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Skyrim talk:Marriage/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Marriage discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

moved note --- sleeping in undies

"A wife will sleep with you in a bed that supports two people. However, there are no blankets and they are fully clothed. It is possible for you to sleep in undies, and only high sneak perk allows you to steal your spouse's clothes so they are in undies also."

This does not belong on a wiki, however, due to continued readdings, i am moving it here, because 3 or 4 editors removing it is not enough for some people. (Eddie The Head 11:45, 29 November 2011 (UTC))
just put it back in. people actually try to do it anyways. and it is something I think most people will do once they get high enough perks. having it in there lets people know of the possibilities — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:47 on 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Nope. As I already explained, and several editors have reverted you for, we already detail information about the relevant perk. As this game function works as intended, there is no reason to make note of it here. Since we already explain that you can do this at Skyrim:Pickpocket, and that this seems to offer no bonus to the game besides letting you see a character in their undergarments (no special comments, no special abilities or animations), mentioning this here is simply redundant. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 16:47, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Let's leave it here and be done with it. This is not a truly immersive activity, it's creepy role-playing and doesn't belong on the main article. Additionally it requires high level skill perks to steal equipped items, and those who take the perk are already aware of the possibility. One could just as easily use the console or mods in order to remove the clothing, but we don't write down all the possible things to be done in this sort of game, because the possibilities are limited to the imagination of the player. Please sign your posts. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 16:52, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
For what it's worth, I accidentally made it so my wife wears no clothes around the house, unfortunately. I gave Aela a full set of Deadric armor, enchanted and all, after she equiped it, her default suit of Ancient Nord armor was up for sell. After buying both sets (for some reason, her default set was duplicated) I then dismissed her from following me. Now, every time I go back to my home in Solitude, she is in her undergarments... It's annoying, and I'm hoping making another set of Ancient Nord armor will fix it. TL;DR She equiped deadric armor and sold her default nord armor to me, I dropped it somewhere, can't remember, and now she wears nothing when I enter our house cell until she follows me and I remove and re-equip a piece of her deadric armor. Mikeyy 21:19, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
So of the most attractive NPCs in Skyrim walks around your house in her undergarments...and you're complaining? 04:01, 3 December 2011 (UTC)
This may be related to the manikin bug which can have an naked manikin despite it being full of armor. The manikins are treated as NPCs by the game (I even had one bug out and go warm its hands by the fire) so some of their bugs may carry over to followers. Coronus 14:55, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

() Not to completely necro this topic, but there is some value in the OP quote since there appears to be a bug under certain circumstances. The opening line "A wife will sleep with you in a bed that supports two people." should likely be incorporated somewhere into the wiki, possibly the bug section if it is a bug or possibly due to a reason we won't know until the creation kit is released, since some spouses do not sleep or refuse to sleep in a bed that supports two people. 00:26, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

What exactly is 'Creepy' about having sex with your wife?. 22:19, 7 March 2012 (UTC)
The fact that she's a video game character, and not a real person? Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 22:23, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

Follower Spouses

Two questions here. First, if you adventure with your spouse, do you still get the benefits from her being a spouse? Does she still act as a merchant? Second, what happens if your spouse joins the Blades? — Unsigned comment by Daedalus (talkcontribs) at 01:52 on 30 November 2011

Follower spouses do retain the benefits of being a spouse: you can still receive store profits, cooked meals, etc while they are following you. They can be dismissed, and asked to follow again like other followers as well. Cannot answer the question about the Blades though. --Aphotic Phoenix 13:36, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Follower spouses also offer the option of trade whilst they are following too, but they have 0 gold and only offer the items you have put in their inventory. (Eddie The Head 13:43, 30 November 2011 (UTC))
The only thing I don't think follower spouses help you with is the 15% post-coital bit. Followers don't seem to ever sleep, and they won't join you in bed when you do. I tried using command mode and activate the bed, but as soon as I leave command mode they get back up. Update: I think this might just be a bug in the system. Supposedly sleeping in the vicinity of a spouse is all you need to get the bonus, but this doesn't always happen on account of their AI package getting reset if you assign them to a home other than their own. So I don't know, maybe there is an additional problem with followers, but given the other problems it is probably connected to that. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:31 on 3 December 2011
Have you gone into the Follower mode, and asked them to sleep in the bed? That's how most people seem to do it, by telling them you need them to do something, then clicking on the bed. Vyc Ðarkshådøw 22:31, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
I think Follower NPCs can only provide the lovers comfort perk if you sleep in their house. In the case of non-house owning Followers, that would likely be the place you hired him/her. For me, that was Vorstag's room in the Silver-Blood Inn. I've tried directing him to sleep in the bedroom of 3 different owned homes as well as some safe shacks and rented rooms - he goes through the motions, but no perk bonus. Only when we traveled back to Markarth and stayed at the Silver-Blood Inn did I get the perk.EmpressEmmie
I get 15% lover's comfort effect with Aela in my proudspire house. She was my follower. She never sleeps upstairs. But she sometimes sleeps in downstairs bedroll due to produspire's bug or doesn't sleep at all due to AI bug. I commanded her to sleep upstairs bed, canceled and pressed "sleep" for myself and got the bonus. Aela's house is supposed to be the companion hall. So follower spouse not giving bonus at other houses is not always the case. (ZekunD 12:24, 6 January 2012 (UTC))

