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Skyrim talk:Diplomatic Immunity

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Archive 1: Nov 2011 - Feb 2012
Archive 2: Mar 2012 - Oct 2012


She doesn't offer a distraction even though I am head of the guild. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:38 on 26 May 2012

The actual requirement is that she has to like you (you've done favours for her and such). Perhaps you've done something she doesn't like. Robin Hoodtalk 21:25, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
Same here. I'm head of the thieves guild and she doesn't offer a distraction. The only "favor" I can think of is the opportunity to retrieve the quill from Lake Honrich, but the quest glitched so I didn't do it. (Vex wouldn't talk to me about Vald, and I think some city guards killed him before I could speak to Maven.) 04:15, 3 December 2012 (GMT)
You may be able to affect her disposition by selling Letrush out to her in Promises to Keep as well. I've never gotten her to do a distraction for me though so I do not know if this would work. --Morrolan (talk) 03:37, 28 December 2012 (GMT)
I completed the thieves guild quest line, obtained the quill of gemination, and sold out Letrush in Promises to Keep. She still didn't offer a distraction. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:37 on 14 December 2013

Hooded Thalmor robes[edit]

I have been unable to use the hooded Thalmor robes as a disguise. On detection, I am attacked. I have tried having nothing equiped but the gear the Thalmor wizard upstairs in the embassy wears and I play as an Altmer. The page mentions that the gear found on the downstairs table does not work, but I have been unable to find a way to trick the other Thalmor into thinking I am one of them even with the hooded robes. Is there anything I am doing wrong, is it a bug unique to my character or is the information on the page wrong? --Merari 10:50, 25 June 2012 (UTC)

yes i think your character has been bugged out. if you are a High elf then there shouldn't be a problem. there is a bug that i've heard of where your character is also a vampire then they attack on site. if you enter the building (the building outside) then they all become hostile. away to get into the tower is to tell the guard on duty that he has been told to go off duty you can get easy access but you have to be prepared for a fight.
--XA55asinxeliteX-- 21:01, 28/09/13

Guest appearances and Hooded Thalmor Robes[edit]

Maven and Ondolemar always appear (I haven't met them before in the game, nor have I been to Riften or Markarth either). General Tullius doesn't appear if you haven't talked to him in the game.

As for the Hooded Thalmor Robes, they do work as a disguise but only on a certain distance. Thalmor will ask you to show your face but if you come closer to them, they will detect you.They will also detect you if you simply stay still when they are asking you to show your face. You really need to keep walking and maintain a certain distance when you are spotted.

The Thalmor Wizards are harder to fool though, some of them seem to detect you as a spy no matter what, specially the one at the top of the stairwell just after you evade the party. You can't really avoid him, as he just stays put and it is nearly impossible to pass though him undetected on that narrow corridor. Using an invisibility potion might be the only solution on this part of the quest/embassy.

Whoever made this quest was full of good intentions, but it didn't work out as it should have. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:41 on 18 July 2012

Has anyone here tested the Hooded Thalmor Robe method with Orc/Orsimer characters? Would you still get the "Must be new around here" response from a patrol? WintersetAltmer (talk) 14:21, 8 December 2012 (GMT)Ifnsman

Thalmor Party, and NOONE THERE To get inside....[edit]

Thalmor Party, and NOONE THERE To get inside, except that late guy sitting on a rock.

I have started the quest and handed all my stuff to Malboun or whatever. Do everything that i need to and get into the the embassy only to find a single guy who sits on a rock blabbing on how he always goes to the parties and doesnt like the cold. Anyway so I walk up to the door and its locked and needs a key, I thinking im early as at my game time was 230am. 24 hours later nothing changes. no other guest, door still lock and no way to get inside to even start the party.

can someone help with this. email me on — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:29 on 21 July 2012 (GMT)

I am having this trouble as well, and I'm on PC. I've reloaded three times already...
~Revya Median — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:52 on 10 January 2014‎

Items and gold gotten back early[edit]

After leaving the Thalmor Embassy, if you don't return to Riverwood and retrieve your stash straight away and instead choose to sell some of your obtained loot to a merchant, you will magically get most of your gold and all your quest items back immediately. Once you reach the chest with your stashed gear, it will only contain a small amount of gold and any non-quest items that you left behind. 19:20, 8 August 2012 (UTC)

This is not true, at least on XBox. First of all, as far as I can tell you always keep all your plot items when you're in DI; Delphine doesn't touch them, so you have them whether or not you go to a store. Secondly, if you don't give Malborn your gold to smuggle into the embassy (and honestly why wouldn't you, well, of course because you forgot to, just like forgetting to give him lockpicks) then your only source of gold before getting to Riverwood is selling all the stuff you took off the elves. --Morrolan (talk) 03:34, 28 December 2012 (GMT)


