Skyrim:Riften Guard

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Riften Guard
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PCx1 (Range=20-50) Class Soldier
RefID N/A BaseID 000F62EF
Other Information
Voice Type MaleNordCommander
Respawns Yes
Faction(s) CrimeFactionRift; Stormcloaks; Guard Faction; Dialogue Faction for Riften Guards; GuardFaction; Sons of Skyrim; NPC faction
Male Riften Guard

Riften Guards are guards who act as the military and police force of Riften. These guards serve under Jarl Laila Law-Giver. Should the Imperial forces gain control of Riften, they will be replaced by Imperial guards under the service of Jarl Maven Black-Briar.

They will protect you from enemy creatures. It can be assumed that some of the guards aren't as law-abiding as they may seem. On your first visit to Riften, one will ask you to pay a "toll" (as he is later revealed to be the "man" of a member of the Thieves Guild) though this payment can be avoided by persuasion or intimidation. Riften guards (aside from the extortion encounter) however, act and carry the same loot as standard guards, including having standard guard dialogue.

Riften guards are clad in a set of Riften guard's equipment. This includes a Riften guard's armor, a Riften guard's helmet, and a Riften guard's shield. They also wear a pair of fur boots.

Riften Guard
Race Nord Gender Female
Level (?) Class Soldier
RefID N/A BaseID 000F62F0
Other Information
Voice Type FemaleNord
Respawns Yes
Faction(s) CrimeFactionRift; Stormcloaks; Guard Faction; Dialogue Faction for Riften Guards; GuardFaction; Sons of Skyrim; NPC faction
Female Riften Guard


Below is a table of guard dialogue specific to Riften Guards. All guard dialogue, including generic guard dialogue, can be found here.

Dialogue Requirements Notes
General Remarks
"City's quiet enough now. But when the sun goes down, you best be on your guard." None
"Careful. Riften's not the safest place for a nighttime stroll." None
"So is it Riften or Rifton? This place has changed its name so many times, I can't even remember." None
"You could say the Ratway is the city under the city. Dark, dangerous, and no place for decent folk." None
"There's fine steel at the Scorched Hammer, if you fancy a new blade." None
"If it's a bed you need, talk to Keerava in the Bee and Barb. She'll set you right." None
"Need a drink, you go to the Bee and Barb. Stay out of the Ragged Flagon, Stay out of the Ratway." None
"There's an apothecary in town, yeah. But it's down on the lower walkway, so stay sharp if you go down there." None
"If you're looking to settle in Riften, there's a house for sale - Honeyside. See the steward in the keep if you want it." Haven't purchased Honeyside
"Smart thing you did, buying Honeyside. Nice place, and why pay for an inn?" Purchased Honeyside
"If you journey north, stay well away from Snapleg Cave. Damn Hagravens have infested the place." None Adds Snapleg Cave to map
"There's a foul presence coming from Darklight Tower, southwest of the city. Some say the place is home to necromancers." None Adds Darklight Tower to map
"City got attacked once by those damned bandits, come east across the lake, from Faldar's Tooth. They won't be trying that again." None Adds Faldar's Tooth to map
"Best not to go wandering east of the city. Bandits been seen around Broken Helm Hollow." None Adds Broken Helm Hollow to map
"By the gods, a dragon's been sighted just south of the city, flying around Lost Tongue Overlook." None Adds Lost Tongue Overlook to map
Quest-Related Dialogue
"There was a fight down in The Ratway, but reports are... sketchy. Some say it was Thalmor Agents, others say Thieves Guild. Some say it was both." Completed A Cornered Rat
"That old woman who runs the orphanage has been murdered. Say, didn't I see you coming out of there...?" Completed Innocence Lost
"You ask me? The brats in the orphanage are better off, now that Grelod is dead."
"Welcome to Riften, home of the Thieves Guild. Or so they'd have you believe. It's all lies. They're just thugs... vermin, creeping around the Ratway." Loud and Clear not completed
"The Thieves Guild used to run this city. Now they're nothing but braggarts and bullies, rotting to death down in their Ratway..."
"Seeing as how Riften is home to the Thieves Guild, maybe we can work something out if you get into trouble with the law. For the right price." Completed Loud and Clear


  • On Xbox The guard on the left during the extortion encounter (not the one who asks for the toll) floats over the ground during the encounter, leaving the false impression of being taller than the usual guards.[verification needed — see talk page]


A bugged guard
  • A Riften guard can sometimes be seen outside the Bee and Barb sitting in a chair that isn't there, as if he were a mime.
  • Riften Guards will sometimes re-spawn even if Riften falls under Imperial control. If this happens, they will fight the Imperial guards (usually resulting in their death), but will continue to re-spawn indefinitely. ?
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