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Online:Blackwood Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in Blackwood.

ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Axes Value 13
Verita Numida
I'm surprised at the condition of this. I'd take care handling it from here on out, the binding is particularly weak. The fact that it's survived all this time is a wonder.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Belts Value 13
Verita Numida
Interesting. It's a shame that these original symbols haven't survived the passage of time. I would be curious to know in what ways they inspired current Imperial garb.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Boots Value 13
Verita Numida
Our author writes about this so casually. I suppose he couldn't have possibly known the kind of influence the Akaviri would have on the Empire at the time, though the very act of writing this account might suggest he at least had an inkling.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Bows Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
Bows are pretty standard across all disciplines, races and times. It sounds like the ones this soldier describes are similar to the type of weapon we see today. A string, a curved length of material and some tension. That's all you need.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Daggers Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
I'd be curious to know the kind of material the ancient Akaviri fashioned their daggers out of. Shame the author doesn't specify.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Gloves Value 13
Verita Numida
I imagine tensions were high between the Akaviri and the Imperials at the time, but I wish our author had consulted with an actual armorsmith while writing this account. More clarity on the handwrappings would likely be fascinating.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Legs Value 13
Verita Numida
The Akaviri were certainly not the first to go light on the legs when it comes to armor, but it seems to have surprised our dear author. I shudder to think of what kind of stiff plate armor the Imperials had to walk around in at the time.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-furnishing-Blackwood Map.png Name Antique Map of Blackwood Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
This is a map of the Blackwood region. The parchment is worn, but it is still detailed, especially along the coast. There is something strange here, though I can't put my finger on it. Still, the map shows caves even I've forgotten about!
Regius Buca
What strikes me about this map is that the lines appear to have been drawn in squid ink. See how it faded to brown, like the parchment, rather than gray or black? The use of squid ink suggests a sailing vessel rather than a cartographer's shop.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Regius is right about this map, the focus on waterways shows a sailor's eye. See how the Snake Tail River opens into marshlands instead of carrying on to the Niben itself? That might date the map between the flood of 2E 218 and the Crow's Storm of 2E 255.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-stolen-Devotion Shovel.png Name Imperial Legionary's Spade Value 250
Verita Numida
I recognize this style from the First Era, shortly after Reman II took the Ruby Throne. It absolutely boggles the mind to see something so old so undamaged. We should count ourselves very lucky for such a find.
Ugron gro-Thumog
If you're right, we could very well be looking at the spade of a soldier sent to conquer the swamps of Black Marsh during Reman's rule. Apparently he lost more men to the harsh conditions than he did the fighting.
Reginus Buca
That may explain why the spade itself is so well-preserved. Bogs are notorious for degrading things lost to their depths at a much slower rate than other environments. Perhaps this was lost below the surface for all these years.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Helmets Value 13
Verita Numida
By far the most unique aspect of the ancient Akaviri's armor. Even the author sounds impressed, as he well should be. The distinct shape and flare was likely something that had never been seen before in Tamriel.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Maces Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
I wonder what the soldiers who first went up against the Akaviri thought of the maces described here. Must have been quite a sight with those long spikes.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Shoulders Value 13
Verita Numida
The words here are nearly illegible. Time faded the ink almost completely. Let's be even more gentle with this tome than we think we need to be. I'd hate to lose it.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Staves Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
The rings the author describes baffle me. What function could those have possibly served? The Akaviri of old seem too practical to do anything for style alone.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-minor adornment-"Chained Wrath" Piercings.png Name Shattered Ayleid Cloak Clasp Value 1,000
Verita Numida
It's hard to tell without having the fully formed piece, but this looks Ayleid in origin to me. Barsaebic Ayleids, to be specific. Those worn symbols might have been to honor the Aedra.
Reginus Buca
Gideon was originally founded by the Ayleids, wasn't it? The name of that settlement is sadly lost to time, but perhaps this belonged to one of the first to settle in Black Marsh after leaving greater Cyrodiil.