Aerin likes to watch

While unwanted surprise relations being part of the marriage package is totally realistic, I consider it a bug that Aerin follows Mjoll after marriage. Into your home... asking "are you lost?" He looks over her even as she sleeps in her marital bed. Very creepy. Add Lydia, who camps inside your Breezehome bedroom in the chair facing the bed and casually takes a bite of bread every so often like she's watching TV, and it's more than I could tolerate.

Mjoll was no longer on speaking terms with me after she stepped over his crumpled-over-backward body as she got out of bed one morning.

Apparently, Dovahkiin is mute. But if he weren't, he would have said "What? I just got here! How is this my fault!? If his gaze left you long enough to look over his shoulder every so often, some unknown, mystery assassin wouldn't have been able to slip him 3 vials of Strong Poison and a vial of Strong Lingering Poison. No witnesses. Dark Brotherhood, most likely. C'mon, Baby! Baby?"

I've been staying at the Bannered Mare lately. Leadingzero 21:26, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

Dovahkin isn't mute, it's just that when he/she speaks everyone in the room is torn asunder! — Unsigned comment by Signatum (talkcontribs) at 07:18 on 15 December 2011
I killed him and hid his body in the alchemy room. A couple days later, his body was gone. --Mikeyy 08:54, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
I had to laugh, on another talk page someone was saying the same thing about creepy Lydia. Guess the player had married Farkas and came home one day to find them *both* up in the bedroom... guess they took Lydia out to a deep cave somewhere, killed her, and tossed her into a pit. Rofl. On a similar note, I moved Senna to my home in Whiterun, closed Lydia into her room across the hall, closed the door with Senna and I in the master and "rested" to see if I could get some "Lovers Comfort". 4 hours later, the game did that "jump" it does... Senna is downstairs and Lydia was standing next to my bed. 00:44, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
I have a question, I entered Aerin's house and wolfed out, he attacked, I ate him, then married Mejoll, since she is unkillable; and now there is no option for a store, she makes meals and follows me but doesn't open a store, even though she was in Honeyside waiting as a follower when I ate our little voyeur, did this make the bug happen? (I hope I didn't overwrite someone else's post, it was in this field when I started typing, if so I am sorry). Orc Chieftain 17:23, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

() Guys I wanted to say thank you, I have been heeding everyone's advice and I am fully enjoying playing the game much more, I further am enjoying watching Mejoll wander around our house, and my she is built nicely :P Orc Chieftain 15:52, 17 February 2012 (UTC)

Aela marriage bug

I 'proposed' to Aela after completing the companions questline, and everything went smooth up till after I told Maramal we were getting married. I waited in the temple till dawn, then all the guests were there and they were like "Get out!" Aela wasn't there though. I talked to the priest and he said I "spat in the face of love" and that Aela and I had to work things out if we wanted to marry. I went back to Whiterun and talked to Aela, and she was all "What else do you want? You ruined our wedding!". I said I made a mistake and wanted to start over. We got married succesfully after that, but I would like to know what happened because this bug (if it is a bug) put a real damper on our wedding. 05:06, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

Are you sure you didn't wait too long.Br3admax 05:13, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
What do you mean by 'wait too long'? Do you mean waiting in the temple for the wedding? If so, I waited till about 5 in the morning. 06:33, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

() Did Lydia's corpse appear or something? Her dead body (or any other dead companions) bodies seem to mess up weddings. --Sencilia 08:12, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

