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Summons (sometimes called pets or combat pets) are companion creatures that will follow the player. Unlike vanity pets, familiars are intended for use in combat and can be killed. They can be identified by the 'follower' icon above their head, similar to quest companions.

Betty Netch[edit]

Bull Netch

Betty Netches are summoned by the Warden's Betty Netch skill.


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Blastbones are skeletons summoned by the Blastbones ability, which is available to Necromancers.

Blighted Blastbones[edit]

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Blighted Blastbones are skeletons summoned by the Blighted Blastbones morph of Blastbones, an ability available to Necromancers.

Blue Betty[edit]

Bull Netch

Blue Betties are summoned by the Warden's Blue Betty morph of the Betty Netch skill.

Bull Netch[edit]

Bull Netch

Bull Netches are summoned by the Warden's Bull Netch morph of the Betty Netch skill.

Charged Atronach[edit]

Charged Atronach

Charged Atronachs are stationary storm atronachs summoned by the Summon Charged Atronach ultimate morph. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. They deal targeted and AoE Shock Damage, and activating the Charged Lightning synergy will increase their damage. They are only summoned for 18/19/20/21 seconds.



Shadowy Clannfear are summoned by the Shadowrend set.



Daedroths are daedroth familiars summoned by the Maw of the Infernal set. They deal Physical Damage and can use a fire breath attack to deal Fire Damage. They are only summoned for 15 seconds.

Dire Wolf[edit]

Dire Wolves

Dire Wolves are summoned by the Werewolf's Pack Leader morph of Werewolf Transformation. They can come in brownish red, black, and white fur colors. They were previously just called Wolves and could have one in black and one in red.


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Dunerippers are summoned by the Tremorscale set.

Dwarven Sphere[edit]

Dwarven Sphere (Health)
Dwarven Sphere (Stamina)
Dwarven Sphere (Magicka)

Dwarven Spheres are three different types of Dwarven Sphere that can be summoned by the Engine Guardian set. Depending on the color, these familiars will restore your Health, Magicka, or Stamina for 6.5 seconds before dying. They can be killed before this time is up, which will obviously end the regeneration. Their regeneration beam also has an effective range, meaning it will stop should you manage to get too far away from them.

Dwarven Spider[edit]

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Dwarven Spiders are summoned by the Sentinel of Rkugamz set.

Eternal Guardian[edit]

Eternal Guardian
Slate-Gray Eternal Guardian

Eternal Guardians are summoned by the Warden's Eternal Guardian morph of Feral Guardian. Its appearance can be changed by equipping the Slate-Gray Summoned Bear skill style.

Explosive Scamp[edit]

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Explosive Scamps are summoned by the Baron Thirsk set. It detonates 1 second after spawning in, dealing 362 Magic damage to up to 6 enemies within 4 meters and applying Minor Timidity for 10 seconds, draining 1 Ultimate every 1.5 seconds. Each Explosive Scamp spawned deals 100% increased damage.

Feral Guardian[edit]

Feral Guardian
Slate-Gray Feral Guardian

Feral Guardians are summoned by the Warden's Feral Guardian skill. Its appearance can be changed by equipping the Slate-Gray Summoned Bear skill style.

Greater Storm Atronach[edit]

Greater Storm Atronach

Greater Storm Atronachs are stationary storm atronachs summoned by the Greater Storm Atronach ultimate morph. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. They deal Shock Damage, and activating the Charged Lightning synergy will increase their damage. They are only summoned for 25/26/27/28 seconds.

Hadolid Husk[edit]

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Hadolid Husks are petrified red hadolids summoned by dodge rolling with the Euphotic Gatekeeper set. It will absorb all direct damage attacks against you within 5 meters, and then explodes after 1 second, dealing 1155 Poison damage to all enemies within 5 meters.


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Honor is summoned by the Coldharbour's Favorite set. It either heals you and your group members over time or explodes and deals magic damage over time to enemies in a area.



A Hunger is summoned by the Defiler set. It briefly arrives and spews acid at the opponent before disappearing.

A Scavenging Maw is summoned by the Scavenging Demise set. It briefly arrives and slaps opponent before disappearing.

Lesser Aegis[edit]

Lesser Aegis

Lesser Aegides are summoned by the Aegis Caller set. It uses a spinning swords attack.

Morkuldin Sword[edit]

Morkuldin Sword

Morkuldin Swords are summoned by the Morkuldin set. The sword alternates between using a Light Attack and Cleave attack.