Yes! The Aedra angle is an interesting one, too. The Barsaebic Ayleids left to avoid their Daedra-worshipping kin during the Narfinsel Schism. It makes sense given the location!
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Chests Value 13
Verita Numida
The Akaviri's style of armorsmithing changed the Imperial legions irrevocably. It took a great deal of time, of course, but no one can dispute their influence.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Shields Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
"Dragons in flight," huh? Seems fortuitous, considering what they saw Reman as. That's definitely something that hasn't fallen out of style.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Akaviri: Swords Value 13
Ugron gro-Thumog
You can almost hear the reverence our author had for these weapons. Not surprising. I'm sure they looked something fierce against the swords being made in Tamriel at the time.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Akaviri Style)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-hat-Bog Blight Funerary Mask.png Name Bog Blight Funerary Mask Value N/A
Urgon gro-Thumog
Something in Black Marsh just refuses to let Argonians rest easy. Even pinned down by their xul-vaat burial stakes, dead lizard folk still manage to stand up and cause trouble. You'll often see them wearing masks like this, though this one is far older and hewn from higher-quality wood. Native Argonians won't explain the practice. Part of me wonders if they put their dead in masks because they don't want to see a beloved egg-brother's face when they have to beat him back into the grave.
Type Outfit Style (see page)
Difficulty Advanced
  • West of Rockgrove Trial, on top of a large Grave Stake by a tree.
ON-icon-furnishing-Puzzle Door Weight.png Name Saint Kaladas's Plumb Bob Value 5,000
Verita Numida
There is no way to tell whether or not this tool was truly used by Saint Kaladas. But given the area in which it was found, its age, and the relatively well-preserved nature, I'm inclined to at least entertain the theory. Kaladas constructed the The Great Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin and some records say he was fond of using highly ornamented tools like this during the process. I suppose it would make sense. Buildings constructed without painstaking measurement rarely last this long.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-furnishing-Z'en Idol.png Name Z'en Idol Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Well, this is no Argonian relic, that much is obvious. Note the curvilinear design elements. I'd say it's Kothringi; the question is, what does it depict? A lot of these shapes seem reminiscent of waves. Some kind of nautical deity?
Verita Numida
That focal shape is clearly a spade—the symbol of the Kothringi God of Agriculture, Z'en. A fascinating deity, that Z'en. We know the Wood Elves swear on him for vengeance's sake. I doubt the Kothringi version keeps blood-debts in his portfolio.
Reginus Buca
Z'en is not an inherently vengeful deity. "Payment in kind" can mean equitable trade, basic fairness, and so on. By all accounts, the Kothringi were decent folk who placed great emphasis on forthrightness. Perhaps reverence for Z'en played a role.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Advanced
  • Safeboxes, Treasure Chests and Thieves Troves
  • World and Public Dungeon bosses
  • Harvesting nodes
ON-icon-fragment-Soiled Tapestry Scrap.png Name Soiled Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Verita Numida
Difficult to make out what this tapestry scrap might be depicting, what with all this worked-in dirt. We might be able to identify it eventually; it will just take some long and careful cleaning.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Frayed Tapestry Scrap.png Name Frayed Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Reginus Buca
This weaving pattern is fairly distinctive. You often see this sort of thing in Trans-Niben fabrics. The technique may have originated in Elsweyr, but the nobility in Leyawiin made it famous.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Stained Tapestry Scrap.png Name Stained Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
I have no idea what's smeared all over this tapestry, but I'm pretty sure it's not blood. Ambergris, maybe? Shame. The weaving on this is remarkable.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • Inside a destroyed shack east of the broken elevated walkway over the road at the north edge of Stonewastes.