"You can also ignore Etienne and look in the chest by the back wall to the right of his cell; there is a book there titled Thalmor Dossier: Esbern, if you read it, the quest will also update. " Having just finished this quest(literally less than ten minutes ago), I have to say this isn't true. I took and read the dossier before talking to Etienne, and the quest did not update.Ivan the Vandal (talk) 21:39, 23 October 2012 (GMT)

That was added in a very recent edit, I have removed it, so it needs explaining here before reinsertion. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:48, 23 October 2012 (GMT)
I've done this quest several times. It's true, at least in the most current version of Skyrim (perhaps Ivan had a copy of Skyrim that hadn't been updated). You can even kill Etienne without talking to him. You need to find out that the Thalmor are searching for Esbern, you can find that out either by talking to Etienne or by reading the book in the chest (you have to read it, not take it; taking it from the chest without reading it will have no effect). --Morrolan (talk) 03:18, 28 December 2012 (GMT)
Which version of skyrim do you have? If you have the PC version, it is possible it was fixed by a third party mod. Jeancey (talk) 03:48, 28 December 2012 (GMT)
Playing on XBox, so obviously no mods. Currently at; the first time I beat DI (going by achievement history) it would have been but I probably talked to Etienne then, it was probably at least before I discovered the book in the chest method. If you notice the post by lower, he/she is also playing on XBox (although clearly has a bugged savegame) and believes this is a method to advance the quest. Could there be a bug in either the PC or PS3 versions where it isn't? Or possibly, this is one of the changes that was made to DI, which is one of Bethesda's more heavily updated quests in the main game. --Morrolan (talk) 13:51, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

Elisif and Vittoria Vici[edit]

I was on this quest yesterday and Jarl Elisif offered me a distraction. I did nearly all her related quests at this point of game (Fit for a Jarl, Elisif's Tribute, become thane of Haafingar) and she acted like a friend of mine. Elisif easily agreed to help her friend, but hopes she doesn't ruin the party. After that she started to blame Razelan for being rude to her. Then guards came for him, she said that she forgives him and almost forgot what he said. Vittoria Vici also offered a distraction, but I did nothing for her before (maybe I stole some items from her pocket, or she may told me about her wedding, but 0 related quests was done). She was bored at this party, and I could persuade her to make fun of Razelan. I don't know what level you need(got 100), but Speech page says it's 50/35. Her dialogue are alomost the same as Elisifs (blaming Razelan for being rude and so on). Speech page lists them as a distraction options, but this page has no info about this, especially about Elisif. Hope I could help a bit. Sorry for bad english. -- 07:20, 28 November 2012 (GMT)

You are right I've had those events to they both claim Razelan insulted them. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:04 on 5 December 2012 (GMT)
I'm not sure about the requirements for Vittoria Vici to offer a distraction. Unlike most others, I was able to get help from her with relationshiprank=0. The only quest I'd done involving her was Evette San's quest, The Spiced Wine. If anyone can confirm Vittoria offers a distraction before even talking to her or Evette San, feel free to edit her requirements. Jellybee22 (talk) 12:53, 14 July 2013 (GMT)

Quest not Updating when taking Dragon Investigation Notes[edit]

I've never had problems with the "Search for information" objective updating before. I have reloaded the Autosave upon first entering Elenwen's Solar and every time I loot the chest, the quest will not update. I selected "take all" and when the quest did not update thought I needed to read the notes. Nothing. I used the key on the dungeon hoping the quest would update. Nothing. I looted the Esbern Dossier and rescued Etienne. Nothing. The hatch to Reeking Cave doesn't open until the guards come in with Malborn. This wasn't happening because it didn't update that I had taken the notes. I tried reloading and reading the notes before taking them out of the chest. Nothing.

I have completed the Thieves Guild questchain for the first time and am Thane in every hold except Falkreath, Solitude, Morthal, Dawnstar, and Windhelm. I have not joined either side. I have had a few quest glitches with radiant quests overlapping other quests on the same locations. Two quests in one location sometimes "overwrites" the other quest--the infamous Yngol Barrow with the Helm of Winterhold (no Yngol Helm or gate exit) and the Summerset Shadow in Uttering Hills Cave (no more bandit chief quest). I'm on Xbox so I'm guessing that this is "game over" without console commands.

Could the fact I joined (and completed) the Thieves Guild be glitching the update? I noticed Etienne's dialogue changed and the next quest will send me to Riften to find Esbern in the Ratway. I've already been to the Ratway Vaults to complete the Riftweald Manor quest. Could there be a conflict with joining the Thieves Guild before completing the Embassy main quest? 04:33, 3 December 2012 (GMT)

No, the Thieves Guild completion isn't your problem. I did that on my first playthrough before Diplomatic Immunity, and I've had several playthroughs where I had joined the Thieves Guild before Diplomatic Immunity. So - you're Thane in Whiterun (as you always are at DI unless you've joined the Stormcloaks, completed Battle for Whiterun, and haven't regained your thaneship), the Rift, the Reach, and Winterhold, correct?
It shouldn't matter whether you read the notes in the chest or in your inventory.
The radiant quest glitches however sound to me like you've got a bugged savegame, normally when I get a duplicate radiant quest I go back to an earlier save to avoid the nightmares that they cause. And, yes, I'm on XBox too. --Morrolan (talk) 03:28, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

