Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Enchanter

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For information about the Enchanter class, see Enchanter (class).
Relevant categories include Enchanters for those that can enchant items, and Enchanter and Enchanter Service for the classes.

Enchanters are specialists in imbuing objects with magical spells, mostly armor, clothing and weaponry.

List of Enchanters[edit]

This list includes only Enchanters that offer the enchant service, or sell enchanted goods.

Name Gold Mercantile Location Notes
Aryadora 1200 6 Anvil, Bazaar of the Abecean, Aryadora: Enchanter
Curallo Callidus 1050 16 Anvil, Curallo Callidus: Enchanter
Daravas 500 6 Anvil, North Wall Apartments, Daravas: Enchanter and Soothsayer
Estarrion 750 6 Charach, Guild of Mages
Marquand Lavalle 650 6 Anvil, Guild of Mages
Sielle Eumand 1250 7 Brina Cross, Guild of Mages Available to Mages Guild members of Conjurer+ rank