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Location Castle Thorn
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Vampire

Talfyg is a Nord vampire who can be found in Castle Thorn.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Guide to Castle Thorn[edit]

When you enter the outskirts of Castle Thorn, you can find Gwendis arguing with him as you approach them on the path to the castle.

Gwendis: "Seems fairly quiet here so far, Talfyg. You're not misleading me, are you?"
Talfyg: "I swear, what I told you is true. I see no need for this distrust between us."
Gwendis: "Showing me a spooky castle proves nothing, Talfyg. Get us inside without drawing attention, then I'll decide how to feel about you."
Talfyg: "Then maybe we could move faster, hmm? I'd like to get in before the fiends see us."

If you talk to him before Gwendis he will assume that she told you about the meeting beforehand:

"Did Gwendis bring in reinforcements without telling me?
I've told the young one time and again–her suspicion is unnecessary. I swear I only wish to help. Maybe you can talk some sense into her."

After talking to Gwendis and accepting the quest, you can ask him some questions:

"So the Ravenwatch youngling recruited others to break into this fortress of the dead? Not really what I expected, but welcome nonetheless. We'll need the diversion if she and I are to sneak in."
Gwendis told me you broke free from this castle.
"Yes, and I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to return. The experiments they performed on me—and others like me—were unspeakable."
What kind of experiments?
"I did just say they were unspeakable, yes?
Apologies, it's just so hard to think back on. They kept us in cages. Barely fed us. Mindless fiends would stagger by our cells, growling. A strange creature would come by and whisper an unnatural language."
What kind of creature? Did it do anything else?
"Never in all my existence have I seen anything like it. Once, it held out its palms toward me and began whispering. A wisp of magic emerged and entered my chest. I could … feel it inside me, writhing.
I think it was testing my soul."
Why do you need to take Gwendis into a side door?
"They hold the prisoners underground, deep below the castle. She needs to see what Lady Thorn's creatures have done to them. Only then will Gwendis understand the extent of what must be done."

When you move up the hill towards the first group of hostiles, Gwendis and Talfyg get moving:

Gwendis: "All right, that should draw the patrols. Now show me this secret door."
Talfyg: "Yes, this way. And step quietly. The stones have ears."

After defeating Dread Tindulra and fighting your way through the Great Entrance Hall, Talfyg and Gwendis will appear from a side door:

Gwendis: "I thought I heard a bit of a scuffle up here."
Talfyg: "Honestly, I'm surprised to see you again. I thought the guard dog would make short work."
Gwendis: "You should be pleased. No need to fear with us around."

You can talk to him before you continue and ask him about the creatures you fought.

"I admit—I underestimated you. Once we heard the fighting begin, I assumed your distraction would be short-lived. The mindless creatures that crawl around this castle aren't known for toying with their prey.
Thankfully you survived."
What do you know about those mindless creatures?
"What more is there to know than what you've already seen?
The fiends are vicious, brutal creations of Lady Thorn's. I recognize some of them as fellow prisoners. She twists them, removes their soul somehow. Quite remarkable, really."
Remarkable? You sound like you respect them.
"I mean, if I wanted to build an army, having mindless hordes at the front lines would be an asset, yes? And if I could convert them from my opponent's forces? Even better.
That is, if I wanted to do that."

Upon entering the Garden Conservatory the pair will enter the chamber only for Lady Thorn's voice to suddenly boom out.

Lady Thorn: "Well done, Talfyg. You brought me a daughter of Verandis, as requested. She will complement our lord's army well."
<Talfyg strikes Gwendis, taking some of her essence and summoning a Blood Twilight.>
Gwendis: "What is this? Damn it, Talfyg, what have you done?"
Talfyg: "Your blood flows strong, Gwendis! My lady has need of you. But she has no use for the others."
Gwendis: "No! You won't get away so easily!"
<Talfyg transforms into mist and escapes through the door on the other side of the room. Gwendis follows suit.>
Gwendis: "You can handle this. I refuse to let him win!"

After you defeat the Blood Twilight, Talfyg will have gotten away. You can catch up to him after making your way through the castle and defeating Vaduroth.

A Reencounter in the Statuary Garden[edit]

Location Castle Thorn (Statuary Garden)
Species Bloodknight
Health Normal3,367,972Veteran6,014,998 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Thorn Legion
Condition Vampire
Talfyg (Bloodknight)

Talfyg can be found in the Statuary Garden where he will be waiting for you. His voice will be loud and distorted as he shouts at you:

Talfyg: "How dare you reject Lady Thorn's offer? Look! Tremble before the power you might have wielded!"
<Talfyg transforms into a Bloodknight.>
Gwendis: "Well this explains some things. What have you become Talfyg?"
Gwendis: "There's no running away this time, monster!"
Talfyg: "My lady demands your head as tribute!"

Combat Dialogue[edit]

Idling before battle
"Well come on then! Feel the power that you could have held!"
"Standing around only delays your end!"
"Where are you hiding, Gwendis? Come out and fight!"
"My lady demands your head as tribute!"
"Stop stalling and fight!"
"Standing around only delays your end!"

Starting combat
Summoning Volatile Hounds
"Rise and feast!"
Awakening a Gargoyle
"Rise up and grind them to dust!"
"The power of my blood brings you to life!"
"Break free and crush these bugs!"
"Come to me! Shatter these fools!"
"Watch silently no longer! Take flight and attack!"
"You will become ashes!"
Group wipe
"Now you see the power you could have held!"
"Lady Thorn will reward me for this victory!"
"You came all this way for nothing but failure!"
"I'll feast well on your blood tonight!"

Skills and Abilities[edit]

During the fight with Talfyg, Gwendis will assist by temporarily stunning the gargoyles that are brought to life by the boss. He uses the following abilities during the fight:

Basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
Cross Swipe
A powerful claws melee attack that deals very high physical damage and staggers. This can be blocked.
Talfyg raises his hand forward as a beam of concentrated blood magic shoots off at a target, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous high magical damage. Once Talfyg is below 50% health, this ability becomes able to follow targets instead of remaining static at the iniital point of casting.
Once Talfyg is below 50% health, this ability becomes available. Talfyg conjures a storm of blood around himself, then slams the ground fiercely, shattering the storm leaving lingering residue behind, indicated by a very large red circle. The initial impact deals very high magical damage and the lingering residue deals continuous high magical damage.
Talfyg can summon various adds. When he shouts, a Volatile Hound materializes in the arena nearby. He can also channel energy into the statues around the arena, which erupts them as a Seething Gargoyle for the smaller statues, and Frozen Gargoyles for the larger statues.