Yeah Lydia's corpse appeared. How does that affect the wedding? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:56 on 29 December 2011
Its apparently some weird bug. I don't know how it really works but you gotta somehow get rid of the corpse when its in the chapel. --Sencilia 14:02, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
Its impossible to drag corpses out of a building, as far as I've seen. But my wife-to-be wasn't even there. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:09 on 30 December 2011
Apparently the guests and priest believe you're the one that killed the corpse, whether you actually did or not. Vyc Ðarkshådøw 22:43, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
You can disable them.--Ravage 01:17, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
Well to be fair, most companions are only supposed to die if you do the last bit of damage to them. If Lydia appears, it may well have been you that technically killed her. -- 04:06, 20 February 2012 (UTC)

() This happened to me I was marrying Majoll and had her as a follower and the ceremony would not start. I had to reload from earlier save see priest again and asked her to part ways then asked her to marry me and ceremony began 6:00 am following day. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:26 on 2 January 2012


If Lydia is only open for marriage by using the console commands shouldn't she be deleted from the list? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:40 on 15 January 2012

She's supposed to be marriageable without console, but it's currently bugged so you can't. Any other housecarl, you can marry normally, which is why it's claimed to be an unfixed bug. Vyc Ðarkshådøw 22:45, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
In the marriage faction list, she's set at -1. Everyone else is set at 0. Maybe making her 0 would make her marriable without commands? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:55 on 12 February 2012
I got her, received an Amulet of Mara and instandly am able to marry her. My guess is either she is not bugged anymore since one of the latest patches or I am simply lucky with this char. Anyway I would like to add her to the marriage list of female NPCs again. Dammit, wasn't logged in. Blink86 09:54, 1 March 2012 (UTC)


So I am using the console commands to try to marry her. I reser the quest {setstage relationshipmarriage 10} got a new amulet of mara and talked to her but the dialouge was still not there, so I did addtofaction 19809 01 and setrelationshiprankplayer 4 and talked to her again, still not there though now I can rehaire her at will it seems... its this a new bug or should I murder the first wife? I thought that resetting the quest would unown her automatically :/ I'll try it a number of different ways but if anyone else has had this problem please speak up. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:58 on 15 January 2012

There's some NPCs that cannot be married, even with the console. This is mentioned in several Wiki posts. Did you miss this somehow? Vyc Ðarkshådøw 22:48, 8 February 2012 (UTC)


I thopught you guys may be itnerested to know that the console actually made no difference to my attempts to relate to Iliya, I tried disabling the previous partner and it did not work, I had to actually kill her in game and later resurrect, iliya was apparently unaffected by the add to marriage faction and relation ship rank command which must mean she already has the script running somewhere but it's not normally noticed. While iliya is not great looking she is probably the most capeable spell caster you can have follow you, hence the reason for this missage. well w/e hope someone finds this useful should they try the same thing with iliya. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:58 on 15 January 2012

Ummm...i'm a little confused as to what this post is actually saying. Can anyone clarify for me? Vyc Ðarkshådøw 00:51, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
"iliya was apparently unaffected by the add to marriage faction and relation ship rank command", essentially. The console was not working for this person when they tried setting her relationship rank in order to marry her. --Velyanthe 00:56, 9 February 2012 (UTC)


My wife keeps getting killed by Falmer in Nchuand-Zel. At first, I thought she was just getting caught in my Shout, then I let her handle them on her own a few times and she died every single time. She has previously survived dragons Shouting fire and frost at her while already in the recovery state, so I know it was working at first. --Debatra 20:03, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

It's a bug with the fact that poisoned weapons can kill your followers. Falmer almost always use poisoned weapons. Stay away from them, or give your wife some poison-resist gear.

--Pushasha 21:29, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

Thanks. I'll be sure to do that. --Debatra 22:22, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
I'm not so sure that's a bug. What happens is, whenever your follower hits one knee due to low health, their aggro is sent to you, as the foe believes the follower is damaged enough to no longer pose a threat. With poison (as with fire), it continuously deals damage, whether your follower is being attacked or not. Therefore, they can still die. Vyc Ðarkshådøw 22:55, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Merchants Prior To Marriage and their Inventory?