Note on Unusual Gem[edit]

Under "Notes" please include the location of the Unusual Gem prior to Version 1.4. It is on the Second Floor of Elenwen's Solar in her bedroom. The Embassy is not accessible after the "Diplomatic Immunity" quest leaving "No Stone Unturned" permanently uncompleted if the gem is missed. 04:42, 3 December 2012 (GMT)


Siddgeir can also provide a distraction for you he claims Razelan supports Ulfric. I think this is true for Igmund as well but you probably have to be a thane or done all the missions necessary to become a thane before the jarls are willing to prive a distraction.— Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 12:29 on 13 December 2012

Befriending Razelan[edit]

I posted this in the distractions section on the main page: Talk to Razelan and learn of his thirst, then get a bottle of Colovian Brandy from either Malborn or Brelas or pick up a bottle of wine from the corner. When presented with the drink, Razelan will be more than willing to create a scene and attract everyone’s attention. (If you get the wine first, and give it to Razelan while telling him you'll ask him for a favour later, you can then get the Colovian brandy from Brelas and/or Malborn and leave with it for use later, as it has a somewhat useful Fortify Barter effect. Then, after getting the brandy, you return to Razelan and tell him it's time to do that favour.) While Razelan does his thing, return to Malborn who will unlock the door and provide access to the kitchen area of the embassy.

It got removed because it was too long (?) and complicated. If someone could figure out a cleaner way to explain it, that might be good. As far as I can tell Razelan will take the best (i.e. most expensive) alcohol you have in your inventory at the time. Since you can't have any booze you brought in from the outside yet (it's all in the chest in the kitchen if you brought any in), that means you have to get some booze for him if you don't have another person to go to for a distraction. The available booze sources are Brelas and Malborn, for Colovian brandy, and a bottle of Alto Wine in the corner of the room. So it's possible to grab the Alto, befriend Razelan, then tell him you'll get a favour from him later and go and get brandy from both Brelas and Malborn. Which leaves you with two bottles of brandy in your inventory. I think this is the only way to get the brandy in all of Skyrim, so if you're like me and into collecting rare items (although it's a fairly common item in Oblivion) it's kinda fun to do, but also you can drink the brandy on the outside for a Fortify Barter effect which can make for some extra profits selling off all the stuff you take off the elves. --Morrolan (talk) 13:59, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

Well, not only is the explanation a bit long, the part about keeping the Brandy isn't relevant at all. Putting it in the notes might be a better idea and even then I'd recommend asking someone a bit more knowledgeable about what should or shouldn't be here. However, I think we should mention the fact that you can use a bottle of wine too.Elakyn (talk) 16:20, 28 December 2012 (GMT)
The explanation of the distraction which you added to is sufficient imo. It's to the point and doesn't involve possible possibles. A note about keeping the Colovian Brandy would belong in the notes. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:28, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

Elisif will also cause a scene[edit]

I just had this happen in my current game. Elisif was in attendance and I tried to get her to cause a scene for me. She agreed. Elisif is not listed on the page (and I'm not sure how to edit the table--I'm still new at this!) Her distraction is very similar to Igmund's and Idgrod's: she will take issue with something Razelan said which is never specified, but is implied as a crude remark. Ulfric is not mentioned in Elisif's distraction. Razelan is nearly thrown out, but Elisif then says she doesn't want him to be thrown out, and that she can't even remember what exactly he said. In this game, I'd completed both Potema quests, but not Elisif's personal quest. There was also a Persuade check to be passed, same as with Igmund (who was also in attendance, and whom I used as a control).

Hopefully someone will a) double-check this and b) edit the page. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:38 on 17 January 2013‎

Thanks for the input - we're still working on the tons of conditions that must be met to get some of these NPCs to (perhaps) appear. It's a tough task, so every comment is appreciated. --Krusty (talk) 21:48, 17 January 2013 (GMT)

Undercover Thalmor Agent is an...ORC!!![edit]

I recently read the different scenarios for disguise with the robes, but none mention an orc, if you want I could find out :D --AlphaArgonian182 20:02 24 January 2013 (GMT)

I am a bit surprised you marked this contribution a minor edit, but sure, an orc could be fun to have documentet. ;-) —MortenOSlash (talk) 21:16, 24 January 2013 (GMT)


The Jarls present at the party are all willing to provide a distraction if you are thane of their hold at least I have tested this for Balgruuf, Eilisif, Idgrod, Igmund and Siddgeir. All the male Jarls will do the exact same thing namely accusing Razelan of being a stormcloak supporter. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:24 on 29 January 2013 (GMT)

Missing part of the level[edit]

