Online:Captain Siravaen
Captain Siravaen | |||
Location | Suncleft Grotto | ||
Ship | The Mad Maiden | ||
Race | Maormer | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Gilded Blades |
Captain Siravaen is a Maormer and captain of the Mad Maiden. She is also leader of the Gilded Blades and is looking for revenge against Sealord Nalos.
Related Quests[edit]
A Sea of Troubles: Discover the truth behind Sea Elf raids on Galen.
Tides of Ruin: Rescue Sir Stefan Mornard from the Firesong.
The Siege of Vastyr: Battle for Vastyr.
Guardian of Y'ffelon: Go to Y'ffelon and stop the Firesong Circle.
The Ivy Throne: Stop the Ascendant Lord.
And Now, Perhaps, Peace: Give peace a chance.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Sea of Troubles[edit]
Before entering Suncleft Grotto, you will learn that a single Sea Elf fought her way in through a squad of knights. After witnessing Sealord Nalos taking Druid Niraya away, you will need to find the other druid captives. When you reach them, you will find Captain Siravaen has been protecting them:
- Dreadsail Pirate: "Captain Siravaen? Why are you—urk!"
- <Captain Siravaen kills the pirate.>
- Captain Siravaen: "Slug! You and your sealord aren't fit to call yourselves Maormer!"
- Druid Irenya: "Stay your hand, stranger! This Sea Elf saved our lives."
- Captain Siravaen: "I told the fool knights outside I wasn't their enemy. Do you have more sense than them?"
Talk with Captain Siravaen to see what is going on:
- "You're willing to talk? At least you're smarter than those knights outside. I suppose Sealord Nalos and his scum have taught the people of this island to fear anyone with blue skin.
Understand this—I don't answer to that foul beast." - If you're not with the Dreadsails, who are you?
- "Captain Siravaen of the Gilded Blades. You'd call me a pirate, I suppose. But I'm not one of Sealord Nalos's traitors, and I'm not involved in all this druid foolishness.
You look confused. Must be from the continent. Yes, I'm a Maormer." - Sir Stefan Mornard sent me to find these captives.
- "Well, they're not captives anymore. And you and I need not be enemies. Sealord Nalos is my quarry, for reasons of my own. But I'll tell you this much, mercenary. Nalos seeks some sort of druid relic. Calls it a sacred seed."
- Where did Sealord Nalos go?
- "I'm not sure. That slimy eel escaped and he took one of the druids with him. Probably thinks she can take him to that seed. No matter, I'll find him.
Warn your allies about the sealord, mercenary. Galen isn't safe while he lives." - I'll tell Sir Stefan what you said.
At this point, Captain Siravaen will disappear and Banneret Corrick and his knights will arrive.
Tides of Ruin[edit]
When you attend the druids' Draoife, it is attacked by a combination of Dreadsails and Firesong and most of the Stonelore and Eldertide druids there die. Sir Stefan is also captured by Archdruid Orlaith and his life is used to keep Count Leonard Mornard in check. In response, while the Count publicly does nothing, he has you do the rescuing. After speaking with Archdruid Ellic, you learn that Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya are likely being held in the ruins of Castle Tonnere. When you approach, Captain Siravaen will call out to you:
- Captain Siravaen: "We meet again, mercenary. I expected as much."
Speaking with her, she first suggests you don't try storming the gate:
- "If you're about to walk up and bang on the front gate, let me stop you right here. The ruins are full of Dreadsails. You'll never get in that way.
Sealord Nalos seems to be mustering his forces for something big." - Are you spying on the Dreadsails?
- "Sealord Nalos locked up three of my crew. I'm going to free them and kill the bastard. Unfortunately, the Dreadsails are here in greater numbers than I anticipated. Which makes me wonder how you plan to rescue the lordling they have in there."
- You know for sure that Sir Stefan is in the keep?
- "I saw Nalos and some Firesong druids arrive with a captive noble in Mornard colors. The druids left shortly after, but their prisoner stayed behind. Now you're here. Not hard to put wind and wave together.
So what's your plan?" - Archdruid Ellic told me about a secret entrance to the dungeons. I'll sneak in.
- "A foolhardy rescue attempt? Perfect! Just the diversion I need. That should give me the chance to find my crewmates and confront Sealord Nalos.