If you marry an already established merchant, do their Inventory change to general after marriage? Do they retain both store inventory in one? Planning to marry Muiri, will she loose her apothecary status to general? Djarknaein 17:46, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

I have one character married to Muiri. She is actually not the merchant of The Hag's Cure, Beothia is. I believe that there are no vanilla marriable NPC's who are merchants before marriage. (I say vanilla because possible console use and mods may change that.) Anubis Priest 21:41, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
You can marry Sadri of Sadris used wares. So someone edit the part about not being able to marry merchants out. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:27 on 8 February 2012
The article page is correct as is (at least the written explanation), though the theory by AP in the comment above is slightly off. He is right about Muiri not being the merchant of the Hag's Cure-- Bothela is, as he said. There are a few NPCs you can marry who are merchants before marriage (without the use of PC console), such as Sadri, like you said. The part of the article which actually needs editing is the Merchant column in the table of NPCs available to be married-- it is either wrong, incomplete, or inconsistent. Maybe I'll make this the next 'project' of mine. :) Alphabetface 17:12, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
The merchant column has been fixed as of 04:10, 9 February 2012 (UTC) --ABCface

Frequency of Surprise Gift?

Does anyone know how frequently this happens? Since I've been married I haven't received a gift yet from my husband. -nag nag nag- No, but seriously, anyone know? I'd like to figure this out. Breetastic 09:33, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

I think it is completely random. I have been given gifts from people in the game that I never even spoke to. The gift is usually just a small amount of gold or food. It doesn't happen very often either, at least in my case. RIM 10:22, 7 February 2012 (UTC)


On the table of eligible males, it lists the conditions to marry Odfel as "None". Does this mean you can marry him from the very beginning of the game? Since marriage will grant access to a daily income of 100 gold, this could be useful information for starting new characters, as it would be an easy way to gain money quickly without doing much for it. All they would have to do is speak with Maramel to set it up, go through with it, and... instant income! I would like to know if anyone can verify that there are no conditions for marrying Odfel, it seems almost too good to be true. Alphabetface 03:44, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

Marrying anyone just for money that early in the game is a bad suggestion for new players. Also, you didn't need to ask this here and in Odfel's talk page. I verified and I had to modify his relationship rank towards me for him to be marriable. I haven't found a way to gain favour with him through quests, so I suppose he's not normally marriable.-- 02:43, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
Eh, I asked in both places just to get a reply quicker, not that I ended up being able to check replies quickly anyway. Thanks for checking on this, and I guess Odfel should be removed from the table of available spouses if he can't be married without use of console. I've kind of wondered if there aren't more male NPCs who are in the table and shouldn't be. Of course, I don't have time to test anything, but maybe someone will eventually. Alphabetface 05:33, 18 February 2012 (UTC)

Spouses' Dialogue and Voice Acting

I've done some testing marrying a couple different people and I found a few things, so to answer some of the questions:

  • People I have tested: Sylgja (my real wife in game), Jordis the housecarl, Muiri, Senna and Eola, who's not normally marriable.
  • As I've only married the above five, I do not know if there are exceptions to the following, but here's what I've learned:
  • Spouses seems to keep unique dialogue options they had before marrying. For example, you can still ask Sylgja about the mine after you marry her, Jordis will have all her housecarl and follower dialogue, Eola has her dialogue from her quest, etc.
  • There's plenty of people who have the same voice, and thus, the same default lines. In the five spouses I tested, Sylgja, Jordis and Muiri share a voice, and Eola and Senna share another voice. However they may not say the exactly same thing in all situations because of the following:
  • Some NPCs have specific lines for greeting and dismissing the player (and possibly for other interactions), and they keep those lines after you marry them. For example, Eola has lines from her quest for both greeting and dismissing the player, so she never does the default greeting or dismissal. Muiri and Jordis have only unique greetings, so they dismiss the player the same as Sylgja, who has no unique lines, so she uses the default interactions for her voiceover. Senna also has no unique interactions, so you can hear from her the lines Eola doesn't say because of her unique, quest-related lines (also, their voiceover doesn't have the "trinkets, odds and ends..." line). Other marriage specific lines, like what they say when you ask to marry them or when you ask them to cook are the same across all NPCs with the same voice (I believe there aren't exceptions to this).
  • There are also some potential spouses with unique, or at least very uncommon voiceovers. Viola Giordano comes to mind. I haven't married any of them, so I don't know if they default to one of the common voices or if they have all the marriage lines in their own voices.
  • In conclusion, when considering marriage with someone with a common voice, like one of the orc ladies (who all have the same voice), or Jordis, Muiri, Sylgja, Ysolda and whoever else has that voice, pay attention to how they interact with you. If they salute you with one of the generic "hey friend, what's up?" lines, they'll most likely have the default marriage lines interact with you. If they greet you with something specific to a quest they were part of, or something specific to their factions, you can expect to keep hearing those things even after married.

