Online:Archdruid Ellic
Archdruid Ellic | |||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Eldertide Circle |
Archdruid Ellic is a Breton and an Archdruid of the Eldertide druids in Galen. He can first be encountered attending the Draoife at the Draoife Dell.
Related Quests[edit]
A Sea of Troubles: Discover the truth behind Sea Elf raids on Galen.
Tides of Ruin: Rescue Sir Stefan Mornard from the Firesong.
The Siege of Vastyr: Battle for Vastyr.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Sea of Troubles[edit]
After reporting evidence about a possible alliance between the Firesong and Dreadsails to Sir Stefan Mornard, you accompany him and Druid Laurel to the Draoife, a meeting of the archdruids of all three druidic circles. When you arrive, Archdruid Orlaith will be speaking with both Archdruid Rahval and Archdruid Ellic:
- Archdruid Orlaith: "The day is upon us. The Draoife must crown a new Druid King!"
- Archdruid Rahval: "Perhaps, but you have no right to claim the sacred seeds by force."
- Archdruid Orlaith: "You hide your seeds and keep the Sower of Kasorayn's Dream for yourself. You declared this war, not the Firesong."
- Archdruid Ellic: "No Druid King can be crowned until the circles are united! The Telling Stone is quite clear …."
- Archdruid Orlaith: "This Draoife is a sham! If I must burn away the old to reveal the new, so be it!"
- <Firesong druids and Dreadsails will teleport in and slay most of the attending druids.>
- Druid Laurel: "Orlaith killed most of the Draoife! She's getting away!"
- <Druid Laurel runs down a tunnel.>
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Laurel, wait! Damn. I'll go after her. Friend, protect the remaining archdruids!"
In the meantime, Dhulef will shield the surviving Rahval and Ellic while you fight off the attackers. Once you have defeated them all, you can chase after the pair but you have the option of talking to Archdruid Ellic before you go:
- "What perfidy is this? Orlaith dares to attack the Draoife? That path-traitor!
Bah! I do not need your help, stranger. Go assist Rahval's foolish students before they get themselves killed."
When you catch up to Druid Laurel and Sir Stefan, you find things have gone wrong. Sir Stefan has been captured by both Sealord Nalos and Archdruid Orlaith. You will then need to fight Druid Branagh and his ursauk companion. Once you have won, Archdruid Orlaith will give an ultimatum:
- Druid Branagh: "I fall, but the Firesong burn on …."
- Archdruid Orlaith: "You defeated my champion? No matter."
- Archdruid Orlaith: "Tell Count Mornard to stay out of this or his son's life is forfeit!"
- <Archdruid Orlaith, Sealord Nalos and Sir Stefan then leave, the survivors then catch up to you.>
- Archdruid Ellic: "The Eldertide will make Orlaith answer for this outrage!"
- Archdruid Rahval: "She has young Stefan. We must tread carefully. Yet thanks to this mainlander, we still live."
- Dhulef: "We must inform Count Mornard. I won't tell archdruids what to do, but you're welcome in Vastyr."
Speaking with Ellic before you leave the Draoife Dell:
- "I have given Archdruid Orlaith too much ground in an effort to keep the peace between our circles. No longer. The treachery of this day sunders all bonds.
She will pay for this."
Tides of Ruin[edit]
After speaking with Count Leonard Mornard about what happened at the Draoife, he will ask you to handle the rescue of Stefan while he publicly does nothing. He will also ask you to speak with Archdruids Rahval and Ellic. They can be found east of Vastyr, Laurel will be with them, and you can hear the end of their conversation as you approach.
You can then speak with Archdruid Ellic:
- "First Tuinh, then Draoife Dell. My circle takes pride in protecting what we love. War has come to Galen, but we have few warriors left to fight it.
How could Archdruid Orlaith side with those pirates against her own people?" - Count Mornard sent me to ask if you have any idea where the Firesong might be holding Sir Stefan.
- "Are you suggesting that the Eldertide have anything to do with the treachery of the Firesong, outsider?"
- No, but if you know anything that can help me find Sir Stefan, you need to tell me.
- "Hmm. One of our druids was captured in the attack on Tuinh. I've had scouts searching all over for her, and they tracked the Dreadsails to Castle Tonnere. It's a ruined keep on Galen's northwest shore."
- And what aren't you telling me, archdruid?
- "The keep is built over an old Eldertide village. A cave at the foot of the bluffs leads to the castle's dungeons. I think they're holding Druid Niraya there, as well as Sir Stefan. And … I had Niraya hide our seed there before the place was seized."
- I'll try to rescue all of them—Druid Niraya, the sacred seed, and Sir Stefan.
You can continue talking with Archdruid Ellic and ask some questions:
- "I am trusting you, outsider. Rescue Druid Niraya and keep the sacred seed away from Archdruid Orlaith. Accomplish this and the Eldertide Circle will not forget it.
Remember, Castle Tonnere, on the northwest coast." - Where exactly did Druid Niraya hide the Eldertide seed?
- "I … do not know. I did not have a chance to speak with her after she returned from Castle Tonnere. And then our village was attacked.
I know Niraya, though. She did as I asked, I am sure of it." - I remember Druid Niraya from Suncleft Grotto. Sealord Nalos wanted her to lead him to something.
- "The sacred seed. It's the relic they seek. I know how you helped the druids at our village.
Niraya will resist, but Sealord Nalos will break her eventually. I would join you, mainlander, but my injuries will only slow you down."
