Name |
Ancestral High Elf: Legs |
13 |
- Amalien
- I think some heavy restoration went into this book. The binding certainly isn't the original material. Not that I'm complaining! At least the text is authentic, that's really the part that matters.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style) |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Antique Map of Reaper's March |
N/A |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- A map of the March. This land I know well. Bosmer, Khajiit, Colovians, and Imperials have fought over this place for centuries uncounted. The battles I could tell you of!
- Verita Numida
- The region's history of conflict no doubt shaped the warrior cultures of the nomadic Khajiit tribes. The rest of Tamriel knows the Khajiit as traveling merchants, but Anequina--the northern Khajiit realm--has always been a martial kingdom.
- Reginus Buca
- Despite the name, the Reaper's March is more than just a battlefield. It's a melting pot of cultures. Yes, the Khajiit fought bloody wars here, but they also traded with other peoples and prospered in peaceful times.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Two Moons Censer |
250 |
- Amalien
- Khajiiti work, for certain--brass, with silver filigree. This is a temple censer, used to burn aromatic incense pleasing to the divinity or spirit being honored. The figures in the decorative scrollwork appear to be priests greeting the moons.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Priests? No, these figures are warrior-monks, not priests. I think this censer comes from one of the temples of the Two-Moons Dance. The prominence of the moons in the design and the martial poses of the Khajiit would seem to make that pretty clear.
- Reginus Buca
- I believe this censer hung in the temple at Rawl'kha--the very place where Rid-Thar-ri'Datta revealed his epiphany. You can tell by the alignment of Jone and Jode in the scrollwork. Could it have been hanging in the sacred hall at that very hour?
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Hunt-Lord's Djerid |
1,000 |
- Verita Numida
- A Khajiiti djerid, 1E, twelfth or thirteen century. It's a hunting dart--more of a small javelin, really. This one is noteworthy for the exceptional decorative carving of the shaft and the colorful streamers affixed just behind the barbed head.
- Reginus Buca
- This djerid belonged to a very important Khajiit; the streamers are a badge of high rank. I believe this was the weapon of a hunt-lord, leader of one of the March's nomadic tribes. Naturally, skill in the hunt was a vital test of fitness to lead.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Hunt-lords were skilled hunters, but the nomadic tribes saw war as a hunt, too. A great hunt-lord was a warrior of high renown as well as a provider for the people--leader of a fierce army and master of wide lands. A king, in other words.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Ancestral High Elf: Shields |
13 |
- Amalien
- The author writes about felling enemies with such beautiful language. It practically reads like poetry! It must have been inspiring for the warriors reading it.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style) |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Khajiiti Arch, Rising |
20,000 |
- Gabrielle Benele
- A surprisingly well preserved arch from the heart of Reaper's March. You can still see a few claw markings at the base and again at the top of the curvature.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Fighting tactics. This must have been situated at the heart of a battle, perhaps an abandoned mine or crypt. The Khajiiti warriors would have have used this to gain the high ground and strike at their enemy.
- Amalien
- Perhaps. This stone does look more polished than some of the other Khajiit structures we've seen here. Perhaps a descendant fighting a battle of preservation.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
- Treasure Map
- Random Mob
- World Event (e.g. Senche-Tiger)
Name |
Mane's Frayed Crown |
5,000 |
- Gabrielle Benele
- Incredible! This is the ceremonial headdress of an ancient Mane of the Khajiit. Each single braids comes from a highly honored Khajiit warrior or clan-mother; when the Mane put on this crown, he figuratively donned the strength and wisdom of an entire people. Pity that some of the hair is lost, and the silver clasps have dulled somewhat. Still, it's astonishingly well preserved! A rare find, indeed!
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Shock Lancer |
N/A |
- Verita Numida
- Even after all this time, this still carries traces of magical energy. You can feel the hairs on your arm rising whenever you touch it. Can you imagine harnessing this sort of power during a siege?
- Reginus Buca
- Yes, quintessentially Dwemer in its design and application. They were so much more technologically advanced than other races, their mastery over the arcane allowed them to fire shocking projectiles.
- Gabrielle Benele
- If it's shock value we're going for here (and no, I won't apologize for that) I'd like to throw in the possibility of this being a component of a security system. The Dwarves were extremely talented at keeping people out of places.
Type |
Lancer Siege Weapon |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Malacath's Brutal Ritual Dust |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- A pouch of ritual dust associated with the cult known as Malacath's Brutal Breed. A wonder it survived. It truly is well preserved. Must have something to do with how the leather was treated. Or maybe it really contains dust from the Ashpit?
- Gabrielle Benele
- That's what the legends tell us. Another gift from Malacath to his most-devoted followers. Of course, they were also quite mad. Violent fanatics who swore to die for what they believed in. And they did, too. A brutal and relatively short existence.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- They would place their Brutal Bands in the dust while they slept, thinking that would charge them with energy from Malacath's domain. I wonder if the Mages Guild could devise a test to determine if the dust actually originated in Oblivion?
Type |
Mythic Item Fragment (Malacath's Band of Brutality) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Sorcerer-King's Blade |
N/A |
- Verita Numida
- An Ayleid sword, eh? Truly wondrous craftsmanship. Pity they probably used it to slaughter any of our ancestors who defied their supremacy. Odd that they would venerate this broken blade. Whoever wielded it must have commanded a great deal of respect.
- Gabrielle Benele
- I still detect some residual magic swimming between the shards. Difficult to determine the nature of the enchantment after all this time, but it definitely feels tied to the illusory school ... something to do with minds and mortal will.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Makes sense that Ayleid sorcerer kings would wield weapons capable of bending their subjects' minds—especially during the civilization's latter days when their appetites turned dark as coal. No race, no matter how depraved, will stand for that forever.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Moonlight Mirror |
N/A |
- Verita Numida
- A Khajiiti ornamental mirror. Interesting. You've expect to find an object like this in one of the grand palaces of Anequina or Pellitine. The fact that it survived in such a war-torn region speaks to its quality, I think.
- Gabrielle Benele
- The image is really something, eh? Masser and Secunda--or Jone and Jode--swimming in wispy clouds .... It's sort of romantic, I think. I could weave a glamour like this for a moment or two, but to set an image in glass permanently? That's rare spellcraft.
- Amalien
- Am I the only one who noticed the third moon in the background? Enduring magical images are all well and good, but a genuine artistic expression of the Dark Moon? That makes me think this mirror might be a little more sinister than it looks.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Ultimate |
Lead |