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User talk:Goblin lair/Sandbox/Abagarlas

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You could also add Scalons, you could put something like 'Although Scalons are not Intelligent creatures yet, there is evidence (see Baliwogs) that they are very close to evolving into intelligent creatures. For now Scalons are hunters in the water, they will stand in the water waiting for their prey and then, when the prey is close enough they will turn invisible and slowly lurk towards it until they are close enough and they will strike down their prey will devastating force. They also have a 25% of carrying the disease Scalon Sunburn.'

A Scalon from Dementia
A Scalon from Mania

Thanks, I'll see what I can make. BTW (by the way (if you didn't know)) could you help me get some informatioon about the ogres? -Goblin lair 13:45, 29 october 2008


You could also put something like ‘The Kwama of Vvardenfell are very similar to ants, there are many different species of Kwama.

Forager: Foragers are scouts, they search for new land and food, they are agressive but weak.

Worker: Workers are the labourers of the nest they dig tunnels and tend to the queen/eggs.

Warrior: Warriors are very agressive and will protect their nest from invaders till the death.

Queen: Queens are the largest Kwama in the nest, they produce all the eggs and there is only one queen per nest. They are too large to move and their needs are attended to by Kwama Workers. Strangely the majourity of Kwama queens are infected with blight disease.

Scrib: Scribs are the larval form of the Kwama they are not agressive they can protect themselves by paralzying their attackers.

Kwama Forager
Kwama Warrior
Kwama Worker
Kwama Queen

Thanks! I shall come to the very less advaced creatures in due time. At the moment I am working on the grummites, I could use help about the rieklings or ogres, if you would like to help me with that. -Goblin lair 13:45, 29 october 2008

yh i can get u info on ogres --Tabloes 09:41, 29 October 2008 (EDT)


Baliwogs are water-dwelling creatures that mostly live in and on the shores of lakes/rivers/bogs of the Shivering Isles and some people believe Baliwogs evole into Grummites, others think they evolve into Scalons, no-one knows for sure. Baliwogs are the best example of creatures in the Shivering Isles for evolution. A baby Baliwog has two long, front legs and two short, back legs and no dorsal fins, but an adult Baliwog has four short legs and a dorsal fin on it's back. Baliwogs can regenerate healh whilst swimming or in the rain. Baliwogs have a 15% chance of being inflicted by Swamp Fever. Baliwogs can deliver a nasty blow from it's claws, a swing from its tail or a potentially deadly bite from its razor-sharp teeth. --Tabloes 07:41, 30 October 2008 (EDT)

A Baliwog
A Baby Baliwog

What needs to be added...[edit]

Well... Feel free to add ideas on this section.

What to do:

  • the population of the creatures.
    • Mournhold Goblin population.
  • Special Items obtained from the creatures (Items they have created, like weapons)


Civilised Creatures =[edit]

weve mentioned intelligent creatures... but what about civilised creatures? like Khajiits and Argonians

You could say something like Khajjits and Argonians are prime examples of creature intelligence evoultion, these creatures have become so intelligent they are now civillised citizens of both Cyrodiil and Vvardenfell. This is the evoultionary dream for all the creatures in the Abagarlas, to become intelligent and civilised to the point were they are accepted as citizens, although some people still treat them as second class citizens this is not widely accepted. In some ways even they are advanced, dispite some flaws in the Vvardenfell species regarding some armor difficulties they have developed special,inhuman abilities (such as Argonian water breathing or Khajjit agility).


You won't be able to get an accurate population for the Rieklings, the Bloodmoon leveled lists include them so depending on what level you are and when you enter the cell their population will vary, so maybe something like "An accurate count of the Rieklings of Solsthiem is difficult if not impossible to obtain due to the extremely fast breeding rate of these creatures." Would be good for population.--TheAlbinoOrc 23:46, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

I would say it's more correct to say that their nubers is not known since noone have been able to count them without being attacked resulting in either the death of the rieklings or the death of the person trying to count them. But it was valuable information that no exact number can be found. :) -Goblin lair 08:30, 8 February 2010
Thinking about it I can probably give you min-max numbers since as far as I know the leveled lists can only spawn one thing at a time so I'm going to go look that up in the CS.--TheAlbinoOrc 12:48, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
Update, min is 27 plus Dulk, Krish and the Riekling Boarmaster, then you can have up to 113 more just in the Felsaad Coast region and Isinfier Plains then you can have 87 more with the patrols which are scattered all over the place, plus 33 in interiors so max is going to be 260 plus Dulk, Krish and the Boarmaster.--TheAlbinoOrc 13:09, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
So there could be all between 30 and 263 of them? (including Dulk, Krish and the Boarmaster) - Goblin lair 16:23, 10 February 2010
Yes. I'll start doing the same thing for the Mournhold Goblins.--TheAlbinoOrc 18:25, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
Thanks! Then I shall add the imformation allready given. -Goblin lair 20:23, 10 February 2010


Should it be mentioned that they are the only known race other than those that are actually civilized to have domesticated animals ? (Population unavailable see: Riekling).--TheAlbinoOrc 00:02, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

Good point... at least they are the only ones with cettle. The rieklings have mounts and the Grummites tries to have gnarls... -Goblin lair 08:31, 8 February 2010

You're right I'd forgotten about the Rieklings having Tusked Bristlebacks but the goblins are the only ones with food animals and mounts as far as I know, as for the gnarls I didn't know about them because I have the PS3 version so SI is out :(.--TheAlbinoOrc 23:12, 8 February 2010 (UTC)

Update, min for Goblins is 41 (counting Durgoc and Kurog) with a max of 67 (again counting Durgoc and Kurog).--TheAlbinoOrc 19:35, 10 February 2010 (UTC)
Thanks! This information will be added :) -Goblin lair 21:06, 10 February 2010
Your welcome! Glad I could help. (although I'm hardly an expert all I did was check in the CS)--TheAlbinoOrc 23:04, 10 February 2010 (UTC)