Wen inside the embasy part of the level isn't loaded. The guest room is ok, but the wall behind Malborn is missing, the triger to open the door is there but it does nothing. Through that missing wall I can see a torch and the void. Did any one encountered a similar problem??? If so how to fix it??? Ameno (talk) 20:36, 3 February 2013 (GMT)

Found out what was the problem it was a mod that I was using called "Enhanced Lights and FX". Disabling the mod the level loads normally. Ameno (talk) 10:27, 4 February 2013 (GMT)

Frozen after talking to Delphine bug[edit]

Shouldn't the bug note also explain that on the PC you can do "setstage mq201 100" in the console to advance the quest and land you unstuck near the front door of the Thalmor Embassy? — Unsigned comment by Yojji (talkcontribs) at 14:06 on 12 February 2013 (GMT)

Are there any other bugfixes avaliable (for xbox, ps3), i am currently stuck right there and woult appreciate any hints. -- 20:16, 3 July 2013 (GMT)
Looking into "GetStage MQ201", it says stage is at 90. "SetStage MQ201 100" did not work for me. The game froze while the console was still active. The other solution (removing all none-quest items yourself) did work however. 19:47, 10 December 2023 (UTC)

Distraction dialogue[edit]

I'm not sure how best to put this into the article, but I've put together the dialogue scenes for each of the possible distractions. Might be nice to see them all since there's so so many possibilities that you won't get them all in normal game play, plus you'll probably miss most of it if you're off escaping from the party, so here they all are. There's some randomness and duplication, mostly in Razelan's lines. I used a / to indicate multiple possibilities. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 04:27, 18 March 2013 (GMT)

Dialogue Scenes

Idgrod Ravencrone[edit]

Idgrod Ravencrone: An old woman can get away with almost anything.
Idgrod: No harm is meant to you happy fool. Right here! I see it in your face! The snakes writhe behind your eyes! Get away, get away from me!
Razelan: Hmm? Did you say snakes? Where? I hate them, always slithering the way they do... what? Are they on me?
Idgrod: Begone, serpent! Begone from this house and trouble it no more! Beware of the serpent in your midst! Beware, oh people of Skyrim!
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Idgrod: Dear me. All this trouble over me? I think I was confused. There's no harm in him. Please, let him go.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.

Orthus Endario[edit]

Orthus Endario: Watch this.
Orthus: Hey Razelan, remember when you told me I'd never amount to anything? Well, I don't think you should say things like that about the Ambassador!
Razelan: What? I didn't... hmm? No listen, you must have misunderstood... I would never openly insult your... that is to say...
Orthus: I know you're drunk as usual, but that's no excuse for insulting our hostess. I don't think anyone deserves that kind of abuse! I've known plenty of elves who were perfectly decent people.
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Orthus: I'm sorry, Ambassador. I didn't mean to cause such a commotion. There's no need to have him thrown out on my account.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.

Jarl Balgruuf the Greater, Igmund, or Siddgeir[edit]

Jarl Balgruuf the Greater/Igmund/Siddgeir: It's all for a good cause, old chap.
Jarl: Ulfric Stormcloak? The rightful High King? That's bordering on treason, man! Stand up. Stand up, I say!
Razelan: I don't understand... did you say Ulfric Stormcloak? Fine fellow, although a bit too fond of... I mean, no, of course, I condemn him in the most...
Jarl: You take it back then? You retract your statement? Well?
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Jarl: Tell your men to stand down. I don't need any help dealing with this kind of fool. He isn't worth the trouble. I apologize for the disruption to such a festive occasion.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.

Elisif the Fair[edit]

Elisif the Fair: What...! Do you know who I am? I should have you taken up and flogged!
Razelan: Of course I know who you are... I didn't mean to suggest, that is, I don't even remember saying that...
Elisif: There's no excuse for your behavior! You behave like you're carousing in a house of ill repute, not the residence of the Thalmor Ambassador!
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Elisif: Oh... I'm afraid I may have overreacted. Please, I've already forgotten whatever it was he said to me. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. Let's try to enjoy ourselves.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.

Maven Black-Briar[edit]

Maven Black-Briar: You've got a lot of nerve, suggesting something like that, to me of all people! If this was Riften, I'd have you thrown in the dungeon!
Razelan: What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is...
Maven: You're a disgrace to the Empire. To think that you're actually a representative of the East Empire Company. When people talk about the decadent, tottering Empire, it's people like you they have in mind!
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Maven: Well, now. There's no need to ruin the party on my account. I don't think he'll be bothering me again.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.

Vittoria Vici[edit]

Vittoria Vici: Just play along. How dare you! You disgusting pig!
Razelan: What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is...
Vittoria: The head office will hear of this, Razelan! You're a disgrace to the East Empire Company, and to the Empire itself!
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Vittoria: Oh, Ambassador Elenwen, that won't be necessary. It is just Razelan, after all. I'm sure he'll behave himself for the rest of the evening, won't you dear?
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.


