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< Oblivion: Services(Redirected from Oblivion:Merchant)
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This article is about shopkeepers. For the Merchant class, see Merchant (class).

This article provides a list of all the merchants in Oblivion. Details of commerce are discussed on separate pages, including base prices, merchants' available gold, and bartering. All of these aspects of commerce are influenced by the Mercantile skill.

A separate page is devoted specifically to Spell Merchants.


Before your character reaches Master level in Mercantile, there are two statistics that are important in making it possible to get good deals when selling items: the merchant's available gold and the merchant's Mercantile skill. Once you reach Master level, however, only the available gold is important, as buy and sell prices are fixed at 100%. Note that a merchant's gold can be increased by investing in their shops. There are several standard values for these statistics; most merchants fall into one of the following groups:

Gold Number of
30 600 7 Bravil and Chorrol Fighters Guilds, Anvil Mages Guild, Various/General Goods.
40 800 18 Many various types of stores, including five Mages Guild alchemists.
60 1000 12 Mainly general goods stores with a few specialty stores as well.
80 1200 7 All are specialty stores, of various types.

Base Game[edit]

If you don't have any of the official downloads mentioned in the next section, there are a lot of merchants in the base game who provide notably better merchant services than average:

  • The Dark Brotherhood Mage (skill 5, 300-800 gold) and M'raaj-Dar (skill 6, 400-900 gold) at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary — Are the cheapest merchants in the vanilla game, but require you to be a member of the Dark Brotherhood. M'raaj-Dar will become unavailable after The Purification quest, and you need to have finished the complete questline before you can obtain the Mage as a possible merchant.
  • Sinderion in the basement of the West Weald Inn (skill 8, 400-1400 gold) — Sinderion has the lowest mercantile skill in the base game outside of the Dark Brotherhood's two merchants, so he's the best place to sell cheap items like extra Alchemy potions by far. He also offers Seeking Your Roots, which helps you increase your Disposition with him. However, due to a bug his inventory doesn't reset, so after many items are sold loading his inventory may take a while.
  • Rindir in the Imperial City Market District, Felen Relas in the Anvil Mages Guild, and Sabine Laul in the Chorrol Fighters Guild (skill 30, 600-1600 gold) — All are good choices for beginning characters (until about level 12, when the more valuable loot appears). Even though Rindir sells mainly mage staffs, he buys all weapons and armors only until level 49 Mercantile. Sabine Laul buys only armor, weapons and misc. items and Felen buys all alchemy and miscellaneous items until level 49.
  • Jensine (skill 30, 600-1600 gold) — Located centrally in the Imperial City and buys all items make her a good alternative.
  • Daenlin, in the Archer's Paradox (skill 40, 1000-2000 gold) — Daenlin doesn't have as much gold as Varel, but is as good or better than most merchants for items worth at least 600 to 1000 gold.
  • Varel Morvayn at Morvayn's Peacemakers (skill 40, 1200-2200 gold) — Varel is the best for expensive goods. Unlike the other exceptions, he will buy weapons and armor — the main money-maker for most players — without the need to first reach Journeyman skill.

Official Downloads[edit]

In addition, there are several download-only merchants who offer even better merchant services:

  • Kovan Kren, Jak Silver (both skill 5, 100-600) and Melliwin (skill 6, 100-600) at the Dunbarrow Cove; added by Thieves Den — All have the cheapest prices of any fence in the game. Put together you can sell pretty much every item as well. You do not have to be a member of the Thieves Guild to make use of them. You cannot invest in their stores however.
  • Khafiz at the Dunbarrow Cove; added by Thieves Den (skill 48, 1500-2500 gold) — Khafiz becomes available after purchasing the "Fence" upgrade for 1000 gold. Provides training in Mercantile up to level 75, whereupon it is possible to invest in his store. He will buy stolen goods even if you're not in the Thieves Guild, and has the lowest Mercantile skill (competitors 60+) of all fences, making him the best fence of more expensive items in the game.
  • Aurelinwae at the Mystic Emporium; added by Wizard's Tower (skill 6, 2000-2500 gold) — Aurelinwae has an exceptionally low Mercantile skill and more gold than any standard merchants. However, due to a bug her inventory doesn't reset, so after many items are sold loading her inventory may take a while. When you reach Master level in Mercantile, her gold will increase to 2500, however you cannot invest in her store.
  • Nilphas Omellian at the Merchants Inn; added by Fighter's Stronghold (skill 40, 2000-3000 gold) — Unlike Aurelinwae, you can invest in his store, so at Master level he has 3000 available gold. His mercantile skill is moderately good, however, so for items less than 2500 in value he won't be as good as Aurelinwae.
  • Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn; added by Vile Lair (skill 44, 2000-3000 gold) — As with Nilphas, you can invest in Rowley's store, bringing his available gold up to 3000 at Master level. However, his Mercantile skill is slightly higher than Nilphas's.

available as fences if you complete the questline and buy the relevant upgrades. It is only possible to invest in the store of Khafiz. You also do not have to be in the Thieves Guild to make use of them.

