Online:Wise Woman Dovrosi
Wise Woman Dovrosi | |||
Location | Cavern of the Incarnate | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 15,000 (Inside the cave) |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Urshilaku Tribe |
Wise Woman Dovrosi is a Dark Elf and a significant member of the Urshilaku Tribe, come to the Cavern of the Incarnate to investigate Chodala's claims of being the Nerevarine.
Related Quests[edit]
Divine Delusions: Discredit an Ashlander's claim to the title of Nerevarine.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Outside the cavern, you'll find Dovrosi under attack by Skaafin:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Azura is my shield, you foul creatures!"
Defeat the Daedra and she'll thank you:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Thank you for aiding me. But I sense you came for a different purpose. Let's talk inside the cavern."
Enter the cavern and you'll hear Dovrosi speaking to the statue of Azura:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "An outlander? Surely, there must be another way. No, my lady. Of course not. I'll do as you ask."
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Come here, Outlander. We must talk."
Speak to her and she'll say:
- "It feels strange to talk to an outlander in such a sacred place, but the Queen of the Night Sky insists. I need to render judgment on an important claim, and she says you can help me reach the correct decision."
- This is about Chodala and the Nerevarine, right?
- "Words of truth from the mouth of an outlander. Remarkable.
The Red Exiles and a few others believe that Chodala is the Nerevarine. He's convinced them, but not me. I came here to consider my options. I fear a bloodbath if I oppose his claim." - Isn't there a way to prove he's not the Nerevarine?
- "Perhaps, but I must remain impartial. If someone else reveals the flaws in Chodala's claims by comparing him to the Failed Incarnates, that might do the trick."
- The Failed Incarnates?
- "We thought the Incarnates were possessed by the spirit of Nerevar, but each had a critical flaw that made them destined to fail to fulfill the prophecy. Their spirits reside here.
Yes, you should speak to the Incarnates. I see Azura's wisdom now." - How do I talk to the spirits of the Incarnates?
- "Take this pouch of blessed grave dust. Sprinkle a pinch upon the bones of the Incarnates to call forth their spirits.
Return to Ald'ruhn after you have learned all you can. Perhaps we can curb Chodala's ambitions before they lead us to war."
As she leaves the cave, she'll tell you:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "We need knowledge to defeat Chodala, Outlander. Listen well to what the Failed Incarnates have to say."
Chodala's Trial[edit]
Inside the Skar, the meeting will commence:
- Chodala: "Must we continue this farce? It's obvious that I'm the Nerevarine."
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Someone has stepped forward to challenge your claim, Chodala."
- Chodala: "Seryn? I'm disappointed in you, dear sister."
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Enough! I shall hear your arguments and render my decision."
At this point Chodala will give his reasons for why he is the Nerevarine. You will need to direct Seryn which scroll to use to defeat each of his three arguments.
With the last of the testimonies, Dovrosi will give her verdict:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Seryn and the Outlander, their arguments have merit."
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Chodala, we deny your claim. You are not the Nerevarine."
- Chodala: "This proves nothing! Look how the staff protects me! I am the Nerevarine! Red Exiles, slay the unbelievers!"
- Seryn: "Brother, no!"
Everyone will flee the chamber leaving you alone to fight the exiles.
Outside the Skar, Dovrosi will be tending to an injured Nevon Uleni:
- Wise Woman Dovrosi: "Go to my hut and get my healer's sack. Now!"
- Idren Arys: "Right away, Wise Woman!"
If you speak to her she'll tell you:
- "This proves that Chodala's unfit to lead the Ashlanders. And his claim that he's the Nerevarine—preposterous!
That hasn't stopped him and his followers from causing great harm, however. Seryn went after him. Please, go help her."
Speaking to her after Azura has spoken to you through Seryn:
- "The true Ashlanders reject Chodala's claim, but he still commands the loyalty of the Red Exiles. He won't find shelter here. There are many places to hide in thew wilds of Vvrdenfell, however.
May Azura walk with you, outlander."
- She is only named "Wise Woman" when seen outside the cave while she is being attacked.
- She has no nameplate during Chodala's claim in Skar.