The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
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The UESP is currently looking for FURNISHING INFORMATION.
~ If you have verifiable information regarding the acquisition of Furnishings, Plans, etc., please help us by entering information at:
Erorah |
Hello? Is it me you’re looking for? |
Work in Progress |
- Erorah, in her Dwemer Form.
- I am apparently 55 years old but truly, I refuse to count. I play TESO on my myriad characters, but mainly on my ‘completionist’ when it comes to every achievement, every profession, every house… You can find @Erorah picking through urns and looting every delve and dungeon for all the plans, gathering every single glowing material on the ground – she is indiscriminate – and decorating several homes simultaneously.
Living the Dream
- Playing The Elder Scrolls Online. ALL. THE. TIME.
- I am always looking for ways to contribute and improve the Wiki in the Housing and Decorating categories. This also includes all the Crafting Professions.
- 9 out of the 10 hours a day that I spend in Tamriel is dedicated to the REAL END GAME – that of which is Housing!!
- I am updating, uploading and filling in all the photo gaps in the Furnishings categories. I enjoy taking the photos and know that many in the Decorating communities rely on our thoroughness.
Future Projects |
Links – Because I need them! |
- I only own 86 of the current 100 homes. Is that too many? Homestead is one key area that continually needs updating, as well as Player Housing. I will work through all parts of these categories, while acquiring all pieces… just to be sure. I mean, for quality assurance

- While items continue to be created and released into the game, I will gather all the info and update all sections of Furnishings.
- This is perhaps where the most effort is needed - to update and maintain these pages. Sitting in game, doing nothing but taking photos of items does not seem like all that much fun, and truly, it is not ‘fun’, but necessary in order to keep not only ourselves, but others interested in this aspect of the game. There is a LARGE Decorating community in TESO. T’would be a shame to let the field go to fallow, as it were.
Pic-O-T-D |
“I drink… and I know things.” |
Hero of Kvatch |
This user is from Canada. |
This user is female. |
This user has been lurking on UESP since 2004. |
Today is this user's UESPBirthday! This user has been on UESPWiki for 4 years. |
This user has made a grand total of 30,691 edits in 1461 days. |
- I started playing MMOs in 2000 when my best friend bought ‘Everquest’ for my birthday. When he bought ‘Morrowind – Tribunal’ for me 3 years later, I started my journey into the immersive world of Tamriel. Hooked, w/ line AND sinker, I played through it a few times. ‘EQII’ came out in 2004, and my husband and I migrated over and away from the original. We continued to play and learn all that [games] and [fantasy] had to share.
- You know every time one updates their PC, they import their favorites from the previous OS? Recently, when cleaning some Imported bookmarks folders, I found the one titled Morrowind! This folder had most likely been created sometime in 2003-4. Then I found another called Elder Scrolls. Inside were 2 more folders named Morrowind and Oblivion! That one must have been imported sometime after 2006. These are not just funny tidbits. The contents of these folders were ALL UESP links!!
- My husband and I are both retired, and we continue to play [video] games. To be sure, TESO takes up far too many hours. We cannot stop!
- So now, just as those UESP pages gave me the help I needed, I will contribute where I may, in this place that I love the most