Ondolmar: How dare you speak of the Thalmor in such a disgusting manner!
Razelan: What? I didn't... hmm? No listen, you must have misunderstood... I would never openly insult your... that is to say...
Ondolmar: Your insults and provocations have gone far enough! I'd kill you where you stand if I wasn't bound by my oath as an officer of the Aldmeri Dominion.
Elenwen: Razalan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests.
Razelan: I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!
Ondolmar: Forgive me, Ambassador. I allowed this... fool to provoke me. The fault is mine. There is no need for further disruption on my account.
Razelan: Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind.


Razelan: Attention, everyone! Could I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make!
Razelan: I propose a toast to Elenwen! Our mistress! I speak figuratively, of course. Nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed.
Elenwen: Razelan. What are you doing?
Razelan: Although... most of you are already in bed with her! But again... I speak figuratively, of course!
Razelan: Fine, fine. Get your hands off me. I'll be a good boy now.
Razelan: Wouldn't want to offend our Thalmor overlords, would we?
Razelan: Someone bring me a drink, quick!

  • Elenwen's line comes on top of Razelan's. Not sure exactly when she speaks up, but I broke it up in a logical place.


Erikur: There's a likely-looking filly. Even if she is an elf. You there! Serving girl! What's your name, dear?
Brelas: Uh, Brelas, sir. Did you need a drink? Something to eat?
Erikur: No, no, that's not what I'm interested in right now. I just wanted to get a better look at you. I like what I see, my dear. And believe me, I don't say that to everyone. I'm very discriminating when it comes to the female form.
Brelas: Um, thank you. Sir. Was there anything else I can do for you?
Erikur: Oh... not at the moment. Maybe later. Don't go far.
Brelas: Yes, sir.

  • At this point, you need to speak to Brelas, and then either lie to Erikur or tell him the truth.
Lie Truth

Erikur: Hello, my dear. I got your message. Where shall we go?
Brelas: What? I'm sorry, sir, but you must have misunderstood. I'm not permitted to leave the party.
Erikur: Oh, I don't think so. I think I understand perfectly. Don't worry, my dear, I will make any necessary excuses to your employer.

Erikur: So you think you can toy with me, is that it? No, my dear. I have my heart set on you, and I always get what I want.
Brelas: I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression earlier. I meant no disrespect.
Erikur: Don't worry, I'll let you make it up to me. Now, where can we go for a little privacy, hmm?

Brelas: No, I'm sorry, but I can't go anywhere with you. I won't. Please, I must get back to my duties.
Erikur: Don't you dare walk away from me, you slut! Do you know who I am?
Brelas: Please, sir, leave me alone!
Erikur: Now you're going to be sorry you crossed me. Elenwen! This servant girl has been throwing herself at me in a most disgusting manner.
Elenwen: Is that so, Erikur? And you with such delicate sensibilities. It must have been most upsetting.
Erikur: I demand that you have this wench removed from my presence at once!
Elenwen: Well. Whatever the truth of it, I'm sure a few words with Master Rulindil will have a salutary effect. Take her downstairs.
Brelas: No!
Guard: Yes, Madame Ambassador.
Brelas: Mistress Elenwen, it's not true! I did nothing! Sir, you must tell her! You don't know what they'll do to me! Please!
Erikur: Well, I'm glad that little unpleasantness is over.

You have what appears to be a common copy-paste typo where, in Elenwen's dialogue, you have "Razalan" written where it should be "Razelan." Good stuff though :) --Morrolan (talk) 01:13, 8 April 2013 (GMT)

The disguise won't work if you are a vampire?[edit]

The thalmor can spot my altmer character from miles away, even if I wear hooded thalmor robes, with the appropriate boots and gloves, and nothing else. I think this happens, because my character is a vampire (at stage 1, Dawnguard is active). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:33 on 18 May 2013

When you become a vampire your race changes. Your Altmer character is currently a "HighElfRaceVampire" rather than a "HighElfRace". Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 16:38, 18 May 2013 (GMT)

300 max weight[edit]

You may give him objects upto 300 in encumbrance? Tested on PC. I thought this would be a useful thing to remind people of when planning their gear. 11:27, 8 June 2013 (GMT)

Balgruuf at party[edit]

So it says Balgruuf the Greater will be at the party and be able to provide a distraction if you complete the Battle for Whiterun, but on his page it says complete prior to getting this quest. So do you have to complete Battle for Whiterun before the party or before the quest even starts? 04:59, 28 July 2013 (GMT)

For what it's worth, I've never seen him at the party, but I've only done the Imperial CW questline once and I can't remember if I did Battle for Whiterun before DI on it or not. I'm usually unaligned in DI. --Morrolan (talk) 00:22, 19 August 2013 (GMT)

Bugs Cleanup[edit]

  • Dragon priest masks given to Malborn may not appear in the chest in the kitchen.
  • It is possible that upon arrival to the embassy, you will be immediately be attacked. As you are unable to fight, you cannot progress. Reloading from an older save may fix this.