Bad Deals[edit]

There are also merchants who offer worse bargains than usual:

  • Fences — Fences have higher Mercantile skills compared to gold available, often 10 higher, and sometimes even more than that. The incomparable Fathis Ules has a Mercantile skill of 100 (Master) and 1500 gold.
  • Inns — Inns often have bad rates, especially outside of cities. But then inns usually have only 50 gold anyway.
  • Suurootan at Novaroma (skill 36, 600 gold) — Apart from fences, he is the only merchant with 600 gold who does not have a skill of 30.
  • Etira Moslin, Hackdirt (skill 100, 200 gold) — Like all residents of Hackdirt, she automatically has a very low disposition towards the player, and after completing a certain quest she will become hostile and can no longer be spoken to.
  • Batul gra-Sharob and Sigrid (skill 100, 200 gold) — The two merchants at the Kvatch encampment are Masters of Mercantile but have only 200 gold.
  • Shady Sam (skill 51, 400 gold) — Sam is worse than other low-end merchants, but does have a lot of lockpicks.
Icon Legend

General - Merchant
Recharge - Recharging
Repairs - Repairs
Fence - Buys Stolen Goods
Innkeeper - Rooms for Rent
House - Sells a House/Upgrades
Hostler - Horse Seller

Spells - Spell Merchant

Alteration Spells - Alteration
Conjuration Spells - Conjuration
Destruction Spells - Destruction
Illusion Spells - Illusion
Mysticism Spells - Mysticism
Restoration Spells - Restoration

Trainer - Training

Trainer (Basic) - Basic
Trainer (Advanced) - Advanced
Trainer (Master) - Master
Transparent Spacer Image
Acrobatics - Acrobatics
Alchemy - Alchemy
Alteration - Alteration
Armorer - Armorer
Athletics - Athletics
Blade - Blade
Block - Block
Blunt - Blunt
Conjuration - Conjuration

Destruction - Destruction
Hand to Hand - Hand to Hand
Heavy Armor - Heavy Armor
Illusion - Illusion
Light Armor - Light Armor
Marksman - Marksman
Mercantile - Mercantile
Mysticism - Mysticism
Restoration - Restoration
Security - Security
Sneak - Sneak
Speechcraft - Speechcraft


  • Merchants in Oblivion do not sell the same thing every time you go into their shop and they may never sell a certain particular item (unlike those in Morrowind). The merchants will sell better items as your level increases.
  • Typically, better values are obtained from merchants with poor Mercantile skill. However, these merchants also generally have less available gold, and so a much lower value may be expected for expensive items. Similarly, merchants with high Mercantile skill will typically offer worse values, but usually have a larger amount of gold and so may be able to offer a more attractive value for expensive items.
  • The following tables list all of the NPCs who provide any merchant-type services. In some cases, the merchants will never actually buy or sell any items, but it is still possible to invest in their store (for those interested in statistics for 100% Completion) and therefore they have been included.
  • Merchants in Oblivion will change their store inventory after three days.



Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Dahlia Rackham Upgrades Journeyman (56) 100 Clarabella in Anvil Harbor
(Thieves Den official download required)
Dunbarrow Cove upgrades House Upgrades
Enilroth Nothing Apprentice (30) 600 Morvayn's Peacemakers Nothing (barter never possible) Repairs
Felen Relas Magical Supplies Apprentice (30) 600 Anvil Mages Guild none Trainer (Basic)Alchemy (Basic)
Maenlorn Food Apprentice (30) 600 The Flowing Bowl Fists of the Drunkard
Norbert Lelles General Goods Apprentice (40) 800 Lelles' Quality Merchandise Apron of the Master Artisan
Orrin Fence Expert (90) 1200 Anvil Castle Smithy none Fence
Varel Morvayn Smith Apprentice (40) 1200 Morvayn's Peacemakers Truncheon of Submission Repairs
Wilbur Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 The Count's Arms none Innkeeper