Take your secret path—I'll find another way in. We'll hit them from two directions." - All right. Maybe I'll see you inside.
After Captain Siravaen decides to work with you as you'll be a good distraction, you have the opportunity to question her some more:
- "If you're heading for the dungeons, I'll scale the walls while you're clattering around downstairs. Once I free my crewmates, I'll see if I can find that sea-snake, Nalos.
You know, this might actually work." - Tell me about your vendetta against Sealord Nalos.
- "He's a traitor and a murderer. The Gilded Blades used to lead the Dreadsails Fleet. We were loyal to King Orgnum and the Pyandonean Armada. But Nalos was not satisfied with that. He challenged my brother Siraesar for leadership."
- What happened?
- "Nalos won … by using a poisoned blade. Then he promised the Dreadsails vast riches if they forswore their oaths to King Orgnum and followed him into exile. A coward and a traitor.
I will see him dead at my feet. I swear it!"
- "Nalos won … by using a poisoned blade. Then he promised the Dreadsails vast riches if they forswore their oaths to King Orgnum and followed him into exile. A coward and a traitor.
- Have you seen an Eldertide druid captive here?
- "Seen? No. But I've overheard some of the sentries talking about a druid they're holding somewhere in the castle. Maybe even the same one Nalos took from Suncleft Grotto.
Aha. You think that relic he's looking for might be here, too?"- I don't know for certain.
- "Keep your little secrets, then. I don't have any interest in druids or their sacred relics. But if I find something that belongs to them, I'll be happy to turn it over. For a suitable finder's fee, of course."
- "Seen? No. But I've overheard some of the sentries talking about a druid they're holding somewhere in the castle. Maybe even the same one Nalos took from Suncleft Grotto.
- You said Sealord Nalos is planning something big?
- "Many of the crews I've seen around here are new to the Dreadsails fleet. I think Sealord Nalos is hiring on every band of murderous scum with an itch for plunder he can find. I wonder what he's offering them."
- What's Sealord Nalos's target, then?
- "Pirates don't gather in massive fleets unless the sealord plans to descend on a large, well-defended port. The only one on Galen is Vastyr. It's just a question of when and how Nalos chooses to launch his attack."
Soon after you enter the old dungeons, you can eavesdrop on Sealord Nalos speaking with Captain Uldiss:
- Sealord Nalos: "The Eldertide druid broke, as I knew she would."
- Captain Uldiss: "Yes, sealord. Are we finished with her?"
- Sealord Nalos: "Keep her alive until we have the relic in hand."
When you go to the next crevice:
- <Captain Siravaen then appears out of the shadows.>
- Captain Siravaen: "Nalos! I've come for your head!"
- Sealord Nalos: "Siravaen? Bah! Uldiss, you get the relic and deliver it to the Firesong. I'll deal with this pest."
- <Captain Uldiss teleports away. Sealord Nalos runs and Siravaen gives chase.>
- Captain Siravaen: "Die, traitor! For King Orgnum!"
Within the dungeon, you find and rescue Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya, the latter telling you where the Sacred Seed was hidden. The pair will stay behind and wait for you to clear the courtyard of Dreadsails first. Once outside, you will encounter Captain Siravaen on the wall along with some of her rescued crew:
- Captain Siravaen: "Mercenary, up here! Captain Uldiss entered the next courtyard. I leave her to you!"
- Captain Siravaen: "With me, Gilded Blades. Time to make Sealord Nalos pay!"
You can then enter the Eldertide Hollow and slay Captain Uldiss, after you do so, Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya will arrive. Once you take the Eldertide Seed, Captain Siravaen and the rescued members of her crew will arrive:
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Look out! Behind us!"
- Captain Siravaen: "Calm yourself. I am Captain Siravaen of the Gilded Blades. Sealord Nalos escaped me, curse his eyes!"
- Captain Siravaen: "I learned two things you should know. The Firesong also seek the Stonelore relic, and Nalos plans to attack Vastyr soon."
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "I appreciate the warning. Let's continue this outside."
Speaking with Captain Siravaen before leaving the cave:
- "I had Sealord Nalos at the point of my blade. Then a wall of bodyguards rushed between us, damn their sails! That's twice now the maggot-ridden eel has escaped me.
