Online:Count Leonard Mornard
Count Leonard Mornard | |||
Home Settlement | Vastyr | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | House Mornard |
Count Leonard Mornard is a Breton and head of House Mornard. Sir Stefan Mornard is his son.
Related Quests[edit]
A Sea of Troubles: Discover the truth behind Sea Elf raids on Galen.
Tides of Ruin: Rescue Sir Stefan Mornard from the Firesong.
Seeds of Destruction: Help gather allies to defend against the attacking fleet.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Sea of Troubles[edit]
You will find Count Leonard Mornard, Sir Stefan Mornard and Lord Bacaro Volorus in discussion:
- Lord Bacaro Volorus: "The Steadfast are here to aid those harmed by the Sea Elf attacks. I have no knights to lend you, Count Mornard, Sir Stefan."
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "We'll have to handle the Sea Elves ourselves, then. I don't know what's keeping the druids."
- Count Leonard Mornard: "You place too much trust in those ivy-robed beggars, Stefan."
You have the option of speaking with Count Leonard:
- "Supplies for the Society of the Steadfast? Give them to Lord Bacaro. I wish he'd brought knights instead of bandages, but I'll take whatever help he offers.
At least he showed up, not like those ivy-robed beggars." - Ivy-robed beggars?
- "Druids! They mostly keep to themselves, refuse to participate in politics or significant trade, and look down upon the great works of House Mornard and the Breton people. They contribute practically nothing to Galen's strength or prosperity!"
- As the count of Galen, are the druids here your subjects?
- "As the duly appointed count of Galen, I oversee the regional authority of Vastyr and the rest of the island. We learned long ago that nothing good came of making druids pay taxes. Better to leave them alone.
A lesson my son would be wise to heed."
Speaking with Count Leonard after handing the supplies over to Lord Bacaro but before speaking with Sir Stefan:
- "I see our call for assistance did not go unanswered. Good. House Mornard rewards those who serve us well. Now, speak to my son Stefan. He can tell you where you're needed most."
- You're the count. Why aren't you leading the defense of Galen?
- "A leader who takes foolish risks doesn't last long. I serve my people best by commanding from here, not fighting in the field. If the need arises, I won't hesitate to ride with my knights.
Until then, I trust Stefan to see my will done."
After you have spoken with Sir Stefan and learnt where you need to investigate:
- "You understand your task? The Sea Elves aren't standing about here, so go find them. I look forward to reports of your success."
After you have investigated all three locations, you can head to Castle Mornard in Vastyr. Speaking with Count Leonard before Stefan:
- "Welcome to Castle Mornard, mercenary. Make your report to Stefan. He's been eager to hear from you."
Once you have spoken with Sir Stefan and learn about the calling of the Draoife:
- "I doubt you'll learn much watching druid elders argue among themselves. But if Stefan thinks it's important, then I suppose you should go."
When you attend the Draoife with Sir Stefan and Druid Laurel, you find it ambushed by the Firesong and most of the attending druids are killed. Worse still, Sir Stefan is captured and Archdruid Orlaith gives an ultimatum, Count Mornard stays out of their business or Stefan will be killed. When you return to Castle Mornard to report what has happened, Dhulef will have arrived first:
- Count Leonard Mornard: "And now my son is in their clutches? We should have left these foolish druids to their squabbles."
- Dhulef: "Ignoring someone doesn't mean they'll ignore you. We need the Eldertide and the Stonelore to meet this threat. And save your son."
- Count Leonard Mornard: "The mercenary returns? Dhulef speaks highly of you. Come, then. I would hear your account of what transpired."
Speaking with Count Leonard to report:
- "Dhulef tells me you played no small part in repelling the Dreadsails and foiling an attack on the druid council, mercenary.
Has the Firesong Circle truly made an alliance with the hated Sea Elves?" - The Dreadsails are helping the Firesong get the sacred seeds from the other druid circles.
- "All this trouble over druidic nonsense? And it led to the deaths of four archdruids? Unbelievable!
But I wouldn't expect Sea Elf pirates to bother with an alliance that doesn't pay in plunder. What does Sealord Nalos get out of all this?" - Archdruid Orlaith promised to grant him a stronghold on Galen, according to orders we found.