ON-icon-fragment-Torn Tapestry Scrap.png Name Torn Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Based on the imagery, I'd say this was torn from a larger tapestry. The sort that might take a decade to weave. Alas, fabrics rarely withstand the ravages of time.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Tattered Tapestry Scrap.png Name Tattered Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Looks like a dog got hold of this. I'm not joking. Look at the stretching here and the crusting at the edges. Whoever gave this to their mutt had no idea how valuable it is.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • East of Leyawiin, over the bridge, turn southeast, about 1/3 the distance to the Ayleid Well, under a rock outcropping, next to a skeleton and a backpack.
ON-icon-fragment-Threadbare Tapestry Scrap.png Name Threadbare Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Seems that someone might have used this scrap as a quilt patch. Well-worn, that's for certain. Treat this one with care or it's liable to come apart.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • South of Glenbridge, next to a tent at a campsite east of the road.
ON-icon-fragment-Ragged Tapestry Scrap.png Name Ragged Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
This looks like a woman's face? Difficult to tell with all the fraying. Whoever she is, she's a subject of adoration. Mara or Dibella most likely.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Ripped Tapestry Scrap.png Name Ripped Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
There's a compass on this scrap, I'd bet my chair on it! Odd to see map in tapestry form. A mapestry as it were! Ugron, I know you're groaning, but the world deserves more hilarious portmanteaus!
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • North of the Vunalk Wayshrine, inside a destroyed hut in the middle of the lake.
ON-icon-fragment-Grimy Tapestry Scrap.png Name Grimy Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Someone used this to wipe down surfaces--polishing boots or something like that. Damn shame. What imagery I can make out is quite beautiful.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • Northeast wall outside of The Silent Halls Public Dungeon, next to a dig site with a shovel.
ON-icon-fragment-Dusty Tapestry Scrap.png Name Dusty Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Doesn't look like this tapestry scrap has seen the light of day in well over a century. Someone likely kept it squirreled away, hoping to reunite it with other fragments. Hopefully, we can finish the work they left undone.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • Southeast of the Xeemhok's Lagoon World Boss, in a destroyed hut next to a skeleton
ON-icon-fragment-Filthy Tapestry Scrap.png Name Filthy Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Is it just me, or does this look like someone used it as a napkin? Maybe even a babe's bib. You'd be surprised how many priceless relics make it onto peasants' kitchen tables.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Holey Tapestry Scrap.png Name Holey Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
This might be the face of Zenithar! Alas, it's been pierced about a dozen times. Seems some bow-toting iconoclast used it as target practice. Joke's on them. Desecrating a rendering of the Divines is seven years bad luck!
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • In the Duchess's Private Study hideout north of Gideon, halfway between Gideon Wayshrine and Salvitto Estate, accessed via trap door; look for it inside the broken alcove.
ON-icon-fragment-Stitched Tapestry Scrap.png Name Stitched Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Verita Numida
Someone tried to fix this scrap of tapestry with needle and thread. Unfortunately, they botched the job. This needlework is sloppy, but with patience we can remove it.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • Northwest of the Xi-Tsei Delve, close to a boat.
ON-icon-fragment-Moth-Eaten Tapestry Scrap.png Name Moth-Eaten Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Verita Numida
Ugh, what a mess. Looks like a whole family of moths ate their fill of this tapestry scrap. We might be able to fix it. It will take a lot of patience and creativity, though.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
  • Southwest of White Stallion Inn, staying to the north side of the brook, inside a cave against the cliff walls.
ON-icon-fragment-Ratty Tapestry Scrap.png Name Ratty Tapestry Scrap Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Just look at the blues in this tapestry scrap. I've never seen such rich azure pigments. Acquiring vibrant colors like this would cost a small fortune. Some wealthy noble must have really loved their weaving.
Type Furniture Fragment (Blackwood Tapestry)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-furnishing-Kothringi Tidal Canoe.png Name Kothringi Tidal Canoe Value N/A
Reginus Buca
What a magnificent vessel! Given the location, one might assume it's of Argonian make, but I assure you, this is Kothringi craftsmanship. Their shipbuilding tradition is very idiosyncratic. Unusual paddle placement, shallow draft, and a sail! Intriguing!
