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Baandari Dwarven Spider[edit]
- The long-lost Dwemer never spread as far as Elsweyr, but the Baandari Pedlars go everywhere, and will adapt even ancient technology to their uses.
The Baandari Dwarven Spider is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Rattleclink".
Baandari Pedlar Camel[edit]
- With the Baandari Pedlar Camel as your mount, you can go farther between water breaks, plus enjoy the sight of camel spit distressing those unlucky enough to be in range.
The Baandari Pedlar Camel is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Janglecoin".
Baandari Pedlar Guar[edit]
- For years, the Baandari Pedlars have traveled hither and yon, requiring them to train and equip mounts for both comfort and utility. Now you too can ride a colorful guar mount that has that Baandari style!
The Baandari Pedlar Guar is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Clatterhop".
Baandari Pedlar Senche-Lion[edit]
- Prone to rumbles and purrs, the Baandari Pedlar Senche-Lion serves as both a mount and a source of warmth on cold evenings around the campfire. Just watch out for that rasping tongue.
The Baandari Pedlar Senche-Lion is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Jingleshanks".
Baandari Pedlar Steed[edit]
- The well-traveled Baandari Pedlars lend their style to this horse's tack, creating a look any lover of rich hues would die for. Today it can be yours—with no need to die!
The Baandari Pedlar Steed is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Miser's Folly".
Baandari Pedlar Brindle Wolf[edit]
- The Baandari Pedlars find the keen sense of smell that their wolf mounts possess to be a useful source of extra profit. They sometimes offer their services as trackers, but only if other profit is not at hand!
The Baandari Pedlar Brindle Wolf is available as an Apex-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Lolltongue".
Badger Bear[edit]
- The Badger Bears of southern Blackwood were nearly extinct in the wild when they were saved by the intervention from an unlikely source, an Imperial noble, when Viscount Glorion of Leyawiin rescued the species by breeding them as mounts.
The Badger Bear was available in the Crown Store for (?) from November 1 to 5, 2018. Their fur pattern resembles that of a badger. Its default name is "Honey".
Bal Foyen Circus Guar[edit]
- Like other reptilian creatures, Guar can be bred for bright, even gaudy colors. The Argonians of Dhalmora offer this entertaining variant, a popular performer in Tamriel's traveling shows.
The Bal Foyen Circus Guar was available in the Crown Store for (?) from May 31 to June 4, 2018. The mount returned from June 20 to June 23, 2022, where it was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted (?) . Its default name is "Garish".
Banded Guar Charger[edit]
- A breed of guar bred for cavalry use, able to carry an armored warrior into battle.
The Banded Guar Charger is a grey and red guar mount that was previously available from the Crown Store for 1,300 . Its run in the Crown Store lasted from March 17, 2015 to July 31, 2016. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in the Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its default name is "Redeye".
Battlefield Nightmare Senche[edit]
- This intimidating horned senche steed wears coal-black barding, making its orange flames stand out in stark contrast. Though none know its origins, the touch of the Deadlands looks to be upon this mount, making it favored by Mehrunes Dagon's adherents.
The Battlefield Nightmare Senche was obtained by purchasing the Blackwood Collector's Edition. It is now available in the Crown Store for 2,100 as part of the Blackwood Collector's Pack. Its default name is "Razorhorn".
Bay Dun Horse[edit]
- This energetic mount is well-liked by battlefield scouts.
The Bay Dun Horse is a brown horse mount that can be purchased from stablemasters for 42,700 . Its default name is "Starlight".
Baysong Quasigriff[edit]
- Unlike their mainland cousins, the quasigriffs of the Systres Archipelago have vibrant, sea-tinted feathers. Admittedly, Irastimil Direnni never intended to create such colorful creatures. Noble Bretons adore them and travel about High Isle on their backs.
The Baysong Quasigriff was available in the Crown Store for 3,500 from August 31 to September 7, 2023. Its default name is "Venerate".