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Ardaline Magical Supplies Apprentice (40) 800 Bravil Mages Guild none Trainer (Advanced)Alchemy (Advanced)
Bogrum gro-Galash Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 The Lonely Suitor Lodge none Innkeeper
Daenlin Smith Apprentice (40) 1000 The Archer's Paradox Bow of Infliction Repairs
Gilgondorin Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 Silverhome on the Water none Innkeeper
Luciana Galena Fence Expert (80) 1000 The Lonely Suitor Lodge none Fence Trainer (Advanced)Light Armor (Advanced)
Nilawen General Goods Apprentice (40) 800 The Fair Deal Robe of Creativity House Upgrades
Nordinor Skooma Apprentice (30) 400 Alley next to Fair Deal (only after midnight) none
Tadrose Helas Smith Apprentice (30) 600 Bravil Fighters Guild none Repairs Trainer (Basic)Armorer (Basic)
Ungarion Spells, General Goods,
Magical Supplies
Apprentice (40) 800 A Warlock's Luck
(Cannot invest in this store)*
Ring of Transmutation Spells

*You cannot invest in A Warlock's Luck


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Fjotreid Smith Apprentice (40) 800 Hammer and Axe Gauntlets of Gluttony Repairs
Hafid Hollowleg Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 Jerall View Inn none Innkeeper
Karinnarre General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Novaroma none
Olav Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 Olav's Tap and Tack none Innkeeper
Olfand Smith Journeyman (60) 1000 Nord Winds Dondoran's Juggernaut Repairs
Ongar the World-Weary Fence Journeyman (60) 600 Ongar's Shack/Olav's Tap and Tack none Fence
Selena Orania Spells, Magical Supplies Apprentice (40) 800 Bruma Mages Guild none Spells
Skjorta Clothes Journeyman (60) 1000 Nord Winds Councilor's Hood**
Suurootan General Goods Apprentice (36) 600 Novaroma Monkeypants House Upgrades

**Due to a glitch, this item is not available in-game.


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Borba gra-Uzgash General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Borba's Goods and Stores Cowl of the Druid House Upgrades
Dark Brotherhood Murderer Mage General Goods Novice (5) 300 Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
(Only accessible to DB members,
Cannot invest in this store)
none Spells Fence
Dervera Romalen Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 Newlands Lodge none Innkeeper
Eilonwy Magical Supplies Apprentice (40) 800 Cheydinhal Mages Guild none
M'raaj-Dar General Goods Novice (6) 400 Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
(Only accessible to DB members,
Cannot invest in this store)
Eye of Sithis, Hands of Midnight, Bow of Infernal Frost, Perdition's Wrath, Poisoned Apples Spells
Mach-Na Books Expert (80) 1200 Mach-Na's Books Chronicle of Sacrifice, Advances in Lock Picking skill book Trainer (Basic)Mercantile (Basic)
Magra gro-Naybek General Goods Apprentice (30) 600 Borba's Goods and Stores Nothing (barter never possible)
Mariana Ancharia Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 Cheydinhal Bridge Inn none Innkeeper
Tertia Viducia Smith Journeyman (60) 1000 The March Rider Captain Kordan's Saber Repairs


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Angalmo Magical Supplies Apprentice (40) 800 Chorrol Mages Guild none Trainer (Basic)Mysticism (Basic)
Emfrid Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 The Grey Mare none Innkeeper
Estelle Renoit Books Apprentice (30) 600 Renoit's Books Stormrider Scroll, Vernaccus and Bourlor skill book
Rasheda Smith Expert (80) 1200 Fire and Steel Rasheda's Special Repairs Trainer (Advanced)Armorer (Advanced)
Sabine Laul Smith Apprentice (30) 600 Chorrol Fighters Guild Repairs
Seed-Neeus General Goods Apprentice (40) 800 Northern Goods and Trade Boots of the Swift Merchant Trainer (Advanced)Mercantile (Advanced) House Upgrades
Talasma Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 The Oak and Crosier none Innkeeper

Imperial City[edit]

Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Augusta Calidia Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 The Tiber Septim Hotel, Talos Plaza District none Innkeeper
Aurelinwae Magical Supplies Novice (6) 2000 Mystic Emporium
(Wizard's Tower official download required)
(Cannot invest in this store)
Frostcrag Spire upgrades Spells Recharge House Upgrades
Calindil Spells, Magical Supplies Journeyman (60) 1000 Mystic Emporium
(Cannot invest in this store)
Hands of the Atronach Spells
Claudette Perrick Alchemy Expert (80) 1200 The Gilded Carafe Birthright of Astalon, Strong Potion of Reflection
Delos Fandas Food Apprentice (40) 50 The Feed Bag none
Edgar Vautrine Spells Apprentice (40) 800 Edgar's Discount Spells
(Cannot invest in this store)
Veil of the Seer*** Spells
Ernest Manis Food Apprentice (30) 50 The Foaming Flask, Talos Plaza District
(Cannot invest in this store)
Fathis Ules Fence Master (100) 1500 Elven Gardens District none Fence
Hamlof Red-Tooth Jewelry Apprentice (40) 800 Red Diamond Jewelry Spectre Ring***
Jensine General Goods Apprentice (30) 600 Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise Akaviri Warblade
Julienne Fanis Alchemy Expert (80) 15 Lustratorium, Arcane University Refined Frost Salts
Ley Marillin Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 The King and Queen Tavern, Elven Gardens District none Innkeeper
Luther Broad Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 Luther Broad's Boarding House, Elven Gardens District none Innkeeper
Maro Rufus Light Armor Apprentice (40) 800 The Best Defense none Repairs
Nilphas Omellian General Goods Apprentice (40) 2000 The Merchants Inn
(Fighter's Stronghold official download required)
Battlehorn Castle upgrades House Upgrades
Ogier Georick Alchemy Apprentice (40) 800 The Main Ingredient Mantle of the Woodsman, Cyrodilic Brandy
Ormil Inn Apprentice (40) 50 The Bloated Float Inn ("houseboat" at the Waterfront) none - zero inventory (!) Innkeeper
Palonirya Clothier Expert (80) 1200 Divine Elegance Quicksilver Boots Trainer (Master)Mercantile (Master)
Phintias Books Expert (80) 1200 First Edition Document of Purile Banter, The Armorer's Challenge and The Refugees skill books
Rindir Staves Apprentice (30) 600 Rindir's Staffs Apotheosis
Rohssan Blade Weapons Expert (80) 1200 A Fighting Chance Battleaxe of Hatred Repairs Trainer (Advanced)Armorer (Advanced)
Sergius Verus General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Three Brothers Trade Goods Akaviri Sunderblade House Upgrades
Shady Sam Poisons, Potions, Lockpicks Journeyman (51) 400 Just outside city walls, c.100m N of Chesnut Handy Stables Lockpicks
Tertullian Verus General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Three Brothers Trade Goods Helm of the Deep Delver
Thoronir General Goods Apprentice (40) 800 The Copious Coinpurse Imperial Breeches
Urbul gro-Orkulg Blunt Weapons Apprentice (40) 800 Slash 'N Smash none Repairs
Varnado Heavy Armor Journeyman (60) 1000 The Best Defense Aegis of the Apocalypse Repairs Trainer (Advanced)Heavy Armor (Advanced)
Velus Hosidius Food + Inn Journeyman (60) 50 The Merchants Inn none Innkeeper
Viator Accius Armor Journeyman (60) 1000 Stonewall Shields Tower of the Nine Repairs
Willet Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 The All-Saints Inn, Temple District none Innkeeper

*** Due to a glitch, this item is not available in-game.


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Batul gra-Sharob Smith Master (100) 200 outdoors none Repairs
Sigrid Alchemy Master (100) 200 outdoors none


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Alves Uvenim Magical Supplies Apprentice (40) 800 Leyawiin Mages Guild none SpellsMysticism Spells
Bugak gro-Bol Books Journeyman (60) 1000 Southern Books Annal of the Fire Nexus Trainer (Basic)Blunt (Basic)
Dar Jee Fence Journeyman (70) 800 Home/Five Claws Lodge/outdoors none Fence
Elsynia General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Best Goods and Guarantees Nistor's Boots
Gundalas General Goods Journeyman (60) 1000 Best Goods and Guarantees none House Upgrades
S'drassa Nothing Novice (6) 10 Leyawiin Mages Guild Nothing (barter never possible) Trainer (Basic)Alchemy (Basic)
Shuravi Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 Three Sisters' Inn none Innkeeper
Tun-Zeeus Smith Apprentice (40) 800 The Dividing Line Destarine's Cleaver Repairs
Witseidutsei Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 Five Claws Lodge none Innkeeper

If you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch installed, S'drassa is no longer a merchant.


