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Oblivion talk:Shadowmere

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Archive 1: December 2007 - June 2011

Can you own both Shadowmere and the Unicorn?[edit]

I was wondering, if I do the quest and mount the Unicorn, will Shadowmere disappear forever? Also if you leave the Unicorn for Shadowmere, is the Unicorn lost to you as a mount? I just wanted to know if there was a way for you to own both horses, if it was possible. I love Shadowmere, and I hear the Unicorn is awesome too! (what can I say, I want everything? :P ) Any information anyone has on this would be helpful! Thanks! 01:52, 20 July 2011 (UTC)

I don't think you can own both, considering as Shadowmere and the Unicorn are both unique and mounting either one will dismiss the other one. Also the Unicorn has a tendencey to even attack the player who mounted it. 01:57, 20 July 2011 (UTC)
You can only have 1 mount registered to you at any time. Any others that you own will return to their home; the stables for horses, Fort Farragut for Shadowmere, and the Grove for the Unicorn. Only the one mount used last will fast travel with you, but the others will still be owned by you, you jus have to go mount them again and it will become your main ride. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 02:06, 20 July 2011 (UTC)

Shadomere won't wake up[edit]

So Shadowmere was knocked unconscious while we were fighting some will-o-wasps (I don't have good magic skills). The problem is that she is not waking up! I tried Prid enable, I tried waiting a few hours, I went back to fort Farragut (or whatever its called), and now back to Shadowmere. I put a healing potion inside of her. Nothing seems to be bringing shadowmere back. Any ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:46 on July 20, 2011

have you tried resurrect? it works on unconscious npcs sometimes -- Wülf— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:32 on September 29, 2011
Is Shadowmere unconscious because of health or fatigue? If the health is down to 0, then there should be no reason to not wake up after the default 10 second essential "death" time. It may be possible for her to be knocked out from damaged fatigue, which should regenerate over time, but could also be restored. I would try to restore fatigue first. If that doesn't work you can click her on the console and use the resurrect 1 command. This will resurrect her while playing the waking up animation, so she doesn't reset to her spawn. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 16:48, 29 September 2011 (UTC)

Shadowmere glitches/bugs for PS3[edit]

I think i REALLY lost shadowmere this time =( Okay this is what happend the first few times, id knock her out and take out my stuff (shes my container because i cant be bothered to buy a house) WAIT until shes consious and travel. This was my routine..However, yesterday, i wanted to get my Dark seducer armour out (you can get the armour if you complete shivering isles) so i knocked her out but then i was raided by guards because i "accidently" killed one. I was too overwhelmed and i fled...yep, i left shadowmere to kill em all. That was probably my mistake, so i went to fort farragut..she wasnt there, i reloaded a previous save...i reloaded again and again and again but she still wasnt there! I dont know what to do! The last time this happened on one of my other accounts i had to delete it because all my stuff was in there! And im on PS3, can someone please help me? I think that when i reloaded the save it was before shadowmere vanished if this helps.

It takes about a week for Shadowmere to return to Fort Farragut. Try waiting a couple of days there. Kitkat1749 TalkContribE-mail 16:27, 17 August 2011 (UTC)

shadowmere, dead on pc[edit]

shadowmere died after beign attacked my a bandit,now shes dead not invconcious, so why is she dead? how do i resurrect her?

Open the console, type resurrect , press return, close console 19:45, 23 September 2011 (UTC)

Shadowmere a LOTR reference?[edit]

Seems rather obvious to me tha Shadowmere is refrencing Shadowfax from LOTR. 1. Similar names 2. Both one of the fastest horses in their respective universe 3. Polar opposite colors. 12:47, 22 October 2011 (UTC)

Shadowmere not fast traveling with me[edit]

I just fast traveled from my house in the IC to Frostcrag Spire while mounted on Shadowmere. I arrived at FS on foot, and the message flashed "your horse is stabled outside the city gate". What city? and any way to work this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:26 on 31 May 2012

This tends to happen a lot with Shadowmere. Usually, though, she'll wander back to Fort Farragut in her own sweet time if you wait a bit. Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 16:45, 31 May 2012 (UTC)

Is Shadowmere a Black Horse?[edit]

Is Shadowmere actually considered a Black variety of horse based on data, or just coloring? I didn't see any mention of it within her entry on CSList. --XyzzyTalk 04:14, 21 July 2012 (UTC)

Armored Shadowmere not turning[edit]

I armored Shadowmere, and now she can't turn. Is this another glitch, or is something else going on? 16:44, 21 March 2013 (GMT) I have the same problem. Gonna just not get the armor. 18:32, 24 March 2014 (GMT)

Shadowmere zombie horse?[edit]

So replaying on the PS3 in HD, and Shadowmere has some weird spots on the right side and by the saddle. Never noticed before, so it got me wondering, is Shadowmere a zombie or other type of undead horse? FMPhoenixHawk (talk) 08:26, 21 August 2013 (GMT)

Does Shadowmere have a demoralize effect? i was killing people for funsies and Shadowmere started attacking with me, and this guard just yelled, "RUN AWAY!" but before she started attacking, the guard was fighting.