These bugs have sat unconfirmed long enough. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:13, 17 August 2013 (GMT)

General Tullius still didn't come to the party...[edit]

Even after going through the Civil War questline on the Legion side, General Tullius still didn't come to the party...

I tried going through the Civil War questline to make him come to the party during Diplomatic Immunity, but he still isn't there. There's no civil war attack happening and I finished Battle For Whiterun, is there anything else I'm supposed to do? And I'm on the Xbox 360 so I can't use mods or commands... -AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 01:30, 24 September 2013 (GMT)

Did you try doing this quest before completing the Civil War questline? One of the parameters is completing Message to Whiterun, but maybe he won't attend if you actually finish the Civil War. --Xyzzy Talk 03:27, 24 September 2013 (GMT)
How can I tell if there's no civil war attack going on? -AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 13:35, 20 October 2013 (GMT)
I believe that line is referring to a quest in which you the Imperials are in the middle of a battle. As long as you have an active task to do in the Civil War, I would imagine he will not show up. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 13:42, 20 October 2013 (GMT)
So he won't go if a Civil War quest is togged active? -AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 20:10, 23 October 2013 (GMT)
I would imagine so, yes. That's just a best guess, admittedly, but it would seem logical. After all, it wouldn't be wise for a general to slack on duty during an active engagement in the field. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 15:30, 30 October 2013 (GMT)
Okay, I'll try that. I'll let you know if it works or not. c: -AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 11:56, 26 October 2013 (GMT)
It didn't work no matter what part of the Imperial questline I'm in. :I AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 21:55, 30 December 2013 (GMT)

Unintentionally Taking Iron Arrows to the Party. Possible Bug?[edit]

I gave Malborn my all the arrows in my inventory and for some odd reason, the iron arrows are stuck to me and I can't get them off. Not even if I gave all my stuff to Delphine. Is this some bug? Did someone else get this? I reloaded my last save but I don't know if there's another fix to this.-AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 20:10, 23 October 2013 (GMT)

So you were not able to continue the quest because of the iron arrows? What kind of platform are you playing Skyrim on? If you play on PC, do you have any mods of unofficial patches installed? —MortenOSlash (talk) 05:21, 31 October 2013 (GMT)
I have no PC, so I have no mods nor any unofficial patches. I do have the Xbox. I'm just afraid of what might happen if I walk in with them stuck to my back or if I'll ever get the arrows back from Malborn.-AThiefWithNordicBeauty (talk) 07:22, 2 November 2013 (GMT)
I just had this bug, it appears to be visual as I was able to get into the party as if I didn't have them. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:26 on 26 November 2013
I don't know for sure, but since according to the plan you don't have any items with you when getting to the embassy, it is really unlikely that there is any check for weapons that you are carrying with you. -- SarthesArai Talk 16:20, 26 November 2013 (GMT)
About a year ago or so, I had a stack of iron arrows go buggy and, just like you say, they wouldn't get removed from my inventory (though in my case, I seem to remember it was when I went to jail and it tried to remove just the stolen ones). The leftover pile of arrows would cause game crashes sometimes. The only fix I found was to drop the entire stack, both stolen and unstolen, and leave it on the ground. After that, everything was fine and I was able to gather other iron arrows normally as long as I didn't try to pick up the buggy stack. Robin Hood  (talk) 17:26, 26 November 2013 (GMT)

Dialogue with Hooded Thalmor Robes[edit]

In the CK, it looks to me like the lines that can be spoken aren't as race-dependent as we indicate on the page; they're just randomly chosen from a group of different lines. While the Khajiit, Argonion, and Bosmer lines are added to that random group only when appropriate, it looks like anybody at all can get the rest of the lines. Anyone else get lines other than how they're indicated on the page? Robin Hood  (talk) 10:23, 25 November 2013 (GMT)

Neither dial with Elenwen nor stunts for distraction[edit]

I tried once to do this quest. I gave items to Malborn, take somes gave by Delphine, went to Thalmor ambassy, get in with my invitation, and there, nothing! I was alone with the "permanent" NPC : elenwen, razelan, brelas and malborn, ans that's all. Impossible to have a distraction dialogue of any of them, so can't advance. I'm already thane of Whiterun, Solitude, Markarth and Riften, all thoses jarl are friend of mine (or act like they are). But that seem not have any consequence. Boaf I did all the civil war quest (empire line), and retried. Nothing change. What must I do to not be blocked? (I beg your forgiveness for my langage, but I'm french and have some technical difficulties with english :-S)

Friendly — Unsigned comment by Snakeloup (talkcontribs) at 01:44 on 19 December 2013

Different (silent) walktrough[edit]

Today I traveled trough the entire embassy without killing or fighting anyone. With help of a few self brewed invisibility potions and help of the Muffle spell. I even could trick the wizard in the inner courtyard, by standing next to the door under influence of a potion and activating the door without him seeing me. That may not be a intended solution but I didn't try any distractions. Also I could easily pass the first two guards inside the embassy and sneak behind Rulindil during the torture. I of course did not free any prisoners. The key to the trap door was obtained from the pocket a passing guard. -- 23:57, 10 February 2014 (GMT)