Primal Spirit[edit]

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Primal Spirits are spectral green bears summoned by the Selene set. They very briefly appear and use their claws to slash the opponent.

Restoring Twilight[edit]

ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains deprecated information about Elder Scrolls Online content.
The content described here was removed from the game after one of the updates.

Restoring Twilights were winged twilight familiars summoned by the Summon Restoring Twilight morph of Summon Winged Twilight. This skill was part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Restoring Twilights attacked with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, and restored nearby allies' Magicka. They would remain until killed or unsummoned. This morph was replaced with Summon Twilight Matriarch.


Khajiit Shade

Shades are shadowy NPCs summoned by the Summon Shade skill. This skill is part of the Shadow skill line available to all Nightblades. Their attacks deal Magic Damage and reduce an enemy's damage. A Shade can gain an AoE attack with the Dark Shade morph, while the Shadow Image morph adds both ranged attacks and a teleport utility.

Skeletal Arcanist[edit]

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Skeletal Arcanists are skeletal mages summoned by the Skeletal Arcanist morph of the Skeletal Mage, an ability available to Necromancers.

Skeletal Archer[edit]

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Skeletal Archers are skeletal mages summoned by the Skeletal Archer morph of the Skeletal Mage, an ability available to Necromancers.

Skeletal Mage[edit]

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Skeletal Mages are skeletal mages summoned by Skeletal Mage, an ability available to Necromancers.

Stalking Blastbones[edit]

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Stalking Blastbones are skeletons summoned by the Stalking Blastbones morph of Blastbones, an ability available to Necromancers.

Summoned Storm Atronach[edit]

Summoned Storm Atronach

Summoned Storm Atronachs are stationary storm atronachs summoned by the Summon Storm Atronach ultimate. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. They deal Shock Damage, and activating the Charged Lightning synergy will increase their damage. They are only summoned for 18/19/20/21 seconds.

Strangler Sapling[edit]

Strangler Sapling

Strangler Saplings are Stranglers summoned by the Chokethorn set. They send a healing beam to you or an ally player, which heals for 225-19565 Health over 4 seconds.



Thunderfists are summoned by the Stormfist set. It appears as a very large Storm Atronach hand underneath the target opponent that closes into a fist, dealing damage and disappearing afterwards.

Twilight Matriarch[edit]

Twilight Matriarch

Twilight Matriarchs are winged twilight familiars summoned by the Summon Twilight Matriarch morph of Summon Winged Twilight. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Twilight Matriarchs attack with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, and can restore up to two allies. They will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Its appearance can be changed by the Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior skill style.

Twilight Tormentor[edit]

Twilight Tormentor

Twilight Tormentors are winged twilight familiars summoned by the Summon Twilight Tormentor morph of Summon Winged Twilight. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Twilight Tormentors attack with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, plus an additional 50% damage against enemies above 50% health if their special ability is activated. They will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Its appearance can be changed by the Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior skill style.

Unstable Clannfear[edit]

Unstable Clannfear

Unstable Clannfear are clannfear summoned by the Unstable Clannfear morph of Unstable Familiar. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Unstable Clannfear deal Physical Damage and can perform a powerful tail swipe attack, and will restore a percentage of your health if killed. They will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Unstable Familiar[edit]

Unstable Familiar

Unstable Familiars are scamps summoned by the Summon Unstable Familiar skill. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Unstable Familiars attack with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, and will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Verminous Fabricant[edit]

Verminous Fabricant

Verminous Fabricants are summoned by the Mad Tinkerer set. They are summoned as already being charged up and roll towards the opponent, knocking them off the ground and into the air, and disappear after. If the opponent dies before the fabricant attacks, it will wander around for a few seconds before also dying.

Volatile Familiar[edit]

Volatile Familiar

Volatile Familiars are scamps summoned by the Volatile Familiar morph of Unstable Familiar. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Volatile Familiars attack with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, and will deal AoE damage scaled off your maximum magicka if killed, stunning nearby enemies. They will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Wild Guardian[edit]

Wild Guardian
Slate-Gray Wild Guardian

Wild Guardians are summoned by the Warden's Wild Guardian morph of Feral Guardian. Its appearance can be changed by equipping the Slate-Gray Summoned Bear skill style.

Winged Twilight[edit]

Winged Twilight

Winged Twilights are winged twilight familiars summoned by the Summon Winged Twilight skill. This skill is part of the Daedric Summoning skill line available to all Sorcerers. Winged Twilights attack with Shock Damage and Physical Damage, and will remain until killed or unsummoned.

Its appearance can be changed by the Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior skill style.