I'm done with this dank old druid shrine. Let's speak outside."
Once outside, Captain Sirvaen will repeat her warning:
- Captain Siravaen: "Remember my warning. The Dreadsails are coming for Vastyr."
You can question Captain Siravaen to see if you can learn more:
- "Well, my plan almost worked. And you did your part. Even rescued the lordling and the druid, I see.
Sealord Nalos may have escaped my blade again, but I got my crew members back. Better than a leak in the hold, I suppose." - Can you tell us anything else about Sealord Nalos and his plan to attack Vastyr?
- "Nothing more to tell. He's got a massive fleet and it's going to sail straight for Vastyr. He's just waiting for the Firesong to provide their support. That won't come until they get the Stonelore relic. At least, that's what Nalos indicated."
- And what are you going to do?
- "Gather more of the Gilded Blades from wherever Nalos stashed them. Then wait for another chance to kill the bastard. Who knows? Maybe I'll come to Vastyr, since I know Nalos will be there.
As long as we share an enemy, I'm on your side." - Thanks for giving us the warning.
After this, you have the option of asking Siravaen some more questions:
- "Shouldn't you take that relic someplace safe? Everyone seems rather concerned about the silly, old things."
- Any idea what Sealord Nalos wants with Vastyr? / What does Sealord Nalos want with Vastyr?
- "It's the richest port on Galen, overflowing with plunder. Any pirate lord would gladly sack it if they thought they stood a chance. With the power of the Firesong at his side, Sealord Nalos believes he can succeed.
He also has a higher ambition." - A higher ambition?
- "Nalos wants to be king. Once he captures Vastyr, he plans to make it his throne. A large port with stout defenses would give him an island-kingdom to call his own. And the power to defy King Orgnum and all the fleets of Pyandonea."
- Why is Sealord Nalos defying his king?
- "Because he's a disloyal bastard. The warships and warriors Sealord Nalos plans to use to further his own ambitions belong to King Orgnum. They're not his to command. Nor is Galen his to rule.
I'm here to deliver the king's justice."
- "Because he's a disloyal bastard. The warships and warriors Sealord Nalos plans to use to further his own ambitions belong to King Orgnum. They're not his to command. Nor is Galen his to rule.
- "It's the richest port on Galen, overflowing with plunder. Any pirate lord would gladly sack it if they thought they stood a chance. With the power of the Firesong at his side, Sealord Nalos believes he can succeed.
- Where are the rest of the Gilded Blades?
- "What, you think I need more than these two? Well, you're not wrong. These are two of my officers. Veloran, first mate of the Mad Maiden, and Kovax, our quartermaster. Sealord Nalos imprisoned them because they were loyal to me."
- So what about the rest of the Gilded Blades?
- "They're scattered throughout the Dreadsails fleet, forced to obey Nalos because they think I abandoned them. But once word gets around that I'm ready to challenge Sealord Nalos, they'll return to my side.
Then the Mad Maiden will sail again."
- "They're scattered throughout the Dreadsails fleet, forced to obey Nalos because they think I abandoned them. But once word gets around that I'm ready to challenge Sealord Nalos, they'll return to my side.
The Siege of Vastyr[edit]
Sir Stefan asked that you assist Captain Siravaen in retrieving back her ship in order to receive aid for the defense of Vastyr. You will meet the captain at the south cliffs near Westport. When you approach her:
- Captain Siravaen: "Dishonorable wretches! If they've scratched one piece of her hull I'll make them suffer."
Speaking to her to learn more about the mission:
- "Ah, so the lordling got my message. I doubted he'd turn down the idea of having my ship at his side, but one can never be too certain.
Now, I hope you came prepared to fight. Things are about to get ugly. I intend to make sure of it." - Sir Stefan said you needed help getting your ship back.
- "That's right. See it down there? Those bastards chained the Mad Maiden to the dock and placed my crew under guard.
The Dreadsails have already set sail for Vastyr. If you want my help in the battle, I need both my ship and my crew." - What do you need me to do?
- "We need to work in tandem. I'll get my crew while you to free the Mad Maiden. Cut the mooring lines and drop the harbor chain so we're ready to set sail the moment my crew is free.
They left some slimy eels on guard. Think you're up for it?" - Of course.
