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(lore page)
Location Alcaire, Bisnensel, The Chill Hollow, Crow's Wood, Deep Graves, Near Do'Krin Monastery, Drowned Coast Dolmen, Fallen Grotto Hunting Grounds, Near Fisherman's Rest, Northeast of Gavaudon Dolmen, Southwest of Kerbol's Hollow, Koeglin Lighthouse, Near Lakewatch Tower, Near Naril Nagaia, Pelin Graveyard, West of Reaper's Henge, West of the Reliquary of Stars, Rootwatch Tower, Near S'ren-ja, Silaseli Ruins, Snapleg Cave Sunken Road, Southwest of Sunscale Strand, Near Twin Falls Rest, Verrant Morass, North of Viridian Lake, Near Wayrest, East of Wind Keep
Species Wisp
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile
Glowing Remnant

Wisps are floating creatures that are usually found around wispmothers, but they can potentially be found on their own, often near waterfalls.

They can be found in abundance within Chiselshriek Mine, a lair home to numerous wispmothers and multiple magical wells spawning more wisps.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As flying creatures, Wisps are immune to roots and snares.

A basic melee attack that deals minor shock damage.
Dying Blast
When low on health, the wisp self-destructs, indicated by a growing red circle, dealing moderate shock damage.


Generic Wisps[edit]

Generic, unnamed wisps can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These wisps have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of wisps, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Health
Cyrodiil Northern Cyrodiil, Mist Mirror Refuge, Nisin Cave Hostile 42,677
Crow's Wood
Old OrsiniumOrsinium
Direnni AcropolisSummerset
Summoned by standard wispmothers
Summoned by The Moonlit Maiden
Summoned by Mercedene the CursedOrsinium
Summoned by Lady AdreanaSummerset
Hostile 29,870
Telenger's Emporium
Near some Scholars and portals
Friendly 26,000
Rawl'kha Around the city during the quest A Night to Forget Friendly 39,959
Wisplight Glen
Western SkyrimGreymoor
AmenosHigh Isle
West WealdGold Road
Summoned by Aereus
Ebon Stadmont during the quest Lost in Translation, Saltbreeze CaveSummerset
Ruins to the northeast and to the west of the Hjaalmarch Great LiftGreymoor
Near wispmothersBlackwood
Near wispmother west of Mornard FallsHigh Isle
Near wispmothersGold Road
Hostile 13,187
Chiselshriek Mine Delve occupants, Summoned by the Gracious Beacon Hostile 26,151
Summoned by standard wispmothers Hostile 39,500
Skyreach Catacombs Summoned by Saradin the Lost Love Hostile 26,151
Hrota CaveDark Brotherhood Reanimating wisps Hostile 3,100
Summoned by Lecalus and Malinanta Hostile 29,870
SummersetSummerset River valley near Sunhold, The Vaults of Heinarwe Hostile 13,846
March of SacrificesWolfhunter The Wispwood Hostile Normal49,116Veteran136,704
Greymoor CavernsGreymoor
Arkthzand CavernMarkarth
Near wispmothers in Dark Moon Grotto and Lightless Hollow, The Lightless Hollow,
Midnight Barrow, Near Miner's Lament Ritual SiteGreymoor
Near wispmothers near and inside Nighthollow KeepMarkarth
Neutral 13,187
LabyrinthianGreymoor Labyrinthian Temple Hostile 13,187
Erupting from the draugr killed by Gralthum the Tormented Neutral 13,187
Ghost Haven Bay, Spire of the Crimson CoinHigh Isle Dungeon occupants Hostile 13,187
Summoned by wispmothers Hostile 29,870