, just kidding. I know I have quite the temper."
"We know.
See how I did that? Sends a chill down your spine, doesn't it?"
"While hunting elk some time ago, my foot got caught in a trap. Shor's bones, it hurt! Blood sprayed everywhere when I pried it off. Took all my strength but I eventually got free.
So here's the lesson—always watch where you step."
"Ever heard of this Morag Tong? Sounds to me like they're just in it for the money. Sending souls into the Void gives me a higher purpose beyond simple profit.
Though, I wouldn't mind buying that Naryu a mead or three. She's a looker!"
"I never had a family. A birth family, I mean. Raised in an orphanage. But meeting little Hilde changed that. She became the sister I always wanted.
Then we joined the Brotherhood and gained a new family. We even bicker like real blood relatives!"
"People always ask me, why are you so loud, Kor? Aren't people in your line of work supposed to be stealthy and quiet?
That's the wrong way to think about it! I make other people stay silent. Forever."
"Kvatch is fine as far as cities are concerned. I can't stand all the people, though. Too much banging and clanging. Who likes it that loud? Give me a quiet cave or an empty forest any day.
And yes, I see the irony."
"Hildegard's around here somewhere, looking for the privy. I hope she finds it. In her werewolf form, she's not too choosy about where she answers nature's call."
"Of course Hildegard is here with me! We're inseparable! Well, except for those times when she goes full on werewolf.
Her fangs are very sharp and she likes to bite, so I leave her to her business."
"If you see anyone making eyes at my little sister, let me know. Hilde is much too busy and much too werewolf to get involved in any romantic entanglements right now. Just don't tell her I said that. She hates it when I scare off potential suitors."

If you are a werewolf:

"You have Hircine's Gift, if I'm not mistaken. Just like my little sister. Always nice to meet one of the pack, as it were."
"You're a werewolf, aren't you? I know that look. A hunter's eye. The confidence of a predator. A smell like wet fur ….
Some of my best friends happen to be werewolves! My little sister, in fact. Really. I've got the scratches to prove it!"
"Not to be one of those big brothers, but I couldn't help thinking about you and Hilde. You're both accomplished in your field. You have a lot in common. And you're both werewolves. That must be why the two of you get along so well."
"So, friend. Werewolves. I've done my best to help Hilde with her condition, but neither of us are experts on the subject. If you get the chance, could you have a talk with Hildegard? You know, werewolf to werewolf? Just to compare notes? Thanks!"

