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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Book Club

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Join a book club in search of dangerous radicals.
Quest Giver: Selia Jemane
Location(s): Anvil, Three Sturgeons Pub
Reward: 50 gold OR 500 gold OR 500 gold and a Well-Worn Glove
And potentially: The Eastern Provinces Impartially Considered
Disposition: -10 to +10 (Aryadora), 0 to +10 (Breathes-Deep), -10 or +40 (Gemma Caprenius), -10 to +10 (Mandane Lutarchius), -10 to +25 (Selia Jemane)
ID: PC_m1_Anv_BookClub; PC_m1_Anv_BookClubA; PC_m1_Anv_BookClubB; PC_m1_Anv_BookClubG; PC_m1_Anv_BookClubM

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Selia Jemane at the Three Sturgeons Pub in Anvil's Bazaar of the Abecean about a group of radicals.
  2. Ask Breathes-Deep about the book club.
  3. (Optional) Inform Breathes-Deep of Selia's interest (ends quest without reward).
  4. Join the book club.
  5. Attend the next book club meeting (the day after joining, between 6 p.m. and midnight).
  6. In any order:
  7. Return to Selia and either:
    • Report nothing of interest (ends quest, rewards 50 gold).
    • Report the views of anyone except Gemma, and claim that to be all (ends quest, rewards 500 gold).
    • Report Gemma's theories and either:
      • Refuse to search Gemma's apartment (ends quest, rewards 500 gold).
      • Agree to search the apartment.
  8. Break into Gemma's apartment in the Canal West Tenements.
  9. Return to Selia and speak to her about Gemma Caprenius and either:
    • Report Gemma's brass collection (rewards +20 disposition, Well-Worn Glove, Gemma disappears).
    • Report nothing of interest (rewards +15 disposition, Well-Worn Glove).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The Three Sturgeons Pub is a small drinking establishment in the Bazaar of the Abecean. Inside you will find Selia Jemane. She's concerned about a group of radicals that attend a local book club, and believes that they may be delving into "dangerous topics". She asks that you join the book club and discover if there is any truth to her fears.

The book club's organizer is Breathes-Deep, who operates a perfumerie and alchemy store just outside the Bazaar. Speak to him about the book club. You can tell him at this point of Selia's interest, but this gains you nothing other than 10+ disposition with Breathes-Deep. Ask to join instead. You get the +10 disposition and an invite to the next meeting "tomorrow from 6 p.m. to midnight, right upstairs."

Return to the store at that time (it's possible to miss the slot, in which case speak to Breathes-Deep again to set up the next meet). If you're on time however, Breathes-Deep will meet you on the store's ground floor and will give you Breathes-Deep's Key, which permits access to the meeting spot on the store's top floor. You can go upstairs to speak to the others about their books, as well as asking Breathes-Deep about his.

Aryadora's book[edit]

The High Elf Aryadora has been reading The Last King of the Ayleids. She asks you what you know of the Ayleids. Pressing on the topic reveals that she fells they have been unfairly maligned by the ignorant, calling them "true masters of magic" unlike the "so-called experts" seen in modern times. Your response affects her disposition only - calling the Ayleids monsters knocks it by -10, expressing awe adds +10, and asking a follow-up question has no effect.

Breathes-Deep's book[edit]

Downstairs, you can talk to Breathes-Deep about the book I brought topic. The Argonian has been reading The Eastern Provinces Impartially Considered, and will critique the Empire for its inaction on slavery in Morrowind and failure to protect Black Marsh. You have a couple of ways to respond. Defending slavery as legal will net you -10 disposition, asking if he hates the Empire makes for no disposition change, while critiquing it will gain you +10. All responses have the same effect in that Breathes-Deep confirms that he believes that the Empire should be in neither Black Marsh nor Morrowind. He'll then offer you a copy of the book, which you may choose to accept.

Gemma Caprenius' book[edit]

Talking to Gemma Caprenius sees her welcome you as "another seeker of truth!" She is interested in talking about the second Simulacrum. Her view is that the Warp in the West was a ploy to distract people while the Emperor, his heirs and the Elder Council were replaced with doppelgangers, again. Asking if she seriously believes that will knock her disposition down by 10 points. If you happen to have met a Septim heir (and potential doppelganger), you can say as much for a 40+ boost. All other responses have no effect.

