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Location Shada's Tear
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 30984
Reaction Friendly

Ralai is an injured Wood Elf researcher found inside the ruined City District at Shada's Tear.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Repeatable ON-qico-Group Area.pngWaters Run Foul: Release the researchers from the Nereid Queen's influence.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Speak with her to brgin the quest.

"Please, help. I was with the research team that was sent to investigate this wing of the temple.
The others drank the water, but Nahlia and I refused to drink it. They attacked me, and then they captured Nahlia and took her deeper into the wing."
Do you know why they took Nahlia?
"Some madness seized them when they drank the water. They kept talking about someone named Shada … and something about a sacrifice?
Please. There were three of them—Klause, Squan, and Zifri. They went through the sealed door. You must stop them."
How do I get through the sealed door?
"The scroll on this altar says something about it. I think you have to use the prayer wheel by the door.
Once you open the way, I'll show you where the others went. I can't help much, but I'll do what I can."
Don't worry. I'll find Nahlia.

Speaking with her again:

"If there's any chance Nahlia is alive, we have to find her.
Look at the scroll and see if you can make anything out of it. I couldn't go after her on my own, but now that you're here, we have to try."

Once the door is unlocked, she runs through.

Ralai: "The door's open. Hurry. We have to find Nahlia."

Entering the next chamber, she speaks aloud.

Ralai: "I can't go further with these undead in the way. Come talk to me if you need any information."

Speaking with her here:

"Where do these undead keep coming from? Have you seen how they gather around the Nereids? It's as if they're worshiping them.
I wonder if that's what happens, eventually, when you drink the water. You start worshiping Nereids and turn undead."
Do you think that's what happened to the other researchers?
"If the others really were turned into thralls of the Nereids, then Nahlia is in serious danger.
Our leaders drank the water first: Klause, Squan, and Zifri. We have to find them and save Nahlia."
Tell me about Klause.
"Klause got his hands on some ancient horn of sorts when we first started our work. He never knew what it did until he started drinking the waters. Gave him knowledge, he said.
I watched him control the dead with it. I fear for the ways he'll use it."
Tell me about Squan.
"Squan was a genius. The man always knew how to conjure up just the right spell. Master of conjuration and all things, I watched him summon up atronachs to do with as he pleases.
Out of all of us, I thought he'd be the last to succumb to the curse."
Tell me about Zifri.
"Zifri was our smith. She fixed and repaired our tools and crafted us weapons. She was looking into an old smithy in this very wing when she succumbed to the curse.
You best be on your guard around her."

After you free Nahlia, Ralai shows up.

Ralia: "You found her. She's … she's okay, isn't she?"

Speak with her:

"I can't believe Klause and the others would have done this. This is all because of the water?"
The water made them thralls to the Nereids. They weren't in control of their actions.
"I know. But still, it's so terrible. Whatever the source of this curse, you must find a way to end it.
I will take Nahlia back to the main camp. Thank you for helping us."