Bear-Lizard Steed[edit]
- "So, it's a Bear. Only it's a Lizard. And you can ride it? Shor's bones! That's all I need to know. I'll take it!" —Celebrated Nord Envoy Rigurt the Brash
The Bear-Lizard Steed is available as an Apex-level reward from the Xanmeer Crown Crates. Its default name is "Roly-Scaly".
Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed[edit]
- "Yes, Gemmy here glows. The Hlaalu of Balmora fed the first of its kind a rare mushroom, causing a reaction in its belly. The glow passed to its young. They're fast but feisty. Don't say I didn't warn you."—Cidius Sosia, Necrom Stablemaster
The Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed is an arthropod mount available to those who obtain the Savior of Necrom achievement. Its default name is "Gemmy".
Black Bear[edit]
- The Black Bear is common across Cyrodiil, but is also seen north into High Rock and Skyrim, where it is considered a warrior's mount.
The Black Bear was available in the Crown Store for 2,500 from February 18 through February 22, 2016. It later appeared as a Legendary-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates. Its default name is "Nightpaw".
Black Camel of Ill Omen[edit]
- Most riders consider black camels to be creatures of bad luck and misfortune. But if you're a thief riding off into the night with your ill-gotten gains, you might see things differently.
The Black Camel of Ill Omen is a black camel mount that was available in the Crown Store for 2,500 from May 12 to May 16, 2016. It is now available as a Legendary-level reward in Flame Atronach crates. Its default name is "Unlucky".
Black Drake Howler[edit]
- These wolves were among the first creatures to storm Evermore when the Reachmen's attack broke through the city's walls. Each wolf's unique markings display their lineage with some incorporating designs from Durcorach's beloved howler herself.
The Black Drake Howler was available in the Crown Store for 2,500 during the Whitestrake's Mayhem event in 2022. Its default name is "Battle Fang".
Black Forge Iron Senche[edit]
- Born from the same wretched forges as Dark Anchors, these ebony-alloy senche atronachs manifest in a burst of soul-searing light when called. Though onlookers may feel as if they'll never be warm again, some riders claim they feel nothing while mounted.
The Black Forge Iron Senche is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates. Its default name is "Shackle".
Black Fredas Ashen Sabre Cat[edit]
- With the chaos and mischance of Black Fredas on your side, you're sure to cause quite a stir when you pass through town—none wish to catch the eye of your Ashen Sabre Cat lest they fall under its curse!
The Black Fredas Ashen Sabre Cat was available to ESO Plus Members in the Black Fredas 2020 Bundle for 1900 during the Black Fredas sale of 2020, which lasted from November 25 through 30, 2020. Its default name is "Hexclaw".
Black Fredas Pillion Walker[edit]
- Double trouble approaches when this pitch-black steed rides into town. With more than enough ill-tidings to go around, this Black Fredas steed is living proof that misery loves company.
The Black Fredas Pillion Walker is a multi-rider equine mount. It was first available in the 2024 Black Fredas Special! for 1,900 .
Black Fredas Senche-Lizard[edit]
- Some find the color unnerving, but many riders enjoy the onyx shade and welcome the superstitious tales that follow this mount. Just know that countless legends and tales of woe begin when a Black Fredas beast crosses one's path.
The Black Fredas Senche-Lizard is available in the Crown Store for 1,900 as part of the 2023 Black Fredas Special! bundle. Its default name is "Stink-Eyed Beem".
Black Fredas Soot Stallion[edit]
- Calamity and mischance seem to follow in the hoofprints of this dark charger—but not for its rider! Gallop into battle on the back of this Soot Stallion and curse your opponents with all the ill luck of Black Fredas!
The Black Fredas Soot Stallion was available in the Crown Store for 1,900 during the Black Fredas sale of 2019. Its default name is "Evil Eye".
Black Heights Camel[edit]
- "You'd not think to see camels around this one's home of Black Heights, but you'd be wrong! We love to brighten these fragrant beasts with pigments and a touch of sleekening oil so that they provide both beauty and transport!"—Hurzarr, Artist
The Black Heights Camel is available in the Crown Store for 2,500 beginning March 10, 2025. Its default name is "Pigment".