Verita Numida
Idiosyncratic indeed. The boat's design is clearly canoe-like--appropriate given the shallow, narrow waterways of Black Marsh. But why a sail? Taking a boat like this onto the open water would be suicidal, even for sailors as talented as the Kothringi.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Never underestimate a Kothringi's skill in a boat! They probably used this along the coast--never venturing too far out into the Topal Bay. It's sturdy enough to cross the Niben, and small enough to navigate the swamp. A perfect vessel for Blackwood.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Master
  • Reward container from Daily Quests in Blackwood.
ON-icon-fragment-Warm Asymmetrical Ruby.png Name Warm Asymmetrical Ruby Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Well! Does anyone else find this stone as unsettling as I do? It doesn't feel necessarily evil, just ... immensely powerful. I would not use this to juggle, is what I'm saying.
The color reminds me of blood. It's also huge. Excessively so. This has Sanguine written all over it. It's so lavish but also unsettling. It feels warm to the touch! Or I might be imagining things.
Reginus Buca
The shape is a curiosity. Uneven, for certain, but I noticed one side is smooth. This could be for any number of reasons, but I think the most reasonable is that it was fixed against something once. A necklace, maybe? A ring?
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Death Dealer's Fete)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Carved Signet Base.png Name Carved Signet Base Value N/A
Reginus Buca
This inscription is faded almost completely, like it's been worn smooth. It looks as though whoever handled this rubbed it down over time. Whether that was on purpose, or merely a function of the signet itself, I can't say.
Verita Numida
I would be less inclined to believe that this was some kind of worry talisman, or a token of good luck. The inscription, though faded, was clearly detailed enough to suggest this was quite an expensive piece. Perhaps from a noble family?
Is it just me, or does holding this inspire a sense of reckless indulgence? Like, gazing at it, I feel like I could do anything! I don't really sense anything magical about the piece itself, but it's been touched by a powerful being. Possibly Daedric!
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Death Dealer's Fete)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Weighted Spiked Bridge.png Name Weighted Spiked Bridge Value N/A
Ooh, spooky! I'm positive this is some kind of bridge that once held jewels for a ring, but the open spaces kind of make the whole thing look like a grinning fanged mouth! Daedra, anyone?
Reginus Buca
While I am not outright horrified by this artifact, I am puzzled by it. I agree that it once belonged to a ring, but I can't determine the make of it. Based on the condition of the materials, I would date this piece somewhere in the mid-First Era?
Gabrielle Benele
I agree it looks rather forbidding, but I wonder if this might have looked less threatening and more luxurious with the jewels intact. I defer to Amalien on Daedric anything, but I'd also consider looking at a less malevolent origin.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Death Dealer's Fete)
Difficulty Master
  • Rewards from the Worthy mail
ON-icon-fragment-Sturdy Silver Prongs.png Name Sturdy Silver Prongs Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
At first glance, it might be missed, but the prongs (that I assume were likely fashioned to hold jewels of some kind) are actually conduits for magicka. They're specially crafted to keep the integrity of the prongs even when dealing with powerful magic.
Reginus Buca
While this is cleary very old, I'm still fascinated to see the prongs separate from whatever they once held. Many rings from the mid-First Era had this kind of crude fastening system with heavy handed smithing, making the prongs near unbreakable.
Perhaps it was made for combat? Or some other kind of rigorous activity? It seems Daedric in origin, and I can think of at least one Daedric Prince who never gives his followers a moment's rest: Sanguine.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Death Dealer's Fete)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Wide Barbed Shank.png Name Wide Barbed Shank Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Has anyone else noticed the hooks on the inside of this loop? They're miniscule, but I would think putting such a thing around your finger would be rather painful. I don't recommend anyone trying it.
Gabrielle Benele
Whoever fashioned this ring definitely didn't want it flying off at any provocation. Seems like they eliminated the very possibility. I've never been quite so serious about my own jewelry, but to each their own.