- "Typical. A druid who doesn't believe in property generously giving away something that doesn't belong to her. When last I looked, I ruled Galen.
Did Archdruid Orlaith say what she wants from me as her price for keeping my son alive?" - Archdruid Orlaith wants House Mornard to stay out of her way while she claims the sacred seeds.
If you leave and return to this conversation at this point:
- "I told Stefan it was a bad idea to entangle our house in the bickering of these druids. And now he went and made himself a hostage!
Tell me again. What were Archdruid Orlaith's exact words." - Archdruid Orlaith said to stay out of her way or your son's life is forfeit.
- "I had no interest in druid quarrels until she threatened my son. Bah! Stefan warned me something dangerous was afoot. I should have listened.
Here. House Mornard always pays its debts. There's more to come if you continue to aid us, mercenary."
Tides of Ruin[edit]
You can either continue speaking with Count Leonard to start this quest, or speak with Banneret Corrick in Vastyr:
- "I refuse to let Galen's enemies dictate my actions. Yet I dare not move directly against the Firesong Circle or their Dreadsails friends as long as they're holding Stefan hostage.
What say you, mercenary? Ready to earn some more House Mornard gold?" - What do you need me to do, Count Mornard?
- "I don't trust Archdruid Orlaith to spare my son, even if she gets everything she wants. I will instruct my knights to stand down. Let her think I am paralyzed by this threat. Meanwhile, we secretly work to save Stefan from the Firesong."
- What do you have in mind?
- "While Archdruid Orlaith sees my knights doing what she demanded—nothing!—I want you to find Stefan and set him free. Dhulef says the Stonelore and Eldertide archdruids are here in the city. Get them to tell you where Stefan is being held."
- I'll talk to the archdruids and find Sir Stefan.
After you agree to his plan, you can ask Count Leonard more questions:
- "I'm counting on you, mercenary. Save my son and you can name your price.
Dhulef says Rahval and Ellic are by the bridge east of Vastyr. Talk to them. They know parts of Galen no one else has even seen. They must have an idea where to find Stefan." - Would the Firesong take Sir Stefan off the island?
- "While the Firesong call Y'ffelon home, I suspect Orlaith will keep him close until she acquires the seeds from the other druid circles. He could be on a Dreadsails ship, but I doubt the Firesong would trust their allies with such precious cargo."
- You don't seem to have a lot of respect for the druids.
- "Respect? Perhaps not. But I left them mostly alone to practice their ancient religion. My biggest problem with them, before the current crisis, was their insistence to hold onto the past. Bretons need to embrace modern ways if we're going to thrive."
- Has House Mornard always ruled Galen?
- "Yes, but we used to control so much more. My father was the Duke of the Systres. When he supported King Ranser in his war against the high king, Emeric took the ducal title and awarded it to House Dufort.
An unjust and harsh penalty, in my opinion."
- "Yes, but we used to control so much more. My father was the Duke of the Systres. When he supported King Ranser in his war against the high king, Emeric took the ducal title and awarded it to House Dufort.
- Why did you ignore Sir Stefan's warnings about trouble among druid circles?
- "A hard question … but a fair one. My house has always found it wiser to let the druids take care of their own affairs. Most of them dislike us as it is. Imagine their resentment if Mornards took sides in all their petty disputes."
- Sir Stefan seems very involved with druids.
- "I blame his mother. Viselle took an interest in druid teachings when she came to Galen. She shared that interest with our son.
When Viselle died … well, I could not forbid something Stefan had shared with his mother."
- "I blame his mother. Viselle took an interest in druid teachings when she came to Galen. She shared that interest with our son.
Once you have spoken with the Archdruids you head to Castle Tonnere, where you encounter Captain Siravaen who provides you with information and uses you as a distraction for her own plans. You then rescue Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya from the dungeons and then recover the Eldertide Seed that had been hidden. Before you leave, Captain Siravaen warns you the Firesong are going after the other seeds and that Sealord Nalos plans to attack Vastyr. With the Eldertide Seed in hand, you can return to Vastyr and bring it to Archdruid Ellic. Afterwards you can head to Castle Mornard where you find Sir Stefan warning his father:
- Count Leonard Mornard: "My son is returned! A celebration is in order!"