@ Detailed Walkthrough: The Thalmor[edit]

In the detailed Walkthrough is said, that, when accompanying Delphine back from Kynesgrove to Riverwood, she will drop some background informations.
I can't confirm this and would even say, that it's wrong!
I followed the walkthroughs for A Blade in the Dark and the first part of Diplomatic Immunity. Some spare remarks are given by Delphine on the way to Kynesgrove. (This isn't mentioned on the quest article.) All information after her accepting the PC as Dragonborn could only be gathered by actively talking to her. All she says by herself are the usual comments dropped when passing by. Interesting, too, is her speed: to Kynesgrove she runs very fast, almost difficult to follow her; on the way back she's also running but noticeably slower.
After crossing the bridge near Honningbrew Meadery she even stops running and instead of walking to Riverwood she turns to Whiterun. Coming near her in the city she says: "Not here. I told you to meet me in Riverwood." She then enters the Bannered Mare and seems to stay until the PC visits the Sleeping Giants Inn in Riverwood, where the quest continues with running into her just after entering. She says something like she doesn't believe, that someone followed and invites the PC to her secret room. When in the cellar, coming close enough to her she initiates dialogue.
With some Waiting periods i observed her inside the Bannered Mare for more than two in-game-days. She's doing what people do in inns: walking, sitting, cooking … It seems, that it was never intended for her to walk the whole way back to Riverwood.
If someone could confirm this, the article should be rewritten. Thanks. -- CompleCCity (talk) 22:55, 18 March 2014 (GMT)

I can confirm the above to be true. I followed Delphine to and from Kynesgrove, and she ended up in the Bannered Mare doing the stated inn-goer actions and only offering the "not here..." dialogue to the player character. Nothing further. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:05 on 4 December 2020 (UTC)

Dragon attacks outside Embassy preventing entrance[edit]

Not sure if Deadly Dragons is causing this but for the first time ever in a play through a dragon shows up at the Thalmor Embassy as soon as I get off the cart. Player controls are disabled at this time and the PC can't even fight back. Death usually follows. I've even tried using the console kill command on the dragon but it doesn't work. Anyone else see this? EDIT: Easy work around is to go there first kill the dragon and then continue normally. This dragon was edited by Dawnguard but nothing else that I could see. Tiger8u2 (talk) 03:56, 24 November 2014 (GMT)

Validating Info. about Idgrod Ravencrone[edit]

I just did a play-through where I had finished Laid to Rest but not yet initiated the Hjaalmarch FavorJarlsMakeFriends quest (although I had done a couple of Hjaalmarch favor quests). I did an earlier play-through where I had finished Laid to Rest and had completed Hjaalmarch FavorJarlsMakeFriends quest for the Hjaalmarch Thaneship. I successfully used Idgrod in both games to do the distraction in Diplomatic Immunity.

I can't verify that it doesn't work if you've started the Hjaalmarch FavorJarlsMakeFriends but not finished it.

Yojji (talk) 18:56, 11 January 2015 (GMT)

Delphine back at the Sleeping Giant Inn[edit]

After killing the dragon in "A Blade in the Dark" player opted not to travel back to Riverwood with Delphine but to take a detour. On fast travel to Riverwood and upon arrival at the door of the Sleeping Giant Inn, no sign of Delphine outside. Activate the door, and she is walking through with Player saying "I don't think we were followed. Come on I have a plan".--Lmstearn (talk) 13:31, 9 December 2015 (UTC)

I fail to see how that is noteworthy -- SarthesArai Talk 16:35, 9 December 2015 (UTC)
Her marker is placed inside the inn. She is walking in through the door rather than waiting on idles inside? Better for immersion to have her waiting outside the door to greet Player. Does that paint a clearer picture?--Lmstearn (talk) 03:58, 10 December 2015 (UTC)

Hostile Thalmor guards[edit]

I somehow made Thalmor faction an enemy of mine long ago and now guards are attacking me. Can't be helped without console, probably. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:08 on 18 March 2016 (UTC)

Do you mean they're attacking you before you leave the party or just in general?--VɅƝØȠƊØΓƑ ʂƥξαƙ|łǐșτεŋ 06:16, 5 June 2017 (UTC)

If Stormcloaks win the Civil War then how does that effect the Diplomatic Immunity quest?[edit]

If the player completes the Civil War for the Stormcloaks before going to the Thalmor Embassy for the Diplomatic Immunity quest then does anyone on the Stormcloaks side show up at the party? Or is my line of thinking correct?