Mandane Lutarchius' book[edit]

Mandane Lutarchius is on the upper floor. He's the head of the White Scarab Company branch in Anvil. He's brought no book this time, but will freely speak of "the plight of the Kali Mes". He states that while the group may have a reputation as being just petty thieves and smugglers, they stand for something greater. He notes that the city of Sutch was taken from Hammerfell by the Empire forcefully, and will ask if that seems right to you. As with Breathes-Deep, the only effect of your chosen response will be on Mandane's disposition towards you. Critiquing the Kali Mes knocks his disposition by 10, agreeing with their cause improves it by 10. Asking 'So what?' has no effect.

Back to Selia[edit]

Having spoken to all four book club members, you can now return to Selia at the Three Sturgeons Pub. She'll ask what you find out. You can choose to report that there was nothing of interest to end the quest. She'll be disappointed (with a -10 disposition hit) but will pay you 50 gold for your time. You may alternatively report the views of each book member. Reporting any combination of Aryadora, Breathes-Deep and Mandane, then claiming that was all you heard will net you 500 gold and +10 disposition. Selia just isn't concerned that those three could be a threat.

Reporting Gemma's views will be a different story. Selia will ask you to search her apartment. You'll get 500 gold whether you accept or refuse for your work so far, with refusal ending the quest. Should you agree to conduct the search however, go to the Canal West Tenements (on the north side of the canal to the south of Little Arenthia). Enter Gemma Caprenius' apartment and walk to the center of the room to receive a journal update. The apartment is full of brass objects.

Return to Selia now, and either report Gemma's fascination with brass or else report that there was nothing of interest. The former gets you a +20 disposition boost (and gets Gemma committed), while the latter gains a +15 boost. Either option will see Selia give you an enchanted glove of hers in thanks for your help.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Book Club (PC_m1_Anv_BookClub)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I spoke with Selia Jemane in Anvil's Three Sturgeons Pub. She's worried about a potential group of radicals who meet in the city under the pretense of a book club and would like me to check it out. I can join the club by speaking to its leader, the alchemist Breathes-Deep, who runs an alchemy shop east of the entrance to the Bazaar of the Abecean.
20 Breathes-Deep is very pleased that I would like to join his book club. Its next meeting is tomorrow from 6 p.m. to midnight in his shop.
25 Breathes-Deep is pleased that I would like to join his book club, but it is not currently in session. One of the club's members passed away recently, and the remaining members haven't felt up to another meeting.
30 I have arrived at Breathes-Deep's book club.
35 Breathes-Deep's book club is over, and I missed it.
40 Selia was very interested in Gemma Caprenius' ramblings. She rewarded me for my work so far and asked me to look around Gemma's apartment. I accepted.
100 Finishes quest☑ I warned Breathes-Deep that Selia Jemane is trying to dig up dirt on his book club. He was confused, but thanked me for the information.
102 Finishes quest☑ I reported that the book club is not meeting because of a death among its members. Selia was disappointed, but thanked me for trying to help.
110 Finishes quest☑ I reported that no out-of-the-ordinary topics were brought up at the book club. Selia was suspicious, but gave me a token reward.
120 Finishes quest☑ Selia was not interested in any of the topics I brought up from the book club. She thanked me for my help and rewarded me.
130 Finishes quest☑ Selia was very interested in Gemma Caprenius' ramblings. She rewarded me for my work so far and asked me to investigate Gemma's apartment. I declined.
140 Finishes quest☑ I reported that there is nothing unusual in Gemma Caprenius' apartment. As a reward for my help, Selia gave me an enchanted glove.
145 Finishes quest☑ I reported that Gemma Caprenius' apartment contains an extreme number of brass items. Selia was alarmed at this and believes Gemma may be afflicted with brass fever. As a reward for my help, she gave me an enchanted glove.
150 Finishes quest☑ Breathes-Deep is dead.
151 Finishes quest☑ One of the book club members has died.
152 Finishes quest☑ Selia Jemane is dead.
Book Club (PC_m1_Anv_BookClubA)
10 Aryadora thinks very highly of the Ayleids. She believes that the Empire would benefit from modeling itself after them, especially in regards to magic.
Book Club (PC_m1_Anv_BookClubB)
10 Breathes-Deep is strongly opposed to the Empire's presence in Morrowind and Black Marsh.
Book Club (PC_m1_Anv_BookClubG)
10 Gemma Caprenius believes that the Warp in the West was a cover for the second Simulacrum, a replacement of the Emperor and his circle with duplicates.
20 Gemma Caprenius' apartment is filled with brass objects of all kinds.
Book Club (PC_m1_Anv_BookClubM)
10 Mandane Lutarchius believes the Kali Mes are being treated unfairly and is sympathetic to their view that Sutch rightfully belongs to Hammerfell.