- "The sacred seed. It's the relic they seek. I know how you helped the druids at our village.
- "I … do not know. I did not have a chance to speak with her after she returned from Castle Tonnere. And then our village was attacked.
- What can you tell me about Castle Tonnere?
- "Ages ago, a Breton coin-baron decided he liked the spot. He built his keep on top of an ancient Eldertide village. My folk lacked the strength to stop him. But we never forgot the insult."
- What became of the coin-baron?
- "A few seasons later, an Eldertide druid found the cave passage I told you about. He killed the coin-baron in his bedchamber. The same thing happened to the next lord who claimed the castle. The place was eventually abandoned, and it fell into ruin."
When you arrive at Castle Tonnere, you can encounter Captain Siravaen who will provide you information and use you as a distraction for her own plans. You then rescue Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya from the dungeons and recover the Eldertide Seed that had been hidden. Before you leave, Captain Siravaen warns you the Firesong are going after the other seeds and that Sealord Nalos plans to attack Vastyr. With the Eldertide Seed in hand, you can return to Vastyr and bring it to Archdruid Ellic.
He can be found in the Vine District and will be with Druid Niraya, and calls you over once he sees you:
- Archdruid Ellic: "Mainlander? Come, tell me what happened at Castle Tonnere."
Speak with Archdruid Ellic and tell him what happened:
- "Niraya tells me you saved her from the Dreadsails at Castle Tonnere. And that you recovered the sacred seed of our circle. Is this true?"
- Yes. Here's your sacred seed.
- "I … I can hardly believe it. Too many Eldertide fell to Firesong treachery and Dreadsails blades. I was sure we had lost our sacred seed as well.
I'll hold onto this for now. If Archdruid Orlaith wants the seed, she can pry it from my dead hands." - The Dreadsails plan to attack Vastyr. The seed might not be safe here.
- "Then we'll give them a fight. The Breton lords and I have our differences, but they build mighty walls. The Eldertide will help defend them. You have my word.
Oh, young Sir Stefan wants to speak with you. He said to find him at Castle Mornard." - I'll go see Sir Stefan.
You can continue speaking with Archdruid Ellic before heading to the castle:
- "Count Mornard and his son are making plans in the throne room and Sir Stefan wants you there. You should go."
- What's the significance of the Eldertide seed?
- "All seeds are a promise, mainlander. A potential still to come. This seed was a gift from the last Druid King, entrusted to the Eldertide Circle countless ages ago. As long as we guard it, the Dream of Kasorayn lives.
I will not let Orlaith take it." - Druid Laurel told me the seeds are only symbols with no real power.
- "Can you tear down a castle with this seed? No. But symbols have the power we give them. With our seed, the Firesong could destroy the Dream of Kasorayn. Show me the spell or sword that can slay an idea, then we can talk."
- "All seeds are a promise, mainlander. A potential still to come. This seed was a gift from the last Druid King, entrusted to the Eldertide Circle countless ages ago. As long as we guard it, the Dream of Kasorayn lives.
- What will the Eldertide Circle do now?
- "We will gather our strength within these great stone walls and prepare for the battle to come. My brothers and sisters are scattered, but we will not bow down to the Firesong or their Sea Elf allies."
The Siege of Vastyr[edit]
You will be searching for Archdruid Ellic to have him evacuate to the cathedral during the siege. You will see Dreadsails attacking Archdruid Ellic who is shielded up and trying to drive them off his spells:
- Archdruid Ellic: "Away, Sea Elves! I will not fall to you!"
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Archdruid Ellic! Take heart! We're with you!"
Once you get rid of his attackers, he will be able to ease up and release his barrier:
- Archdruid Ellic: "Thank you. I couldn't hold out much longer."
Speaking to him after dispatching his attackers:
- "Thank you. My strength almost left me at the end.
But I … I failed. I wasn't able to stop them from taking our sacred seed. It's gone." - What about Archdruid Rahval? Does he still have the Stonelore seed?
- "I don't know. We got separated. But they're going after Rahval as well. You have to find him! We cannot let the Firesong lay claim to all three of the sacred seeds. There's no telling what would happen!"
- All right. Lord Bacaro is gathering people at the the [sic] cathedral. Go there. You'll be safe.
- "The house of the city gods? Yes, of course. I'll head there immediately. The walls should offer adequate protection.
Now, go. Help Archdruid Rahval." - Are you sure you have no idea where I should look?
- "Well, they've barricaded the main streets, but there's a short cut to the west and up the stairs. Head that way and see if you can find him.
And may Y'ffre protect you, outsider." - I'll find Archdruid Rahval.
You have the chance to ask more about what happened during the fighting:
- "Be careful. You have the strength of mountains, but even the sea can wear down stone. Y'ffre's grace guide you quickly to Rahval's side."
- Was Archdruid Rahval hurt when the two of you got separated?
- "Not that I saw, but everything happened so quickly. We were running and there was so much chaos. Rahval is quick, though. He wouldn't be brought low so easily. He must have gotten away unscathed. I just don't know how long he can continue to do so."
- Where are the other Eldertide and Stonelore druids?
- "Most of them were scattered throughout the city once the attack began. Many are helping the House Mornard knights defend against the Dreadsails. I'll gather everyone I can who isn't fighting on my way to the cathedral."
After Archdruid Orlaith takes the three seeds, the cathedral will collapse and Archdruid Ellic will be crushed by the rubble.