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "No, Father. The Dreadsails plan to attack Vastyr."
- Count Leonard Mornard: "What? Mere pirates can't breach our walls!"
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "Once Archdruid Orlaith finds the Stonelore seed, the Firesong and the Dreadsails will combine forces and strike. We must prepare!"
If you speak with Count Leonard before Sir Stefan:
- "You were as good as your word, mercenary. None of my knights could have done better. Thank you for rescuing my son.
He wants to speak with you, by the way."
Speaking with him again after completing the quest:
- "If you seek more praise, you will find that I am not very generous. I've already thanked you and paid you for your part in saving my son.
Now, speak to Stefan. He has something he wishes to discuss with you."
Seeds of Destruction[edit]
Speaking with Count Leonard before Stefan:
- "As far as I know, we have nothing to discuss, mercenary. You've been paid for your efforts thus far, and I am not inclined to repeat praise.
My son, however, does wish to discuss something with you. Talk to him."
After hearing Stefan's plan to enlist the druids for reinforcements for the impending attack:
- "Druids? What has my great city come to that we need to beg the druids to help defend it?
Still, Stefan is right. We need the help. Go, mercenary, before I change my mind about this."
City Under Siege[edit]
Stefan will ask of you to find his father during the siege. Count Leonard and Lord Bacaro will be evacuating civilians away from the fighting in the Cathedral District caused by the Dreadsail siege:
- Lord Bacaro Volorus: "To the cathedral! We'll be safe there!"
- Sir Stefan Mornard: "There! Father, how goes the battle?"
- Count Leonard Mornard: "Not well. The city's been overrun."
Speaking to him:
- "I'm glad to see you and Stefan. We could use your strength.
My knights and the druids have been holding their own, but the Sea Elves. They arrived in such numbers! I need you to find the archdruids. I think the Dreadsails are hunting them!" - Why would the Dreadsail be hunting the archdruids?
- "We heard some of their war bands talking. Something about finding the druid relics. I'm glad for the warriors, but did they have to bring their damn religion into my city, too?
Anyway, I need you to find Archdruids Rahval and Ellic. Keep them safe." - Where should I look for the archdruids?
- "I'm not sure about Rahval, but I saw Archdruid Ellic heading for the old druid tunnels. Follow those and you should find him.
Lord Bacaro and I are taking people to the cathedral. Besides the castle, it's the most defensible place in the city." - I'll find Archdruid Ellic.
Asking him about the current state of the siege:
- "Head east and you'll find an entrance to the old druid tunnels. Damn things were here long before we built the city.
If you find Ellic and Rahval, send them to the cathedral. We're gathering all the noncombatants there for their safety." - How long can Vastyr withstand this kind of assault?
- "Not long. We're holding our own, but the city wasn't built to withstand an armada of this magnitude. The castle and cathedral will endure, at least. The rest? I fear we'll be looking at rubble before long if we don't turn back the invaders."
- The preparations and the druids didn't help at all?
- "We're better off than we would have been if we'd been surprised. And the extra warriors help. The bastards would have taken Vastyr quickly without them.
We had defenders and a bit of foresight. That at least gave us a fighting chance."'
- "We're better off than we would have been if we'd been surprised. And the extra warriors help. The bastards would have taken Vastyr quickly without them.
- The preparations and the druids didn't help at all?
- "Not long. We're holding our own, but the city wasn't built to withstand an armada of this magnitude. The castle and cathedral will endure, at least. The rest? I fear we'll be looking at rubble before long if we don't turn back the invaders."
- Tell me about these druid tunnels.
- "Vastyr was built atop an old druid settlement. The tunnels that extend below the foundations of the city are all that remain of it. Some of them have collapsed over time, but many are still passable. There's an entrance just up ahead to the east."
After Archdruid Orlaith takes the three seeds, the cathedral will collapse and Count Leonard Mornard will be crushed by the rubble.