Black Mane Lion[edit]
- At the Palace of the Mane near Torval, by tradition the Bi-Lunar Guard are all mounted on matching Black Mane Lions, which are reserved for them alone. So be wary if you ride your Black Mane near Torval, lest you anger the Bi-Lunars!
The Black Mane Lion is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Its default name is "Nightmane".
Black Senche-Lion[edit]
- The Black Senche-Lion is the preferred mount of Elsweyr's greatest thieves, who want a ride that's both fierce and can fade into the dark of night. According to legend, the most famous Black Senche-Lion of all was Rajhin's mount Umbrage, which could both talk and, for brief periods, fly!
The Black Senche-Lion was available in the Crown Store from April 13 through 17, 2017, for 2,500 . It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Psijic Vault Crates. Its default name is "Umbrage Two".
Black Senche-Panther[edit]
- A mount said to have been bred by Baandari Pedlars, for ease in leaving town after dark.
The Black Senche-Panther is a black senche mount that was available in the Crown Store for 2,500 from May 21 to May 26, 2015. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its default name is "Kismet".
Blazeborn Senche-lion[edit]
- Born in flame, this senche-lion's temperament matches its fiery appearance. Those who earn its respect, however, gain a mount that can blaze a path through the darkest shadows.
The Blazeborn Senche-Lion is an elemental feline mount that was available in the Crown Store for 600 or 10,000
from July 3 to July 18, 2019. It was offered at a discounted price to ESO Plus Members when it returned in 2023. Its default name is "Singe".
Blazeborn Wolf[edit]
- None can say the Blazeborn Wolf lacks a bold appearance, formed from flames as it is. Even bolder, though, is its temperament, making it a perfect companion for racing through icy wastes to confront foes you deem worthy of your courage!
The Blazeborn Wolf was available in the Crown Store for 600 from February 18 to February 25, 2021. Its default name is "Fireheart".
Bleakrock Snowdog[edit]
- Originally hailing from Bleakrock Isle, these blue-eyed canines love playing in the frosty air and snow of that distant spit of land. In fact, the locals often bring them inside at night just so that they aren't awoken by their antics in the morning.
The Bleakrock Snowdog is a large canine mount, similar to a husky in appearance. It was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from January 5 to January 19, 2023. Its default name is "Slushy".
Blessed Highmane Lion[edit]
- "And thus did Alkosh bestow a companion of pure light upon his champion. From atop the beast, the champion rode a noble path. And wherever the lion's paws fell, light and justice soon followed thereafter." —Path of the Highmane, translated
The Blessed Highmane Lion is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. Its default name is "Golden-Maned Na'dak".
Bloodmoon Wolf[edit]
- It is said that when the bloodlust of Hircine's Huntsmen goes unsated for too long, the collective prey drive forms a will and a shape of its own. Once its quarry is scented, the wolf will pursue at all costs, never stopping until it tastes blood.
The Bloodmoon Wolf is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crates. It can be purchased directly for 1,200 . Its default name is "Shadowstalk".
Bloodroot Wild Hunt Senche[edit]
- Bloodroot senches revel in the gore of their rider's battle fury, making them excellent steeds for those who love bloodlust as much as the Dreadhorn Clan does. Will you embrace this partnership of slaughter?
The Bloodroot Wild Hunt Senche was available in the Crown Store for 700 or 9,600
. Its default name is "Thornfang".
Bloodshadow Wraith Steed[edit]
- An Exemplar mount is a mystical manifestation of its form's ideal concept. It is also extraordinarily sensitive to the emotional valences of its rider. If the rider engages in too much bloodthirsty killing, their Exemplar may become a Bloodshadow Wraith.
The Bloodshadow Wraith Steed is included in the Summerset Collector's Pack, which can be purchased in the Crown Store for 2,100 . It was previously only available by purchasing the Summerset Collector's Edition from the ESO website. Its default name is "Deep Red".
