Online:The Tower Sentinels
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The Sea Sload altered the Ritemaster's memories and forced him to steal the Heart of Transparent Law and hide it away. While he works to unlock his memories, he wants Valsirenn and I to warn the keepers of the Crystal Tower, the Sapiarchs.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Begin the quest by talking to Valsirenn in Alinor or Artaeum, or Ritemaster Iachesis in Artaeum.
- Travel to Alinor to get permission from the Proxy Queen to visit the College of Sapiarchs and warn them of the potential Daedric threat.
- Arrive at Lillandril to find that the College off Sapiarchs is under attack by Daedra.
- Fight your way through the college to find the attack's leader - Leythen, a renegade Psijic, now a Mephala cultist.
- Visit Illumination Academy to rendezvous with Razum-dar and look for the two keepers of the Resolute Diamonds.
- Decipher the coded message to find Sapiarch Hannayel and learn where Sapiarch Imedril has hidden.
- Travel to King's Haven Pass, enter its Coral-Splitter Caves and reach their Ancient Ruins. You'll have to beat a spiderkith boss named Keetas the Weaver.
- Entering the next room will reveal Imedril in trouble, aided by a "Golden Knight", while a portal tries to drag them into Mephala's realm. Burn Mephala's webs to save Imedril, but the Knight is captured instead.
- Unfortunately, Imedril is *also* poisoned, and dying. He tells you to take his Resolute Diamond. You will also have to take a mysterious "Dawnstar Gem".
- Leave the ruins, whereupon a Psijic projection of Valsirenn will ask you to return to Artaeum at once.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You can start the quest in several ways:
- Talk to Ritemaster Iachesis in his study in Ceporah Tower to start the quest.
- Who are the Sapiarchs?
- "The Sapiarchs are Summerset's foremost scholars. They are the keepers of the Crystal Tower and the custodians of the College of Sapiarchs. Among their many responsibilities, they have trained every heir who ever sat upon Alinor's throne."
- Do you need me to warn the Sapiarchs?
- "I sent Valsirenn to Lillandril, where the College of Sapiarchs is located, to scout the area and see if the Court of Bedlam has made any moves against them.
I need you to travel to Alinor to secure the Proxy Queen's permission to enter the College." - I'll go to Alinor immediately.
- Talk to Valsirenn just outside of Ceporah Tower, on the road to the wayshrine, to start the quest.
- How can I help?
- "The Ritemaster sent me to warn the Sapiarchs of the danger to the Crystal Tower. I want to get to Lillandril as soon as possible so I can scout the area and look for signs of the Court of Bedlam.
I need you to go to the Royal Palace in Alinor." - What do you want me to do at the Royal Palace?
- "I don't have time to curry favor with Proxy Queen Alwinarwe. I need you to talk to the Proxy Queen and secure her permission to enter the College of Sapiarchs. The Ritemaster has already requested an audience, so the Palace will be expecting you."
- I'll leave for Alinor at once.
- Talk to Valsirenn in Alinor near the wayshrine, to start the quest.
- What kind of help do you need?
- "The Ritemaster sent me to warn the Sapiarchs of the danger to the Crystal Tower. I want to get to Lillandril and scout out the area, make sure the Court of Bedlam isn't around.
I need you to go to the Royal Palace in Alinor." - Why do you need me to go to the Royal Palace in Alinor?
- "I don't have time to make polite conversation with the Proxy Queen. I need you to talk to Alwinarwe and secure her permission to enter the College of Sapiarchs. The Ritemaster has already requested an audience, so the Palace should be expecting you."
- I'll head to the Royal Palace at once.
Head to the Royal Palace in Alinor and talk to the Proxy Queen.
- The Ritemaster of the Psijic Order sent me to get your permission to enter the College of Sapiarchs.
- "The Psijic Order? We have not heard a word from that august body in a star's age, and then word arrives that we should expect a visitor.
Why would we grant access to the Sapiarch's private compound? Speak true if you want our aid in this matter." - The Crystal Tower is in danger. The Ritemaster sent me to warn the Sapiarchs.