- "Ha, I knew you had saltwater in your blood! Cut the four moorings binding my ship, then head to the far dock to release the harbor chain so we can sail to Vastyr.
You'll have to take the platforms to get down there. Go on." - I'll cut the mooring lines and release the harbor chain to free your ship.
Asking further questions:
- "Remember, the moorings need to be cut and the harbor chain needs to be dropped or we're not going anywhere. Take care of that, then we can sail for Vastyr. Your lordling will need all the help he can get to withstand the coming assault."
- I'm surprised they left any Dreadsails behind. I assumed they'd all be part of the armada.
- "Someone's got to defend the home port. Even a slime like Sealord Nalos knows that. They're more of the lowly scum who spit in the face of King Orgnum.
They'll put up a fight, though, same as the ones you faced in Castle Tonnere."
- "Someone's got to defend the home port. Even a slime like Sealord Nalos knows that. They're more of the lowly scum who spit in the face of King Orgnum.
- How did they capture your ship?
- "When Sealord Nalos rejected the orders I brought from King Orgnum, he didn't have the decency to kill me. He seized my ship and scattered my crew so I couldn't do a damn thing about it. Some were sent to serve on other ships, but most were locked up."
- What's to stop you from just sailing off after I help you recover your ship and crew?
- "I'm not going anywhere while Sealord Nalos still lives. I could never return to King Orgnum while he draws breath. I don't care how many Sea Elves that beast has lured to his side. He dies by my hand."
- You're not worried about your chances?
- "Do I look worried? He's a coward and a traitor, as are those who follow him. I'm not afraid of him. He should fear me! It doesn't matter how many blades he surrounds himself with—once I have the Mad Maiden back, I'll see him dead."
- You're not worried about your chances?
- "I'm not going anywhere while Sealord Nalos still lives. I could never return to King Orgnum while he draws breath. I don't care how many Sea Elves that beast has lured to his side. He dies by my hand."
After speaking to her, she will brandish her blades to prepare for the rescue of her crew:
- Captain Siravaen: "I'll meet you on the deck of the Mad Maiden. Don't mess this up."
After you cut the moorings, you'll hear her fighting off Dreadsails:
- Captain Siravaen: "Fools! Throw yourselves against my blade!"
Once you dealt with the harbor chains:
- Captain Siravaen: "Cowards! I come to take back what's mine!"
Once you reach the deck of the Maid Maiden, she will ask of you about the harbor chain:
- Captain Siravaen: "I see the moorings have been cut. What about the harbor chain?
Speaking to her:
- "We're aboard my ship and I have my crew. What about the harbor chain? If it's still in place, this will be a very short trip."
- The harbor chain has been released. Can you get us to Vastyr in time to help?
- "The Mad Maiden is faster than any ship in the Dreadsails armada. We'll get there in time. And then Sealord Nalos and I will have words. Sharp, bloody words. Wait below deck until we dock.
The rest of you, weigh anchor! Set sail for Vastyr!" - I'll head below decks.
After speaking to her, she will give the orders to set sail, prompting her crew to run to their stations:
- Captain Siravaen: "Everyone, to your stations. Mercenary, get below decks and stay out of the way! Next port, Vastyr!"
If you talk to her again:
- "As soon as you head below decks, we'll set sail for the city. I don't want you up here and getting in the way of my crew."
After helping Captain Siravaen reclaim the Mad Maiden, you will set sail for the Cathedral District in Vastyr where the siege has begun. Sir Stefan will be defending the docks and will notice your arrival and ask to try to find his father:
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Hold them back! Let no Dreadsails get past your blades!"
- Captain Siravaen: "The siege has begun! Quickly, to Sir Stefan's side."
<Captain Siravaen will kick a Dreadsail into the water while Bosun Cindeval and a Gilded Blade Mariner will dispatch two other Dreadsails>
- Captain Siravaen: "They're on the run! We'll deal with these, lordling! Gilded Blades, forward."
<Captain Siravaen will then throw daggers that take out two more fleeing Dreadsails before she and her Gilded Blades are trying to lockpick the gate near the docks>
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Friend, we need to find my father!"
Speaking to her while Bosun Cindeval is lockpicking:
- "We'll hold the docks. Then as soon as things clear, I'll start my hunt for Sealord Nalos."