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Agnete the Pickled Smith Expert (80) 1200 Hammer and Tongs Helm of Ferocity Repairs
Erina Jeranus Food + Inn Apprentice (40) 50 West Weald Inn none Innkeeper
Falanu Hlaalu Alchemy Apprentice (40) 800 All Things Alchemical Ring of Wortcraft
Gunder General Goods Apprentice (40) 800 Colovian Traders Vest of the Bard House Upgrades
Mog gra-Mogakh Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 Two Sisters Lodge none Innkeeper
Sinderion Alchemy Novice (8) 400 West Weald Inn Elixirs of Exploration Trainer (Master)Alchemy (Master)


Merchant Name Merchandise Mercantile Skill Gold Building Rare Items Services
Abhuki Food + Inn Expert (80) 50 Faregyl Inn none Innkeeper Trainer (Advanced)Alteration (Advanced)
Andreas Draconis Food + Inn Journeyman (50) 50 The Drunken Dragon Inn none Innkeeper
Candice Corgine Magical Supplies, Potions, Food Apprentice (30) (leveled*) 0 The Sleeping Mare, Pell's Gate none
Christophe Marane Food + Inn Journeyman (50) 50 Brina Cross Inn none Innkeeper Trainer (Advanced)Blunt (Advanced)
Davela Hlaren Food + Inn Journeyman (50) 50 Imperial Bridge Inn none Innkeeper Trainer (Advanced)Hand to Hand (Advanced)
Engorm Nothing Apprentice (25) (leveled*) 5 Sanguine's Shrine none
Etira Moslin General Goods Master (100) 200 Moslin's Dry Goods, Hackdirt very limited inventory, low disposition
Foroch Food + Inn Journeyman (50) 50 Gottshaw Inn none Innkeeper Trainer (Basic)Mercantile (Basic)
Jak Silver Fence, Potion, Weapon, Armor, Lockpicks Novice (5) 100 Dunbarrow Cove
(Thieves Den official download required)
(Cannot invest in this store)
Nightmask Potion Fence Trainer (Advanced)Speechcraft (Advanced)
Khafiz Fence, Weapons, Armor, Lockpicks Apprentice (48) 1500 Dunbarrow Cove
(Thieves Den official download required)
none Fence Trainer (Advanced)Mercantile (Advanced)
Kirsten Food Apprentice (30) (leveled*) 50 Bleaker's Way Goodwill Inn none
Kovan Kren Fence, Armor, Spells Novice (5) 100 Dunbarrow Cove
(Thieves Den official download required)
(Cannot invest in this store)
Gauntlets of the Manhunter, Silenced Boots, Silenced Gauntlets SpellsIllusion SpellsRestoration Spells
Malene Food + Inn Journeyman (50) 50 Roxey Inn none Innkeeper
Manheim Maulhand Food + Inn Apprentice (30) 50 Inn of Ill Omen none FenceInnkeeper
Melliwin Weapons Novice (6) 100 Dunbarrow Cove
(Thieves Den official download required)
(Cannot invest in this store)
none SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Trainer (Advanced)Marksman (Advanced)
Nerussa Food + Inn Apprentice (30) (leveled*) 50 Wawnet Inn, Weye none Innkeeper
Niels Smith Apprentice (40) 0 Battlehorn Castle
(Fighter's Stronghold official download required)
Nothing (barter never possible) Repairs
Rowley Eardwulf Weapons, Armor Apprentice (44) 2000 Wawnet Inn, Weye
(Vile Lair official download required)
Deepscorn Hollow upgrades Trainer (Basic)Sneak (Basic) House Upgrades
S'thasa Food + Inn Apprentice (30) (leveled*) 50 Border Watch Inn One high-quality blunt weapon (if your mercantile skill is at least 50) Innkeeper
Sergius Turrianus Smith Novice (20) 500 Priory of the Nine
(Knights of the Nine official download required)
Nothing (barter never possible) Repairs
Tahm Blackwell Potions, Books Apprentice (44) 100 Dunbarrow Cove
(Thieves Den official download required)
(Cannot invest in this store)
Potions of Magnification SpellsAlteration SpellsRestoration Spells
Trainer (Advanced)Security (Advanced)
Vlanhonder Moslin Inn Apprentice (40) (leveled) 50 Moslin's Inn, Hackdirt Nothing (barter never possible) Innkeeper

For leveled merchants, the provided mercantile skill is their skill at level 1. Their skill will typically increase by 1 or 1.5 skill points per level. See each individual merchant's page for details.

Shivering Isles[edit]

For a list of Shivering Isles merchants, see the Shivering Isles Merchants page.