There are accounts of the Daedric Prince Sanguine giving mortals these kinds of rings when they attended his parties. Some say they would tighten unexpectedly to keep those who were bound to party from giving in to exhaustion. Definitely don't put it on!
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Death Dealer's Fete)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Glass Skeletal Visage.png Name Glass Skeletal Visage Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Now, this is what we in the tomb-studies tradition call a mixed blessing. Hand-etched glass, perfect symmetry in the carving, etc. It's a masterpiece. And that's why I can virtually guarantee it's cursed.
Verita Numida
Come now, Ugron. I've never known you to be superstitious. Yes, the skull motif is disquieting from an aesthetic perspective, but Argonians utilize skeletal imagery in many Sithis effigies and idols. This definitely dates back to the xanmeer period.
Gabrielle Benele
I wouldn't dismiss Ugron's concerns out of hand, Verita. I detect deep reservoirs of chaotic energy in the glass. It means to make some sort of trade, I think. Not uncommon in enchanted Argonian relics, but still unsettling.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Gaze of Sithis)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Preserved Wraxu Feathers.png Name Preserved Wraxu Feathers Value N/A
Reginus Buca
An array of perfectly preserved feathers? Quite a curious find. People don't often go to such lengths to maintain something like this. I don't recognize the exact species, but they resemble the betva-hen feathers naheesh elders often wear.
They're wraxu feathers! An extinct relative of the Elsweyr terror bird! According to Varid's Guide to Unusual Birds, they grew as tall as mammoths with tails as long as wagon tongues! Alas, they died out during the Reman Incursion's Great Burn, 1E 2830s.
Ugron gro-Thumog
I saw a bas relief in a xanmeer near Soulrest that depicted a bird like that--devouring an egg framed by the sun. I figured it was an illustration of Argonian reincarnation, but now I'm thinking these birds might have some cultural connection to Sithis.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Gaze of Sithis)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Ritual Circlet.png Name Ritual Circlet Value N/A
Verita Numida
We don't often see such weighty metalwork in Argonian relics. Too heavy for steel. Whatever the alloy, I wouldn't wear it. Reginus often accuses me of being big-headed, but even a neck as strong and graceful as mine would struggle under this weight!
Ugron gro-Thumog
Verita's right. I'd wager this is a mix of bog iron, nickel, and something else--probably imported. What interests me is these symbols. Plenty of hard angles like you'd see in any xanmeer-period piece, but I don't recognize some of these patterns.
Reginus Buca
We often consider Helstrom the immortal capital of the Argonian people, but I've found evidence of a struggle for regional hegemony in Soulrest. Greater coastal access in Soulrest allowed for more imports of foreign goods and aesthetics.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Gaze of Sithis)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Pad-Sa Shark Teeth.png Name Pad-Sa Shark Teeth Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Teeth! Always a macabre favorite of mine! Most of the time we find teeth from terrestrial or semi-aquatic species in Argonian antiquities, but these look like shark teeth. Maybe these came from an ancient maritime operation?
Ugron gro-Thumog
Not likely. These are pad-sa teeth. Pad-sa sharks are scrappy survivors with a range that goes from freshwater to salty and everything in between. You usually find them far upriver along the coast--from the mouth of the Niben to the Topal Bay.
Reginus Buca
I gave up trying to identify Argonian varnishes some years ago, but these teeth are very well preserved--too well preserved to be a simple tool. I suspect they featured in some ceremonial dress. Perhaps to channel the shark's resilience? Or appetite?
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Gaze of Sithis)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Niss'wo Sacramental Wraps.png Name Niss'wo Sacramental Wraps Value N/A
Verita Numida
Long strips of fabric, not leather. Unusual. We most often see Argonian fabrics in bandages or poultices, but these are pristine. I suppose they might have used them as a belt or other accessory for an Argonian of high station.
Ugron gro-Thumog
They remind me of funerary wraps; the kind you might find securing a bog-blight's mask to its head. I wager these kept a mask in place too. The question is, what kind? The weave is tight and rugged. Not the sort of thing you'd imagine on a priest.