EDIT: Also you can't be married to two people at the same time. Even after resetting the quest to the right stage, the NPCs will talk about marriage, but the option to propose will not appear until your current spouse is dead.

-- 03:25, 15 February 2012 (UTC)


Whether this information should be included has gone back and forth a few times over the history of the article. I'm wondering if perhaps the best solution is to separate those two women out into their own subsection which can explain in more detail that they were intended to be marriageable but can't be. My concern, and I'll admit it's a bit of crystal ball gazing, is that they almost certainly will be marriageable for PC players once the Unofficial Skyrim Patch comes, and those players will come here looking for the info and not be able to find it. Robin Hoodtalk 19:24, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

I think it's pretty simple. As long as they cannot be married they should not be in the list. When they do become marriable, the list should be updated accordingly. A small note stating that these women are available according to the Official Game Guide might be included. A whole subsection is a bit too much in my opinion. Wolok gro-Barok 19:33, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

If your spouse dies, can you still use his/her house?

If your spouse dies, can you still live, sleep, and store items in his/her house? Is it at all possible to receive the Lovers Comfort bonus (without mods)? (For all I know, the game may just be looking at the "current residence" of the spouse, not actually checking where the spouse actually is.) This page only says that you can't remarry, -no additional information. I was really surprised that information about the house wasn't on the page: if I missed it, I am sorry. --Amsuko 05:30, 21 February 2012 (UTC)

Another Marriage Bug?

I am trying to remarry, and let me explain the scenario that I’m in. I did the marriage quest normally and successfully married Mjoll the Lioness. I decided I wanted to marry someone else. So I ran the following console commands: Completequest 0007431B Resetquest 0007431B Resetquest 00021382 After running these Mjoll walked out our house in Riften and acted like we were never married. The next thing I did was ditch the amulet of Mara and wedding band from my inventory. Went back to the temple and bought another amulet from Maramal. Having it equipped, I cannot get any marriage dialogue with potential wives. These are all NPCs that I have done favors for, including completing all the companions’ quests. They even comment on the amulet and saying how they can’t believe I’m not married, etc. Still no dialogue. I’ve even targeted them in console and ran the command addfac 19089 1, still nothing. I’ve reset the entire marriage quest using ‘resetquest relationshipmarriage’, then followed by’ setstage relationshipmarriage 10’. I have also heard that I need to talk to Maramal first about marriage before any dialogue appears. That isn’t an option with him the second time around, even after resetting the quest. I only get the option to buy another amulet. So are there any other possibilities here or are my marriage days over? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:40 on 24 February 2012

I don't play on PC but you may be able to get a mod or just change some thnigs using the creation kit if you really want to get remarried. RIM 19:12, 24 February 2012 (UTC)

Borgakh the Steel Heart - Does she own entire longhouse?

On the page, it says Borgakh's property is: "Larak's Longhouse[verification needed — any/all hers?]"

I can't look into the console, but I think it was safe to remove this tag. I would assume all the Orcs own all the longhouse items (including the mine) and I am now a shared owner of all those items. So, for the purpose of this chart, she does "own" the longhouse. (Assuming the purpose is "Once I marry this person, what do I get? What becomes mine?" I guess that's debatable, which is why I put this note.) After marrying her and moving into her house, I could not find anything to steal. This included two pieces of armor outside by the forge each worth $500 and $1000 flawless diamonds in various chests. (Oddly, the key you get to the house opens the house and the cellar, but not the cage door in the cellar that protects a shelf with some potions. Once the lock is picked, all the potions can be taken freely.) I can sleep in all five beds and access all furniture, chests, and containers. No items in any containers, nor any items sitting out, were marked red or said "Steal" ANYWHERE (inside or outside). It seems absolutely everything in the longhouse and within the fenced outdoor area (including inside the mine) is now mine to take. Prior to marriage, but after winning a brawl with the chief, expensive items were marked for stealing. These same items (left untouched) became free to take after marriage. If I've made a mistake in my understanding of the chart's purpose, revert and let me know. --Amsuko 05:06, 3 March 2012 (UTC)

Thank you for clearing that up. I was unsure since it seemed multiple NPCs lived there, so I put the VN tag up when I was cleaning up that column of the table. Your explanation is definitely the verification I was looking for. Alphabetface 05:16, 3 March 2012 (UTC)

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