I assume that Balgruuf the Greater, Idgrod Ravencrone, Igmund, Maven Black-Briar, Proventus Avenicci, and Siddgeir wouldn't be there due to them all being exiled. Obviously, Ondolemar and General Tullius wouldn't show up due to them being dead.
If no Stormcloaks show up to the party (If Stormcloaks win Civil War) then that leaves only Elisif the Fair, Erikur, Orthus Endario (If Rise In The East is complete), Razelan and Vittoria Vici (if she not dead or Bound Until Death has started.) as the only ones at the party. However, then Elisif the Fair, Erikur and Razelan would be the only guests at the party assuming that Rise In The East hasn't been started and Vittoria Vici is dead. 00:34, 10 April 2016 (UTC)
I never played on their side for obvious reasons. However, there should be no reason why Stormcloaks would not go to the party and have a drink with the only ones who profit off of their civil war win (weakening the empire). Beside that, racists do love getting along with each others even if they're hating on each other's ethnicity. So, 100s of reasons for Stormcloaks being present. 20:10, 10 December 2023 (UTC)

Hooded Thalmor Robes trick ?????[edit]

Hey, on the PS3, I've always wondered if the Hooded Thalmor Robes trick works for the Thalmor Embassy infiltration quest. Also, is it true that if I were to do so, that I should not have any jewelry anywhere on myself ? Also, when in the infiltration quest, can I still take Elven weapons to keep on my person without anything being visible while walking in the embassy ? How many invisibility potions is suggested with what strength if anything goes awry ? Thank you for your time, for anyone willing to assist me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:25 on 31 May 2016 (UTC)

Etienne and the "Escape the Embassy" section[edit]

Xbox 360 platform Legendary edition

I had learned through this web site not to lie or pretend to be an interrogator to Etienne so that he would not be a rude / negative commenting / very irritating character back at the Thieves Guild HQ.

Passed Malborn's locking the door behind me, I had snuck into each hence embassy place unseen even walking right in front of the guards, etc, due to a very high enchanted item sneak bonus beyond 100 and all the perks.

I had already overheard Etienne's entire story while he was being interrogated so I was reluctant to re-ask him about it. I went looking for the key to the escape trap door everywhere killing everyone by stealth until there was no one in any of the accessible buildings or outside anywhere left alive nor with ANY loot on them.

I looked for answers on this wiki as to how to trigger the guards with the key to the trap door to come in with Malborn in custody, but there was no mention that you did, in fact, have to have Etienne reiterate his story with the "wait, you know something important, what is it?" inquiry that is the one that specifically triggers the guards to come in with Malborn who each have a copy of the escape hatch trap door key. To slow these guys entry into the room, I had placed a powerful ash shell rune / trap a ways after the door where they typically entered the room since this would not harm Malborn, it would just freeze them for a minute. This DID NOT WORK for whatever reasons. I had to go up there and confront them and did so in a stealth way then using paralysis and ash shell halted their approach, and pick pocked them of their keys, etc. But Malborn in earnest began to attack them one at a time, forcing me to kill these guards to stop Malborn's continuous fist attacks of these still armed Thalmor guards.

I want this vital information about the reiterated interrogation question to be inserted into the "Escape the Embassy" section so that no one else wastes their valuable time for no reason.

When both Malborn and Etienne had be in "hidden" sneak mode status from me, I shot them with a paralysis spell, then when they began to recover from it, I reverse pick pocketed them with armor, and one handed glass weapons, shields, bows, arrows from the Thalmor and my own inventory. This was so that they could escape more successfully.

Once the trap door was opened and we were through, I checked to see what they had equipped, and one or both had the weapon equipped, but not the armor, nor arrows, but because I had done this checking, one had run ahead of me toward the troll. Luckily I used my bound bow to shoot and kill the troll before it seriously attacked whoever it was who had hurried by me.

Emerging from the cave I have often had it that Thalmor come attacking us very soon, so as soon as I emerged from the cave, I IMMEDIATELY fast traveled to Riverwood to prevent the Thalmor onslaught from happening--which worked. Everyone survived excepting all the Thalmor who I mistakenly had killed unsuccessfully trying to search for and get the escape hatch trap door key.

Thanks. 16:47, 25 February 2018 (UTC)

"When everything is quiet, enter Etienne's cell and tell him that you are here to help. Cut him loose and ask him if he knows anything of importance; he will then tell you about Esbern and the quest will update. You can also ignore Etienne and look in the chest by the back wall to the right of his cell, which contains a book titled Thalmor Dossier: Esbern; if you read it, the quest will also update."
There are two ways to progress the quest, both of which are mentioned in the article. I've highlighted the section in the article in the quote that specifically mentions asking Etienne about anything of importance just so you can see that it is there. The Thalmor attack outside the cave is and always has been the result of a random encounter, which could equally be any other random encounter with hostile creatures or NPCs or even a benign one. The random encounter is a common enough occurrence that it too has been addressed in the notes section. It can't go in the quest section because it isn't part of the quest, and doesn't always happen. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:58, 25 February 2018 (UTC)

(Skyrim VR) Game crashes upon arriving at embassy[edit]

No matter what I do, the game crashes as soon as I arrive at the Thalmor embassy! Can someone help? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:21 on 2 September 2018 (UTC)