You're right, Ugron. This pattern—reminiscent of a Khajiiti cross weave—most often appears in Argonian martial gear. Tsojei grip wraps, armor and shield straps, etc. An wealthy warrior probably used this with a helmet of some kind!
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Gaze of Sithis)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Kothringi-Cut Leather.png Name Kothringi-Cut Leather Value N/A
Reginus Buca
A roll of perfectly preserved leather. Surprisingly supple for its age. Judging by the texture, I'd say it came from something large and reptilian. A wamasu or haj mota perhaps?
Verita Numida
Right you are, Reginus. Though I find the styling more interesting than the source. Note the scalloped edges and parchment-thin cuts. No Argonian leatherworker touched this. This Kothringi craftsmanship! Dating back to the early 2E 200's at least!
Gabrielle Benele
The Kothringi's distaste for clothing is well-known, but someone definitely wore this. Perhaps as a robe or kilt? It carries arcane power, for sure. Something primal--helping the wearer find success on a hunt, I'll bet.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Harpooner's Wading Kilt)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Bog-Blue Jasper Fetish.png Name Bog-Blue Jasper Fetish Value N/A
Verita Numida
Precious stones are hard to come by in Black Marsh, but some still find their way into the region. Argonians use polished blue jaspers like this in their jewelry. But this one is faceted. Unusual.
Reginus Buca
According to my research, the Kothringi preferred faceted stones because they scattered the light like fish scales. Combined with these prey-feathers, this stone would be a powerful fetish for hunters and harpooners.
A powerful fetish indeed! According to Kothringi folklore, bog-blue jaspers come from the gizzards of "geels-ha butcher eels"--massive river predators that swallow haj mota whole! This stone holds tremendous cultural--and maybe magical--power.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Harpooner's Wading Kilt)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Tide-Glass Beads.png Name Tide-Glass Beads Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
You find a lot of these glass beads in Kothringi burial cairns. Typically on a string or in a small pouch. They didn't use them as currency, but often wore them on their wrists or ankles. One of the few items of clothing they favored.
The Kothringi didn't consider these beads clothing. They were wearable instruments! Kothringi measured the worth of most things by their sound. My Argonian friend, Ree-Tei, told me the only reason they wanted gold was because of the clink it made!
Verita Numida
Let's not overstate, Amalien. The Kothringi were well aware of gold's value outside Black Marsh. But, it is true that musicality played an oversized role in their cultural expression. Judging by the size, they probably wore these around the waist.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Harpooner's Wading Kilt)
Difficulty Master
  • Nirnroot, Water Hyacinth, Pure Water and Water Skins in Shadowfen
ON-icon-fragment-Wolf-Tail Sash.png Name Wolf-Tail Sash Value N/A
A real Lilmothiit waist sash! It's not an actual Lilmothiit tail. At least, I don't think it is. Do Lilmothiit even have tails? Question for another time. This one is made from a strip of wolf fur, I think. I've never seen a wolf in Black Marsh, though.
Ugron gro-Thumog
There was a species of long-legged swamp wolves that went extinct in the 2E 10s. Lost huge numbers during the Great Burn and never recovered. You see a few of their features in the Blackwood dire wolf, though. Must have crossbred a bit.
Gabrielle Benele
Whatever its origin, this tail is heavily enchanted. Kothringi magic is so unusual that I almost missed it. It heightens the wearer's senses, I think. Or their reflexes. Perhaps both? At any rate, it's only one part of a larger garment. Still, remarkable!
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Harpooner's Wading Kilt)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Silverweave Cord.png Name Silverweave Cord Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Here's a relic I wouldn't mind taking for my personal collection. You can't buy cord this strong in any market I've visited. Looks like something nautical. Boat rigging, or the lead on a harpoon. Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Reginus Buca
The weave of the rope is very tight, but that's not the only source of its strength. I see metallic strands woven into the cord. Kothringi smiths might have been capable of a feat like that, though I've never seen it executed this seamlessly.