After saving Archdruid Ellic and when you're off to find Archdruid Rahval, Captain Siravaen will show up to assist you:
- Captain Siravaen: "Well, look who you found. Care for another blade at your side?"
Speaking to her at this point:
- "My crew has the dock secured, so I decided to come looking for Sealord Nalos.
You're good at running into trouble. You have my blade, let's find some."
After going through the courtyard path, Sealord Nalos will impede your way and you have to fight him:
- Sealord Nalos: "The mainlander champion? Face me and die!"
- Captain Siravaen: "Nalos! Time to pay for turning the Dreadsails into traitors!"
Before you engaged Sealord Nalos:
- "I won't let him leave here alive!"
During the fight, Sealord Nalos will retreat to higher elevation to bombard you with more ranged attacks. Siravaen suggest you to have her to sneak up on him to kick him down:
- Captain Siravaen: "I've got an idea of how to hurt him bad! Tell me when you're ready!"
The second time, you will call upon her to kick Sealord Nalos off of his point of elevation:
- Captain Siravaen: "I'm ready again. Tell me when!"
Defeating Sealord Nalos:
- Captain Siravaen: "That's for my brother, you worthless eel! And for our king."
After defeating Sealord Nalos:
- "That felt damned good! But celebrating can come later. Let's keep going. Something's happening up ahead."
You will eventually reach to the courtyard where he is held captive by Archdruid Orlaith. She has all the seeds of the druid circles as Rahval is asking her to return the sacred seeds. She refuses and kills off Rahval to let the prophecy happen and to add insult to injury she blows up the cathedral where Count Leonard Mornard and several civilians are taking refuge. She will then teleport out of the courtyard. Siravaen will part ways to continue fighting in the city:
- Archdruid Rahval: "Archdruid Orlaith, return the sacred seeds."
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Let Rahval and the seeds go, Orlaith!"
- Archdruid Orlaith: "You have lost, Rahval! Today your blood allows the Dream to come to pass."
- Archdruid Rahval: "Druid-kin! You must protect Frii!"
- Archdruid Orlaith: "Silence!"
<Archdruid Orlaith slits the throat of Archdruid Rahval.>
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Not Rahval, damn you!"
- Archdruid Orlaith: "A new age of Green begins here!"
<The cathedral gets blown up>
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "The cathedral! Father, no!"
- Archdruid Orlaith: "When next we meet, you will bow to me. The new Druid King!"
<Archdruid Orlaith teleports out and Sir Stefan rushes to the cathedral>
- Captain Siravaen: "I'm no help with things like this. Find me when you're finished."
<Captain Siravaen also runs off.>
Captain Siravaen did not flee Vastyr rather she's sitting on a bench in the ruined Cathedral district, contemplating the aftermath of the siege:
- "Well, you won the day. The city is safe. Doesn't feel much like a victory though, does it? Did you talk to the lordling? I doubt he's faring well. Death always cuts the softest ones deepest.
I'll try not to celebrate Nalos's demise too loudly." - What happened to the rest of the Dreadsails?
- "My people are like a pack of wild dogs. With a strong leader to guide us, we'll fight to our last breath. But without one, our fury … dissipates.
Once Sealord Nalos fell and the Firesongs abandoned them, the remaining Dreadsails fled." - Sir Stefan wants you to stick around. We could still use your help.
- "You've bigger things to worry about than my intentions. But the lordling is right. You do need me.
Look, you helped recover my ship and crew. Helped me kill Nalos. Why don't you head to the castle? Check on the lordling. I'm not going anywhere." - Are you happy that Sealord Nalos is dead?
She will agree to stick around longer to provide further support to Sir Stefan out of condolences for his loss:
- "Death should never make anyone happy. Sealord Nalos had to die. Simple as that. Am I glad that my blade tasted his blood at the end? Yes. I had a vow to fulfill and now it's done."
- Your vow to your king?
- "To King Orgnum, yes. And to my brother. I hope Nalos saw my brother's face as we cut him down.
Now go take care of your own, mercenary. I'm sure the lordling could use a friend right now."
Guardian of Y'ffelon[edit]
Captain Siravaen agrees on helping out with the rescue operation of the prisoners and will join you and Sir Stefan on Y'ffelon:
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "We have an agreement, Captain Siravaen? You'll get us to Y'ffelon and we'll do the rest."