- "This involves the business that Razum-dar was telling us about? The Queen's cat claimed he had eyes in the Psijic order, but we assumed that was more of his braggadocio.
Very well. We'll send word to Lillandril that you may cross to the College."
If the player is a High Elf [verification needed — see talk page] her dialogue is slightly different:
- The Ritemaster of the Psijic Order sent me to get your permission to enter the College of Sapiarchs.
- "The Psijic Order? We have not heard from that august body in quite some time, and then word arrives that we should expect a visitor.
Why does the Ritemaster send you to see the Sapiarchs? Speak true if you want our assistance in this matter." - The Crystal Tower is in danger. The Ritemaster sent me to warn the Sapiarchs.
- "Ah, the business that Razum-dar spoke of. We assumed the Queen's cat exaggerated. He does purr as well as he growls.
Very well. We'll send word to Lillandril to give you access to the College. Just tell the Ritemaster we expect to see him soon."
Travel to Lillandril.
Sapiarch Hannayel's Room[edit]
- Book Puzzle solution
- Find the books and then place them in the following order in Hannayel's Quiet Room (from left to right just inside the door):
- Podium 1: Further Notes on the Sload
- Podium 2: The Maormer of Pyandonea
- Podium 3: Sages of the Crystal Tower
- Podium 4: The Year 2920, Vol. 4
Once the books are placed, you can talk to Sapiarch Hannayel.
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe won't exist in Alinor until starting this quest.
- While she is your follower during this quest, Valsirenn will sometimes use an ability that applies a magical field around an enemy, freezing them in place for a short duration.
- Upon reaching the room with the Hoarvor Daedra, Valsirenn will rush to the study hall behind it and run right by the vile creature undisturbed.
- While it is accessible beforehand, the trapped Sapiarchs won't exist in the study hall before reaching the related objective.
- Berwentha won't exist at the Illumination Academy before starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
- Despite being displayed as a hint required to progress the quest, speaking to Berwentha isn't mandatory. Entering Hannayel's room updates the objective to the next one and Razum-dar follows you in.
- The letter to Imedril won't exist in Hannayel's room before starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
- Despite the portal master saying she will activate the portal dais after you ask her to do so, the portal already appears active when you first get to her, but you are unable to use it. ?
- While Razum-dar is your follower at the Illumination Academy, if you go out of range of his follow radius in the area, causing him to vanish, coming back doesn't place him back as your follower. ?
- After obtaining the books, Razum-dar can be seen physically going and clipping through the door leading to the study hall. ?
- After defeating Keetas the Weaver in King's Haven Pass, a hint appears requiring you to burn the webs to access the chamber ahead. However, you can still use the prompt on the doors by aiming at them through the webs and can use it to go through the webs and to the other side, where the objective still updates accordingly. ?
- The Golden Knight's nameplate and health bar remain visible when aiming the cursor towards the closed portal, even after he is pulled through. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
The Tower Sentinels | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I need to travel to the Royal Palace in Alinor so I can secure permission from Proxy Queen Alwinarwe that will grant me access to the College of Sapiarchs in Lillandril.
Objective: Go to Alinor's Royal Palace
I reached the Royal Palace in Alinor. Now I need to speak to Proxy Queen Alwinarwe and gain access to the College of Sapiarchs in Lillandril.
Objective: Talk to Proxy Queen Alwinarwe
The Proxy Queen said she would send word to the Sapiarch portal master so that I could enter the College of Sapiarchs and warn their leader, Larnatille. I can find the portal master in Lillandril.
Objective: Talk to the Portal Master in Lillandril
Optional Step: Talk to Valsirenn
The portal master has activated the portal dais to transport me to the College of Sapiarchs. I should use the portal dais to reach the college compound.
Objective: Use the Portal Dais
Something's happening in the College of Sapiarchs. I should talk to Sapiarch Ellimil and find out what's going on here.
