Online:Winged Twilight

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Winged Twilight
(lore page)
Location Arcwind Point, Endless Overlook, The Endless Stair, Grunda's Gatehouse, Heart's Grief, Spurned Peak
Species Winged Twilight
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
A winged twilight

Winged Twilights are flying humanoid Daedra. They can be found in service to Azura, Molag Bal and Nocturnal. Grievous Twilights are a corrupted and enhanced form of the winged twilights.

A Winged Twilight in conversation

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As they are flying creatures, Winged Twilights are immune to snares and roots.

A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
A basic melee attack that deals low shock damage.
Tail Clip
The winged twilight whips it tail around, doing dealing physical damage. This can be blocked to set winged twilight off-balance.
Dusk's Howl
The winged twilight screams at its targed, indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate physical damage and stunning them. Break Free can be used, and blocking negates the stun entirely.

The Winged Twilights summoned by Taebod the Gatekeeper can also use this ability:

The Winged Twilight canalizes a healing beam on Taebod, healing 22 ticks of 7,085 Health over time, so 155,870 Health in total. You can interrupt the winged twilight from healing Taebod.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Fetish[edit]

An unnamed Winged Twilight is summoned by Haldyn Omavel. Haldyn will go to the altar at the center of the shrine and begin to pray:

Haldyn Omavel: "Oh, come to me. Come to me, please."

A Winged Twilight will appear:

Winged Twilight: "Who dares?"
Haldyn Omavel: "Please, mistress. Hit me!"
Winged Twilight: "As you wish."

The Daedra strikes the Dunmer, killing him.

Unique Winged Twilights[edit]


Generic Winged Twilights[edit]

Generic, unnamed winged twilights can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These winged twilights have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of winged twilights, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Difficulty Health
Heart's Grief Summoned alongside Balefire the Implacable Guardian Hostile 60,370
Tamriel Dark Anchors Hostile 13,846
Northern ElsweyrElsweyr
The DeadlandsThe Deadlands
Summoned by Dremora Harstryl
Rimmen NecropolisElsweyr
Summoned by Waking Flame ScoutsBlackwood
Summoned by Vanquished ScoutsThe Deadlands
Hostile 29,870
Stonefalls Summoned at the shrine during the quest The Fetish Friendly 39,959
Coldharbour The Planar Vortex Hostile 42,000
Village of the Lost Throughout the dungeon Hostile 60,370
Summoned before fighting Zatalguch Hostile 42,000
Imperial CityImperial City Nobles District's garrison defense, Summoned by General Zamachar, Summoned by Taebod the Gatekeeper, Wavering Veil Hostile 31,364
Dragonfire CathedralImperial City Summoned while defending the ritual Hostile 42,700
White-Gold TowerImperial City Lower Elder Scrolls Library Hostile Normal33,400Veteran129,100
VvardenfellMorrowind Addadshashanammu Hostile 13,846
Apocrypha, Telvanni PeninsulaNecrom
Ebon StadmontSummerset
Chroma Incognito, GorneNecrom
Hostile 57,497
Vateshran Hollows: The WoundingMarkarth The Wounding done first Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal(?)Veteran(?)
The Wounding done second Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal47,300Veteran(?)
The Wounding done third Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal67,000Veteran(?)
Red Petal BastionWaking Flame Summoned by the grievous twilight secret boss Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Player has died once during a quest related to an instanced location.
Two deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.
Three deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.