- Captain Siravaen: "We do, Sir Stefan. The skiff is at the pier will take you to the Mad Maiden when you're ready."
Before you speak to Sir Stefan:
- "I don't know if the lordling's mad plan has any chance of success, but I'll get you to Y'ffelon.
I think Sir Stefan wants to talk to you before we set sail, though."
After speaking to Sir Stefan:
- "So the lordling convinced you to go on this little excursion, too? Good. We can use another steady hand. Just try to keep your lunch down once we reach the open water."
- How do we get to your ship, captain?
- "Just climb aboard the skiff when you're ready and it will ferry you to the Mad Maiden. Then it's off to Y'ffelon as quick as the winds will take us.
Bear this in mind. On the Mad Maiden, I'm the captain. If I tell you to do something, do it." - Are you expecting trouble on the journey?
- "The Firesong Circle sailed off with at least three good Dreadsail warships. I doubt those oyster-shuckers know how to handle them, but they're out there somewhere. Plus whatever scows they use to get from island to island.
Might be rough seas ahead." - I'll board the skiff when I'm ready.
Before you board the skiff:
- "If you intend to go to Y'ffelon with the rest of us, climb in the skiff. The Mad Maiden's anchored just around the point.
Otherwise, it's a long swim." - What do you think of Sir Stefan's plan?
- "My part's simple enough. Get you, the lordling, and his knights over to Y'ffelon island. Then bring anyone you rescue back to Galen.
I suppose sailing away and offering them for ransom would be in poor form." - Why are you helping us? I thought you were done here.
- "Sir Stefan paid me. With the trouble on Galen, there aren't many pickings left for a pirate. But mercenary work? That's looking up.
Besides, I could use a port where folk think well of the Gilded Blades. Most places they try to kill us on sight."
After boarding the Maid Maiden, some time later, the ship will be attacked by Firesong forces. You will wake up from an explosion while below deck. Captain Siravaen runs to you and ask you to defend the ship:
- Captain Siravaen: "Wake up, we're under attack! The Firesong found us in this fog and grappled is. Let's get up on deck and fight them off!"
During the fight, you can speak to her while she's at the helm defending:
- "That cursed volcano blanketed the waters around Y'ffelon in brimstone and murk. The Firesong found us while we're groping along half-blind. Well, get out there and make them sorry they did!"
After fending off the wave of attackers, she will ask you to get to the quarterdeck and signal to see if there's any more enemy ships approaching:
- Captain Siravaen: "Nice work! Now get to the quarterdeck and signal if you see anything. There are more ships in the fog. I can smell them!"
Speaking to her at this point:
- "A good fight, eh? Now get to the rail and keep watch. These Firesong might have called for help before they grappled us. There could be more enemy ships on the way."
When you reach the ship's bell:
- Captain Siravaen: "I knew it! Firesong warships on the port beam! Sound the bell, mercenary. Then get up here and crew this ballista!"
Speaking to her again:
- "Looks like the coast isn't quite clear yet. Ring the bell and alert the crew. This fight's not over!"
Making your way to the forward ballista as the enemy forces are bombarding the Mad Maiden:
- Captain Siravaen: "Gilded Blades, ready the forward ballista!"
Speaking to her before using the ballista:
- "Get to the bow and use the ballista! We don't need another enemy alongside us."
After landing a direct hit on the Firesong ship:
- Captain Siravaen: "Hit amidships! The kindlepitch is burning! Now head aft and—damn! All hands, repel boarders!"
Before you head down to the main deck to repel the new wave of Firesong boarders:
- "Of course the Firesong have portal magic. I should have expected that. Clear my decks of those miserable druids!"
Once you repel the next wave of intruders, the captain orders you to board the closest Firesong ship to take down the last enemy warship:
- Captain Siravaen: "Board that scow alongside us. Use her ballistas against the last Firesong ship!"
Speaking to her before boarding the enemy ship:
- "That scow alongside us is in our way. Get over to her deck and use one of their outboard ballistas. Stop that Firesong warship from bombarding us!"
After defeating the ship's defenders:
- Captain Siravaen: "Get to the bow ballista! Hit that ship to starboard with a charge of kindlepitch!