Objective: Talk to Sapiarch Ellimil
Sapiarch Ellimil explained that the head of the College of Sapiarchs is trapped inside with the Daedra. He suggested I use the lower halls of the Labyrinth to enter the college compound.
Objective: Enter the Sapiarch's Labyrinth
Now that we're in the Sapiarchs' Labyrinth, I should confer with Valsirenn about our next move.
Objective: Talk to Valsirenn
I need to navigate the Labyrinth's lower halls to reach the upper levels of the College of Sapiarchs.
Objective: Navigate the Labyrinth
I reached the upper levels of the College of Sapiarchs. Now I need to find Sapiarch Larnatille and the other trapped sages.
Objective: Find Sapiarch Larnatille
Valsirenn cast a spell of binding on a Daedric cultist and seems to have the situation well in hand. I should speak to Sapiarch Larnatille and tell her what happened to the Heart of Transparent Law.
Objective: Talk to Sapiarch Larnatille
I should speak to Valsirenn and the captive cultist before I go look for the tower sentinels.
Objective: Talk to Valsirenn
Objective: Talk to Earl Leythen
While Valsirenn takes the imprisoned Leythen, formerly of the Psijic Order and now an earl in the Court of Bedlam, to Artaeum, I need to travel to the Illumination Academy and locate the two tower sentinels, Hannayel and Imedril.
Objective: Go to the Illumination Academy
Razum-dar? I wonder what he's doing at the Illumination Academy? I should talk to him and find out.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
I need to find the tower sentinels somewhere here in the Illumination Academy. Raz suggested that we start our search in the Academy Guest Wing on the western side of the campus.
Objective: Find the Tower Sentinels
Objective Hint: Talk to the Servant
We reached the Academy Guest Wing. Now I should search Sapiarch Hannayel's room.
Objective: Search Hannayel's Room
Raz thinks that Hannayel hid a coded message in her letter to Imedril. He thinks the key to finding her hidden quiet room involves four specific books and reading podiums.
Objective: Find Hannayel's Quiet Room
Optional Step: Talk to Razum-dar
Objective Hint: Gather Hannayel's Books
Objective Hint: Place Hannayel's Books
I solved the book puzzle and it revealed Sapiarch Hannayel's hiding place. I should talk to her to make sure she's all right and to find out where Sapiarch Imedril can be found.
Objective: Talk to Sapiarch Hannayel
Hannayel said that I can find Sapiarch Imedril in King's Haven Pass, studying the old ruins at that location. I should go there and find the second tower sentinel.
Objective: Find the King's Haven Pass Ruins
Now that I reached the ruins at King's Haven Pass, I need to find Sapiarch Imedril and make sure he's all right.
Objective: Find Sapiarch Imedril
I found Sapiarch Imedril, but he's in trouble. Something is pulling him toward that gaping portal. The Golden Knight is trying to help him. I should lend a hand.
Objective: Help Save Sapiarch Imedril
Objective Hint: Burn Mephala's Webs
Something reached out of the portal and whisked the Golden Knight away. A gem was knocked out of the hilt of his sword. Before he disappeared, the Golden Knight asked me to retrieve it.
Objective: Take the Dawnstar Gem
I should see how the tower sentinel is doing.
Objective: Talk to Sapiarch Imedril
Sapiarch Imedril succumbed to the spider poison coursing through his body. I have his Resolute Diamond and the Dawnstar Gem. Now I should leave these ruins before Mephala's servants decide to try another attack.
Objective: Leave the Ruins
Valsirenn appeared and asked me to return to Artaeum. Apparently, the Ritemaster has need of me. I should go to Artaeum as soon as I can.
Objective: Return to Artaeum
Now that I returned to Artaeum, I should head to Ceporah Tower and talk to the Ritemaster. I need to tell him what I learned and find out why he had Valsirenn summon me.
Objective: Talk to Ritemaster Iachesis
The Ritemaster summoned me to Ceporah Tower for a reason. Now that I've told him about the tower sentinels and the Golden Knight, I should find out what else he wanted to tell me.
Objective: Talk to the Ritemaster
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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