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Skyrim talk:Chillrend

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Max Stats[edit]

Seem's Chillrend frost bonus doesn't end at 30, I'm lvl 65 and just got the chillrend, it has a frost bonus of 45 and 2 second paralyze. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:34 on 21 December 2011

No, the table is correct. It sounds like you just have both ranks of the Augmented Frost perk, which causes all frost damage, including enchantments, to be 50% larger. --NepheleTalk 09:11, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
Third voice here; I don't think level 46 is the cap. I entered at 50 (actually I leveled to 50 picking the lock to get in ^_^) and the base damage is 17. And no, I don't have any perks in One-handed, or any similar enchants boosting one-handed damage. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:39 on 2 November 2013

Improving Chillrend[edit]

Is Chillrend affected by any smithing perk to get double strength improvements? Or, like Daedric Artifacts, is it unaffected by any? I would assume it's improved with malachite. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:35 on 23 December 2011

i managed to improve it with refined malachite up to legendary. now it has 110 damage points — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:22 on 26 December 2011
yes, it is affected by glass smithing perk. i have blacksmith at 80 and when i had all my smithing gear on (4 items at 18% better smitthing) the sword went from 39 to 78 with glass smithing and 39 to 57 without it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:53 on 25 January 2012

when is the swords level determined?[edit]

the dragonbane sword's level is determined when you start the mission you get it in, not the moment you pick it up. is chillrend the same? does the level get determined when you start the mission where you enter the house or does it get determined at the moment you pick it up? i've heard of people picking it up before the mission so i'm guessing it gets determined when you unlock the case it's in. i finished the mission but i left the sword in the case so i could pick it up at a later time. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:46 on 25 January 2012

It is determined from what level you are when you enter the house — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:05 on 17 June 2012

grabbing it without unlocking the display case[edit]

I was able to do this.. is it worth mentioning here or is it already up somewhere else as a general issue with display cases (I believe it can be done with any of them). i hesistated to pick the lock because I only had 3 picks and a low skill.. not exactly up to thieves guild standards huh. so I had opened the lockpick screen while aiming at the sword in the middle of the case, then I pressed the circle button (on ps3) to back out but noticed "chillrend" was targeted for a split second before "display case locked - expert" popped up. so I went back to lockpicking and did a quick slide of the thumb from Circle to X to close the picking interface & grab the sword during that split second. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:48 on 30 March 2012

There is a minor glitch where you can take things through walls, it does not need added. The Silencer has spoken 23:57, 30 March 2012 (UTC)


I have confirmed that Chillrend's enchantments are affected by Augmented Frost (Frost Damage) but NOT Stability (Paralyze Duration). Anyone else come to the same conclusions? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:49 on 22 April 2012

Looked quite different?[edit]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all the weapon types quite different looking. I would edit it if I weren't on the ps3 typing .Br3admax 06:35, 12 May 2012 (UTC)

Good point. I've changed it. Robin Hoodtalk 20:13, 29 May 2012 (UTC)

Listed on both Artifacts and Leveled Items pages[edit]

Chillrend is listed on the Artifacts page and the Leveled Items page. Should it be removed from one of them? --Xyzzy 05:57, 21 June 2012 (UTC)

its a leveled artifactJCsquared 06:35, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

Leveled Note[edit]

"The level of the sword is determined the first time you enter Mercer Frey's house. If you were to enter at level 36 and wait until you are level 46 to pick up the sword you will get the level 36 version of the sword." This note is currently on this article. Isn't this how all leveled items work? If so, do we really need this note on this or should it be on every other leveled item article? Just curious. •WoahBro►talk 16:01, 13 October 2013 (GMT)

You do have a point. All leveled items (excepting respawning ones) are leveled as soon as you enter their cells, as far as I know. I'd say it should be on the article about the leveling system, not on individual item pages. Xolroc (talk) 17:17, 13 October 2013 (GMT)