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "That ballista is loaded! Go ahead. Take the shot!"
Speaking to her before hitting the ship:
- "We're not out of this squall yet. Get over to the enemy deck and deal with that last Firesong warship!"
Start of conversation with Captain Siravaen:
Once you hit the last enemy ship, you will need to deal with the Firesong leader of the ship:
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Huzzah! Good work, friend!"
- Captain Siravaen: "Mercenary! The Firesong leader's on deck. Deal with him!"
Before you fight Elder Dovhan:
- "The Firesong leader was hiding in the cabin! We won't get free of this tub as long as he's on his feet. Get over there and clear the enemy decks!"
After defeating Elder Dovhan:
- Captain Siravaen: "This battle is won. Come, speak with me."
Speaking to her after the battle:
- "You fight like a Sea Elf. I'd sail into battle with you anytime. Now stay out of the way and let my Gilded Blades cut the Mad Maiden free so we can get underway again."
- You don't need me to do anything else?
- "Your work here is done, mercenary. Head below and rest up for the fight on Y'ffelon—the real battle is still ahead of you.
My crew can take care of that Firesong scow burning alongside us." - What comes next?
- "The lordling hired me to get him and his knights to Y'ffelon, and that's what I'm going to do.
We've accounted for the Dreadsail ships the Firesong took from Vastyr. But there might be others around. The sooner we're on our way, the better." - I'll head below.
She will reassure you of the journey to Y'ffelon:
- "Never you fear, mercenary. We'll bring the Mad Maiden into port. Just pray to your gods that the Firesong at Cinderwash Point don't notice us as we draw close."
- How did the Firesong find us, anyway?
- "Wind and wave I can master. But that volcano has been belching out clouds of ash and steam. This is no ordinary sea-fog around us. If it were, I would've run circles around a bunch of druids in stolen ships."
- So what happened?
- "We stumbled into this Firesong scow while I was in my cabin checking charts. By the time my deck watch spotted the enemy, they were too close to avoid.
Just bad luck. I think the Firesong were as surprised as we were."
Once you finish speaking to her:
- Captain Siravaen: "Go below, mercenary. We can handle it from here."
When you landed on Y'ffelon, you can speak to her:
- "See? Y'ffelon, just as I promised. We'll wait here for any captives you manage to free. Now, you should go talk with the lordling. The next part is up to the two of you."
When you step off of the Mad Maiden:
- Captain Siravaen: "I'll wait here. Send anyone you rescue back to the Mad Maiden, and I'll see them to safety. Good hunting!"
Before you head off to rescue the prisoners at Cinderwash:
- "Shouldn't you be off rescuing those poor townsfolk or something? I think you'll find them somewhere along the beach to the east."
When you're back at Castle Mornard and before you speak to Sir Stefan:
- "Friends outside my own kind … that's not something Maormer do. But it's refreshing to stand among … allies.
Bah. Don't worry. I plan to be on my way before I wear out my welcome."
After the quest is completed, she will make a toast to you and will drink to celebrate alongside Dhulef:
- Captain Siravaen: "Time for a drink, then. And a toast to the hero of Galen!"
Speaking to her after the quest:
- "For someone who isn't a Sea Elf, you certainly make an impression. The Gilded Blades could use a fighter like you. If you're ever looking for work, look me up. The lordling says the Mad Maiden will always have a berth here if I want it."
- Are you going to accept Count Stefan's offer?
- "For now. The Mad Maiden needs repairs. We took some damage in that broadside with the Firesong druids. It's nice to have a friendly port where we can tend to that work.
And I have grown fond of the food they serve here in the castle." - Will other Sea Elves respect your truce with Galen?
- "Not in the least. That's just between the Gilded Blades and Galen. Maormer don't have friends—we have prey. But it might be useful to have a neutral port where we can talk or trade.
I'll mention it to King Orgnum next time I see him."
The Ivy Throne[edit]
After finding out Bacaro intends on unleashing a volcano spirit from Y'ffelon. You head to Castle Mornard, you will see Count Stefan begging for Captain Siravaen's help to stop Bacaro in the castle's kitchens:
- Count Sir Stefan: "I hope you will reconsider. This threat endangers all of us."
- Captain Siravaen: "The Gilded Blades aren't mercenaries to call on to clean up your mess, Count Stefan."