Verita Numida
I believe Reginus has the right of it. Wealthy Kothringi sailors probably used this in their boats or even wore it around the waist. The coloration here indicates to me that something was strung on it. Glass beads or talismans. Both functional and lovely.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Harpooner's Wading Kilt)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Chain of the Bone Goliath.png Name Chain of the Bone Goliath Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Can anyone make out the carving here? It's so small, it actually took me a bit to notice it. This link of chain radiates powerful magicka, but without knowing what this symbol is, I can't really guess at what kind.
Ugron gro-Thumog
My eyes aren't what they used to be, but it looks to me like some kind of skeletal motif. It's hard to make out, but if you tilt it on its side, you can see the segments of bone that make up a body. Legs, arms, a face, maybe?
Ooh, maybe it's part of a necromancer's talisman! We should try it on a pile of bones and see if anything happens!
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Shapeshifter's Chain)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Chain of the Vampire.png Name Chain of the Vampire Value N/A
Verita Numida
This looks Imperial in design, perhaps from as far back as the Alessian Empire. This is most certainly part of a larger set. The broken links on either end suggest this was part of a full chain at some point in time.
Call me crazy, but the little symbol etched into the metal almost looks like it reads ... Lamae Bal. It's pretty faded, so for all I know it could say Lemon Bat! But I wonder if this belonged to--or was made by--a vampire.
Gabrielle Benele
Vampires are not my area of expertise, but I can tell you this thing stinks of Alteration magic. If it does involve vampires, it could have something to do with their ability to transform into bats.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Shapeshifter's Chain)
Difficulty Master
  • Harrowstorms in The Reach and Western Skyrim
ON-icon-fragment-Chain of the Werewolf.png Name Chain of the Werewolf Value N/A
This is definitely Hircine's symbol! That could mean any number of things, but since it's etched into this chain I'm going to guess it's from a necklace or some kind of specialized armor to honor this particular Daedric prince.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Amalien has the right of it, though I'm not sure this would have been from any kind of armor. See the cracks in the connecting metal? I'd wager this was jewelry once upon a time. This metal wouldn't protect you from much of anything.
Gabrielle Benele
I agree about Hircine, but I think this symbol is even more telling. The angle and style of the symbol is commonly found outside of ruins where those afflicted by Lycanthropy used to congregate. It was both a warning and an invitation.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Shapeshifter's Chain)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Length of Sharpened Spikes.png Name Length of Sharpened Spikes Value N/A
Verita Numida
I don't know who would want to wear such a ghastly piece of jewelry, but I assure you, this is part of a chain that one might wear around their neck. I wouldn't be caught dead in something like that, but Ayleids had a taste for the avant garde.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Sharpness like this, even after centuries, suggests this design was intended specifically for intimidation. There's no practical purpose to spikes like this ... other than to make sure everyone knows you're not some toothless runt.
Gabrielle Benele
I wouldn't discount the magical components of this piece. There's a good deal of latent Alteration magic present in this component, and this is only part of a whole. Whoever wore this likely did not need any help intimidating others.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Shapeshifter's Chain)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-fragment-Reinforced Clasp Anchor.png Name Reinforced Clasp Anchor Value N/A
Verita Numida
This kind of clasp came into fashion in the First Era, specifically around 1E 100 during the Enduin Artistic Movement. For a brief and shining moment, function was in fashion. As a jewelry collector, I must confess, I'm envious.
Reginus Buca
I find the evolution of clasp-making in history thoroughly fascinating! Anchored clasps like this give a good deal of stability to a piece of jewelry or chain and can still be found in pieces today. It's practically timeless.
Gabrielle Benele
Mages are still quite fond of this kind of clasp for many of their more powerful adornments. Amulets of power, charmed wristbands and the like all tend to feature this kind of clasp to ensure your enchanted silver doesn't get lost in a dungeon.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Shapeshifter's Chain)
Difficulty Master