Skyrim:College of Winterhold (faction)

The College of Winterhold is a faction that you have the option of joining. It is Skyrim's equivalent of the Mages Guild from earlier Elder Scrolls games. The College is the only place in Skyrim dedicated to education and practice in the magical arts.
The secretive nature of the College mages and the Nords' natural distrust of Magic have contributed to widespread distrust of the College and its members. The destruction of most of Winterhold in 4E 122 only worsened the situation, though no actual evidence exists to suggest the College's involvement. The College's leader, Arch-Mage Savos Aren, seems to be aware of the College's reputation, but doesn't seem too eager to do anything about it.
The College of Winterhold[edit]
The threadbare Hold City of Winterhold has seen most of its population driven away. The center of life in these parts nowadays is the College of Winterhold. Once a prominent, influential location in Skyrim, Winterhold has fallen on hard times, but is still a haven for mages in Skyrim, a safe refuge from distrustful Nords. Largely self-sufficient, the College of Winterhold is quite content to be isolated from the rest of the province, although a more peaceful coexistence with the outside world is always preferred.
The College of Winterhold is situated on a cliff overlooking the Sea of Ghosts. Several years ago, much of the cliff fell into the sea, taking nearly all of the original city with it. Only a few buildings remain, though somehow the College of Winterhold has largely been untouched by the damage. It now resides on a free-standing pillar of rock and ice. Inside, the College is split into three distinctive towers: Halls of Countenance and Attainment, where apprentices and senior mages reside; and the Hall of the Elements, where the Arch-Mage resides, gatherings are held, and The Arcanaeum (the College's great library) is kept. Below the College lies The Midden, a warren of icy tunnels where the remnants of long-forgotten experiments reside.
To join the College of Winterhold, you must first travel to Winterhold. You can hear about how to get to the College via the College Objective Quest. The first quest is a "gatekeeper" of sorts, called First Lessons.
- Master-level trainers in Illusion, Destruction and Alteration.
- Expert-level trainers in Enchanting, Conjuration and Restoration.
- Access to alchemy supplies, as well as an alchemy lab and an arcane enchanter.
- Access to shopkeepers that sell various spell tomes.
- Access to various skill books.
- Multiple potential followers.
- Storage area.
- A free bed to sleep in.
- Under Saarthal and The Staff of Magnus need to be started to gain access to word walls for Ice Form and Slow Time shouts, respectively.
- Many expensive things to steal (such as staves, soul gems and potions that respawn).
Committing murder against a College of Winterhold member will trigger the Rejoining the College quest. You will be required to pay a fine to Tolfdir in order to be reinstated.
Once the quest line is complete, you are granted the position of Arch-Mage, replacing the now-deceased Arch-Mage Savos Aren. This gives you possession of the Arch-Mage's Quarters and a vast number of free items, ranging from soul gems to alchemy ingredients. You are also given the Archmage's Robes (15% less magicka cost on all spell schools, +50 Magicka and 100% faster magicka regeneration).
Primary Quests[edit]
The primary College of Winterhold questline consists of nine quests. Three achievements (50 points; 2 Bronze and 1 Silver) are unlocked by the College's quests.
Quest | Achievement |
College Objective Quest: Visit the College of Winterhold. | |
First Lessons: Join the College of Winterhold. | ![]() |
Under Saarthal: Uncover the mysteries beneath this ancient ruin. | |
Hitting the Books: Find the books needed to identify the artifact found in Saarthal. | |
Good Intentions: Find and consult the Augur of Dunlain. | |
Revealing the Unseen: Learn the location of the Staff of Magnus. | ![]() |
Containment: Deal with the aftermath of the Eye's power surge. | |
The Staff of Magnus: Retrieve the Staff of Magnus. | |
The Eye of Magnus: Reclaim the College and contain the Eye. | ![]() |
Optional Quests[edit]
- One-time quests
- Arniel's Endeavor: Uncover an ancient Dwemer secret. (radiant) Requires completion of Hitting the Books.
- Brelyna's Practice: Help Brelyna Maryon by allowing her to practice her spells on you. Requires completion of Under Saarthal.
- J'zargo's Experiment: Help a student test out a fiery new spell. Requires completion of Under Saarthal.
- Onmund's Request: Help Onmund negotiate the return of a family amulet from Enthir. (radiant) Requires completion of Under Saarthal.
- Repeatable quests
- Given by Drevis Neloren
- Out of Balance: Purify the focus points for magical energy around the College of Winterhold.
- Given by Sergius Turrianus
- Enchanting Pick-Up: Sergius wants you to pick up an item from a client for enchanting. (radiant)
- Restocking Soul Gems: Help Sergius Turrianus to fill his stock with soul gems.
- Given by Tolfdir
- Aftershock: Put an end to the rupture caused by the Eye of Magnus. (radiant)
- Rejoining the College: Make amends for breaking the College of Winterhold rules.
- Tolfdir the Absent-Minded: Help Tolfdir find his missing alembic.
- Given by Urag gro-Shub
- Fetch me that Book!: Fetch a book for Urag gro-Shub. (radiant)
- Shalidor's Insights: Discover the writings of Shalidor and benefit from his wisdom. (radiant)
- Given by Drevis Neloren
Master Skill Quests[edit]
- Alteration Ritual Spell: Acquire Kahvozein's Fang and use it to get heartscales from a dragon for Tolfdir. (radiant)
- Conjuration Ritual Spell: Find a Sigil Stone by summoning a daedra and learn more about Conjuration.
- Destruction Ritual Spell: Learn the most powerful Destruction spells Skyrim has to offer.
- Illusion Ritual Spell: Find some books about Illusion magic to further your Illusion skills.
- Restoration Ritual Spell: Find the Augur of Dunlain and learn more about Restoration magic.
Membership Required Quests[edit]
These are not College of Winterhold quests. However, it is impossible to complete them normally without joining the College.
- Creature of LegendCC: Track down and tame the last living Unicorn.
- Forbidden Legend: Investigate the forgotten Gauldur Legend.
- Forgotten Names: Summon the Dremora pirate, Velehk Sain.
- Forgotten Vale Books QuestDG: Bring the Ancient Falmer Tome to Urag gro-Shub.
- No Stone Unturned: Find the 24 gems to restore the Crown of Barenziah.
- Swift as an ArrowCC: Learn how to craft and use Telekinesis Arrows.
Incomplete Quests[edit]
These quests would also have been available at the College of Winterhold, but they were never completed.
- Filling Soul Gems: Fill a soul gem for Sergius Turrianus. (unfinished)
- Research Thief: Steal Faralda's notes for Nirya. (unfinished)
- Rogue Wizard: Deal with a rogue wizard for Tolfdir. (unfinished)
- The Missing Apprentices: Discover the fate of Phinis Gestor's missing apprentices. (unfinished)
- There are four unimplemented optional quests for the College that are only visible by using the command console. They are "Filling Soul Gems", "Research Thief", "The Missing Apprentices", and "Rogue Wizard".
- Joining the College will allow you to take things from the Jarl's Longhouse for free, regardless of whether you are Thane or not. ?
See Also[edit]