Speaking to her before Stefan:
- "Can't you see that I'm eating? It isn't often I get to feast on fresh food.
Go talk to the lordling. He wants to speak to you."
Convincing her to provide assistance in stopping Lord Bacaro:
- "I can never get enough of the food you land-bound eat. It's so … delicious.
The lordling sent you over to convince me to help, didn't he? My answer is the same. Why should I care about your political drama?" - Lord Bacaro has declared himself the new Druid King.
- "And that concerns me how exactly?
If druids want a king or not, that's their business, not mine. Sealord Nalos was my problem, and I took care of it. What happens on Galen next doesn't matter to me." - We helped you defeat Sealord Nalos and get your crew and ship back.
- "Just because our purposes aligned once, doesn't mean we'll sail side-by-side forever, mercenary. We both wanted Nalos dead and now he is. That was a win for both of us.
I'd need a more compelling reason to risk my crew again." - How's this? If Lord Bacaro and his allies take control, no port in the islands will be safe for you.
- "That … is certainly something I hadn't considered. I do like the safe haven that the lordling has provided us with.
And what was that about allies? Bacaro is working with the Firesong? All right, you convinced me. My ship is yours—for now."
Speaking to her again after persuading her to help:
- "The more time I spend on land, the more entwined I become in the affairs of Galen. Things are a lot less complicated on the open sea."
You will see her at the Vastyr docks. Before you set sail for Y'ffelon:
- "You'd rather sail with that puny cat on a sorry excuse for a fishing scow? Suit yourself. If it actually survives the voyage, we'll see you on Y'ffelon."
At Y'ffelon, Siravaen and her Gilded Blades will be finishing off the Ascendant Order forces. You will notice her finishing off an Ascendant Order Blackguard:
- Captain Siravaen: "These Ascendant Order barnacles are cowards! They flee at the first sign of a worthy opponent."
Speaking to her at this point:
- "I assumed these Ascendant Order knights were going to provide a challenge, but they ran the moment we began to cut them down.
They did mention the Ascendant Lord, though. He's definitely inside the mountain."
After Frii calmed the volcano, you will find her on the Perfect Pounce. Before speaking to Lady Arabelle:
- "You're here and the volcano has calmed down. I suspect that means you also dealt with this Lord Bacaro that everyone has been so concerned about? Good."
You can speak to her again before leaving for Vastyr:
- "That's a whale of a story, mercenary. But I think I prefer having you with me than against me.
So, at least for now, you have the respect of the Gilded Blades and their captain." - What happened to the Gilded Blades and your ship? Why are you on the Perfect Pounce?
- "The Gilded Blades handled themselves well, as always. And when Lady Arabelle sounded the warning, we headed to the nearest ship and set sail. For me, that happened to be this one.
And your spirit friend decide to stay behind? Is that true?" - Yes. Frii choose to stay behind and contain the volcano.
- "That's…intense. Can't say I'd have done the same, but I can respect someone willing to give up their life to save others. It isn't particularly the Sea Elf way, but still….
I think I'll drink to Frii whenever I sail past the mountain."
Captain Siravaen will be back at Castle Mornard and speaking to her before Lady Arabelle:
- "Don't get used to seeing me around, mercenary. The lordling asked me to remain a little longer and I'm still waiting on the rest of my pay.
After that? Back to the open waters. Maybe we'll cross currents again at some point. The sea only knows."
After the quest is completed:
- "You're a strange one, mercenary. You help a Sea Elf enact revenge with one hand and smite an evil Druid King with the other. Not to mention saving the islands from the volcano!
I'm not sure what they feed you here on dry land, but I want some."
And Now, Perhaps, Peace[edit]
Captain Siravaen will also join in the peace talks, you can find her outside All Flags Islet's main building:
- "I'm not sure why the lordling invited me to this, and I'm not sure why I decided to come. I suppose it's interesting to see how the various alliances negotiate. It appears to be a lot less bloody than the functions I've attended in Pyandonea."
Once the quest is finished:
- "For such a warlike people, you do seem obsessed with the notion of peace, mercenary. Sure, you and I learned to work together. This time. But the next? We're just as likely to cross swords as break bread.
That's not a threat. Just an observation."
- She is the subject of a Meet the Character article.