Bonds of Battle Destrier[edit]
- These black-and-gold barded destriers carry their riders with distinction as they sweep across Cyrodiil, serving as but one symbol of goals and experiences their dauntless combatants share. Riding Skill does not affect this mount's appearance.
The Bonds of Battle Destrier was created for and distributed to members of the PC-EU guild Dauntless Bananas, who won the Tamriel Together guild contest. Its default name is "Banana". Riding Skill does not affect this mount's appearance.
Bonfire Wicker-Steed[edit]
- Woe to any who ride this fiery steed without its consent! Sanctified by ashes from the funeral pyres of venerated witches, this wicker steed blazes a path across Tamriel and beyond, reminding any mortals who see it of their own short lifespans.
The Bonfire Wicker-Steed was available in the Crown Store for 600 from November 4 to November 18, 2021. It returned from October 2 to November 6, 2023, where the price was universally reduced to 400
. Its default name is "Kindling".
Brimstone Death Hound[edit]
- Be careful! This beast is meaner than a durzog and hot as a fire atronach. The furnace in its chest gives it incredible power and an appetite to match. I can't remember when last this one was fed. Best not to find out."—Kallin, House Ravenwatch
The Brimstone Death Hound is a canine mount available in the Crown Store from October 10 to October 14, 2024 for 4,000 . Its default name is "Burnblister".
Brindle Bear[edit]
- "I've only seen a wild brindle bear once, and I don't wish to repeat the experience. The creature found me in the woods, bagging up a deer. It growled. I froze. But then it walked right by me. It must have already eaten."—Scarius Barbatus of Kvatch
The Brindle Bear is available as a Legendary-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates. Its default name is "Brandish".
Brown Paint Horse[edit]
- Favored by farmers and traders, this muscular horse is strong and patient.
The Brown Paint Horse is a brown and white horse mount that can be purchased from stablemasters for 42,700 . Its default name is "Chomps".
Bull Kagouti Charger[edit]
- That flash of orange and red before a bull kagouti attacks can cause anyone's heart to skip—unless you're riding this intimidating mount into battle! Embrace this creature's ferocity, but be prepared for its adorable cooing when you scratch its nose.
The Bull Kagouti Charger is available as a Legendary-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates. Its default name is "Mayhem".
Buoyant Armiger Bear[edit]
- "Vicious, the bear was, all a-rumble with menace, despite its chains. 'Let us please Lord Vivec with this two-toned creature. Its growls show promise in a world filled with craven whispers.' And so it began."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Bear is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Rumble".
Buoyant Armiger Dwarven Spider[edit]
- "Intense shudders wracked the spider of Dwarven make. 'It smells most foul. Let us repair its workings for Lord Vivec. Its perpetual existence shall provoke needed change among us.' And so it joined the bear."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Dwarven Spider is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Perpetuity".
Buoyant Armiger Kagouti[edit]
- "Vile mischief inflicted wounds upon the striped kagouti. 'Lord Vivec must know we have healed this creature who protected his servants. Remembered pain will lead to prevented pain.' And so it befriended the bear and spider."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Kagouti is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Woundborn".
Buoyant Armiger Ornaug[edit]
- "Exuberance flowed from the emerald ornaug, then it despaired. 'It enjoyed its freedom from the cage, yet lack of purpose brought it low. Perhaps Lord Vivec can grant it one among us.' And so it joined our other three steeds."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Ornaug is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Purpose".
Buoyant Armiger Ram[edit]
- "Curious, the horned beast sniffed at food before turning away. 'Ah, curiosity drives it, but caution tempers it. A wise beast for Lord Vivec's study. Perhaps it can teach fools wisdom and open sages to hope.' And so it ended."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Ram is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Teacher".
Buraniim Isle Ornaug[edit]
- The shallows of Buraniim Isle are rife with a unique subspecies of ornaug. Vibrant and playful, these ornaugs have been known to splash in the surf to attract the curiosity of would-be prey. When the unsuspecting meal draws too close, they strike.
The Buraniim Isle Ornaug is an upcoming serpente mount. Its default name is "Spraycatcher".