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Online:Wrothgar Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in Wrothgar. In-game, this list is named Orsinium Antiquities.

ON-icon-furnishing-Wrothgar Map 02.png Name Antique Map of Wrothgar Value N/A
Reginus Buca
An aged depiction of Wrothgar if my eyes aren't mistaken.
Ugron gro-Thumog
I don's see any references to the original thirteen strongholds. Of course, Imperial cartographers never spent much time digging into the details of Orcish stronghold-law.
Verita Numida
Not Imperial, Ugron. I detect a Breton influence on this. It seems overwrought to me--almost florid. A High Rock artist likely designed this as a commemoration of the first sack of Orsinium.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Name Armless Stone Effigy Value 250
Reginus Buca
The face is worn off which makes it difficult to determine who the artist was attempting to depict. Given that it came from Wrothgar, it might be some totem or figure from the first Orcs? Ugron can shed some light on it this, I'm sure.
Verita Numida
The size and weight seem wrong. Orcish effigies are heavier--more roughly hewn. Judging by the figure's attire, it could be a tiny depiction of King Thagore. Though even that feels like a stretch. One of the arms is missing. I wonder what it carried.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Looks like a little Diagna to me. Redguard sword-god. Apparently, fighters from the Order of Diagna kept totems like this for luck during the siege of Orsinium. It probably fell from the purse of a Redguard warrior as an Orcish warrior struck them down.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default
ON-icon-food-Empty Pot.png Name Worn Orcish Cauldron Value 1,000
Reginus Buca
Judging by rugged styling and extreme aging, I'd pin this as early First Era. Definitely Orcish, but I'm not sure if any of it is distinctive enough to determine which area it's from, or which clan. It is quite large, even by Orc standards.
Verita Numida
Yes, definitely Orcish make. The material looks like coal-hardened potash. According to Thugbo gro-Thutt's "History of the 13 Clans" map, clan Nazhag was closest to reported deposits at the time. It must be from them.
Ugron gro-Thumog
More likely, it's from the Barzanakh clan. According to the stronghold tales, the entire Barzanakh clan ate out of a single bowl. The tradition supposedly ensured that everyone took their share, and no more. Always assumed that was metaphorical. Fascinating.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Name Orsinium Cracked Iron Bell Value 5,000
Ugron gro-Thumog
Much of the archeological evidence of the first Orsinium vanished during the thirty-year siege, but this looks like a relic of Chieftain Torug gro-Igron to me. Torug died long before the siege began, but I've read numerous accounts describing a bell he erected in the gathering-place of that first modest village that eventually became Orsinium. The chief rang this bell to gather the clan for fellowship at first. Later, they rang it to gather the clan for war.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-furnishing-Tusks of the Orc-Father.png Name Tusks of the Orc-Father Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Always good to see a relic from the homeland. A tusk arrangement like this usually marks an entrance of a chief or forge-wife's longhouse. The scale of these tusks is pretty damned impressive. Haven't seen a mammoth that size in my lifetime.
Reginus Buca
Alas, I think the Bretons plundered most of these monolithic ivories after the sack of Orsinium in 1E 980. The Daggerfall ivory trade helped fuel the Bjoulsae economic expansion that catapulted High Rock to prominence in the centuries that followed.
Ugron gro-Thumog
No need to remind me. From what I hear, ivory restitution was one of Kurog's demands when Emeric invited him to join the Daggerfall Covenant. We took tusks as part of our Ranser's War spoils, too. We Orcs always get what we're owed ... eventually.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Name Malacath's Brutal Might Loop Value N/A
Verita Numida
Look, a piece of Malacath's Brutal Band! This is obviously from a ring that belonged to a prominent member of Malacath's Brutal Breed, a cult that rose from the ashes of Orsinium around 1E 1000. A fascinating group!
Fascinating? My research refers to them as Malacath fanatics intent on wiping out the Bretons and Redguards for every real and imagined slight perpetrated by them against the Orcs. Those rings represent vengeance, nothing more.
Ugron gro-Thumog
What do you know of slights and vengeance, my esteemed colleague? Some Orcs believe the Brutal Breed had the right idea and were saddened when they were wiped out. Not me, mind you, but some among my kind.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Malacath's Band of Brutality)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-trait material-Sardonyx.png Name Onyx Accent Stones Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Polished onyx stones cut in the High Rock style. They're too small to serve as the centerpiece of a ring or necklace, but maybe accent stones? Yeah. See the prong-scratches? I bet they flanked a larger precious stone--or even a signet.
Verita Numida
Look closer, Ugron. There's writing on them! Mara's mercy, it's tiny. Unless I'm mistaken, the script reads, "Austerity, Autonomy, and Ferocity." By the Eight. I bet these fellows were a hoot at palace gatherings.
Gabrielle Benele
I doubt the Knights of the Pale Order spent much time with the palace elite — or even with each other! According to these genealogical records, none of them ever married. Seems they kept their own counsel and preferred to travel, dine, and fight alone.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Ring of the Pale Order)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-furnishing-Anvil of Old Orsinium.png Name Anvil of Old Orsinium Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
This is a beauty. Most of the free-standing anvils in Old Orsinium melted into slag or still gather dust in Redguard treasure vaults. To see one in such great condition ... it melts this tusker's heart!
Reginus Buca
Just look at those hammer-strike indentations. It seems like 1E Orcish smiths wielded tools even larger than those used by Orcs today. I've never lifted hammer or tong personally, but I don't see how tools that size would allow for finer touches.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Orcs of the First Era knew orichalc better than Argonians know mud. If they used larger tools, they definitely had a reason. In any event, I wager an anvil this big found more use in siegecraft fabrication than armorsmithing.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Ultimate