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Online:Malabal Tor Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in Malabal Tor.

ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral High Elf: Gloves Value 13
I would give anything to hear about the favored killing moves of the Elves that wore these gloves. How fascinating!
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style)
Difficulty Simple

ON-icon-furnishing-Malabal Tor Map 02.png Name Antique Map of Malabal Tor Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
An old depiction of Malabal Tor, the Bosmeri heartland. See, here's Silvenar, and over here is Falinesti--the summer site, I believe. Of course, no one's seen it in a very long time.
Reginus Buca
Interesting. Several Ayleid holds and cities are marked on the map: Abamath, Belarata, Ilayas. This map must have been made early in the First Era, shortly after the Ayleids withdrew to the Valenwood. Some of these sites were lost for centuries.
Verita Numida
More likely the map was created by a cartographer working from older source material--mapmakers often incorporate the work of their predecessors into new maps, correcting and improving it. This parchment is old, but it's not three thousand years old.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple

ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Name Spinner's Singing Bone Value 250
Gabrielle Benele
Wood elf priests have venerated Y'ffre through song and story since time immemorial. The images inscribed on this bone illustrate an ancient Bosmer tale--and the hollowed-out bone can be played like an instrument, a traditional accompaniment.
Gryphon or harpy bone, perhaps? It resembles a large bird's femur, but it's much too big for any ordinary avian. I suspect that the creature whose bone this was may have played an important part in the story inscribed here.
Reginus Buca
You're close, Amalien. It's the femur of a terror bird, more commonly found in the plains east of the Valenwood. I recognize the story: It's the account of a bold chief's raid against the khajiit of Anequina, 6th century 1E.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default

ON-icon-achievement-Wormcrusher.png Name Jeweled Ayleid Scabbard Value 1,000
Ugron gro-Thumog
This is no Bosmeri work. See, the scabbard is made of thin wood staves beneath the fine leather, and the gemstones are precisely faceted in a style commonly found in Ayleid jewelry. Not very practical for a weapon of war.
Verita Numida
Many Ayleid clans fled to the Valenwood during the collapse of their empire, but the style is representative of the height of their civilization: ME 850 or 900, I think. Most likely this was a noble's treasure carried away into exile.
Gabrielle Benele
Perhaps, but some Ayleid ruins in these lands predate the collapse of their empire. This storm-cloud emblem, here, belongs to the lords of Ilayas, a stronghold founded centuries before the empire's decline. This scabbard has been here a long time!
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate

ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral High Elf: Swords Value 13
The ink in this book is remarkably well preserved. It almost looks as though someone just penned it moments ago! I wonder how it remained so well preserved.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style)
Difficulty Simple

ON-icon-furnishing-Hollowbone Wind Chimes.png Name Hollowbone Wind Chimes Value N/A
Verita Numida
Well, this is unmistakably Wood Elf craft. Granted, I haven't spent as much time around the Bosmer as Ugron and Amalien, but I'm fairly certain you can find chimes like this in present day settlements. Still ... I sense something peculiar here.
It's the teeth, Verita! I've never seen fangs like that on a Wood Elf chime. Did you notice those brass rings? Why use metal to hang something when gut and sinew would do? I wager those teeth belong to rare quarry. A long extinct beast, perhaps!
Ugron gro-Thumog
Yeah, I'm no naturalist, but those teeth look closer to swamp leviathan fangs than sabre cat cuspids. We might have proof of an Oddoak--ugly shape-shifting beasts that Y'ffre charged the Wood Elves with slaying back in the Merethic. Good find.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Advanced

ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Name Silvenar's Scepter Value 5,000
Throughout the centuries, the Silvenars of the Bosmer have worn no special badge of office; every Wood Elf of the Valenwood knows the Silvenar on sight. But from time to time, Silvenars find it useful to carry some token of authority that outsiders can easily recognize. The extravagant carving of this bone scepter shows that a Wood Elf artisan crafted this to impress foreigners. The leaves in the scrollwork are actually stranglers--a subtle warning, it would seem. A truly unique find.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced

ON-icon-furnishing-Silvenari Sap-Stone.png Name Silvenari Sap-Stone Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
A sap relic that didn't come from Black Marsh? What a welcome surprise! I've never seen such a beautiful Wood Elf antiquity. I associate the Bosmer so much with bone, and rotmeth, and insect parts that I forget what wonders the Green Pact can produce!
Verita Numida
Yes. Almost makes one wonder why the Wood Elves don't request other things, like clothes that don't smell like old mammoth cheese. I've never seen a tree in Malabal Tor leak sap like this. Could it have come from Falinesti?
The graht-oak of Silvenar produces objects like this from time to time, but only at the urging of the Silvenar himself. Someone well-attuned to the Green could probably coax some Y'ffrine miracle out of it, but that's well outside our capabilities!
Type Furniture
Difficulty Advanced

ON-icon-head-Wolf.png Name Face of the Wolf Beast Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
A small carving, but nonetheless haunting. This thing is pretty monstrous, but I'm not even sure what kind of monster you'd qualify it as. Too creepy not to be related to the Wild Hunt, right?
Verita Numida
This looks like Y'ffre, I agree. But his aspect seems far less distant than normal. He appears to be howling, or snarling behind a matted wreath of leaves. That's more than a little unsettling.
Perhaps he's unleashing the power of a Wood Elf Wild Hunt! Y'ffre demanded that the Wood Elves keep their shape as part of the Green Pact, but ironically, he allows them to change it again in times of great need. Gods are strange that way.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Ring of the Wild Hunt)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead World Bosses in Malabal Tor