Online:Zone Guide/Craglorn

Though crossed by caravans and Covenant troops going to and from Cyrodiil, this wild region of eastern Hammerfell is a virtual no-man's-land. It's anchored on the east and west by the towns of Elinhir and Dragonstar.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
The Star-Gazers: Travel to Craglorn to aid the Star-Gazers.
The Warrior's Call: Stop the Anka-Ra army from laying siege to Craglorn.
Elemental Army: Destroy the Serpent's army of atronachs.
The Missing Guardian: Rescue the Thief from the Serpent's corruption.
Slithering Brood: Sabotage the Scaled Court's operations.
The Serpent's Fang: Help Little Leaf stop the Iron Orcs from building an army.
Dawn of the Exalted Viper: Defeat the Exalted Viper and save Craglorn.
The Time-Lost Warrior: Return Titus Valerius to his own time.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Belkarth Wayshrine — Located in Belkarth. (map)
Dragonstar Wayshrine — Located outside Dragonstar. (map)
Elinhir Wayshrine — Located north of Elinhir. (map)
Inazzur's Hold Wayshrine — Located southeast of Inazzur's Hold. (map)
Mountain Overlook Wayshrine — Located southwest of the Proving Grounds Dolmen. (map)
Sandy Path Wayshrine — Located northeast of Hel Ra Citadel. (map)
Seeker's Archive Wayshrine — Located east of the Seeker's Archive. (map)
Shada's Tear Wayshrine — Located north of Shada's Tear. (map)
Skyreach Wayshrine — Located far southeast of Dragonstar. (map)
Spellscar Wayshrine — Located south of the Spellscar. (map)
Valley of Scars Wayshrine — Located in Upper Craglorn. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Balamath — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Craglorn, north of Elinhir, containing Blackcaster conjurers and atronachs. (map)
Buried Sands — A cave in northwestern Craglorn containing Anka-Ra warriors and desert wildlife. (map)
Exarch's Stronghold — An ancient Nordic ruin in Upper Craglorn containing Iron Orcs. (map)
Fearfangs Cavern — A Nedic ruin in Upper Craglorn containing Scaled Court cultists and wildlife. (map)
Haddock's Market — A cave in south-central Craglorn, just east of Belkarth containing Greycloak Mercenaries. (map)
The Howling Sepulchers — A set of valleys with ancient Nedic ruins in eastern Upper Craglorn containing draugr, harpies and undead wolves. (map)
Ilthag's Undertower — A ruined tower in Upper Craglorn containing Iron Orcs. (map)
Loth'Na Caverns — A glade in Upper Craglorn containing the Scaled Court along with their allied lamias and giant snakes. (map)
Molavar — An Ayleid ruin located west of Elinhir in Lower Craglorn containing fire creatures and undead. (map)
Serpent's Nest — A cave in Upper Craglorn containing Scaled Court cultists, giant snakes and trolls. (map)
Tombs of the Na-Totambu — A Yokudan burial ground in southern Craglorn containing Anka-Ra warriors and desert wildlife. (map)
Group Delves[edit]
Group Delves are open world dungeons found in Craglorn, specifically designed for four player groups. Group Delves will always have a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Chiselshriek Mine — A mine in northeastern Craglorn, containing Iron Orcs and wispmothers. (map)
Hircine's Haunt — A cave in central Craglorn, north of Belkarth, containing Greycloak Mercenaries and wildlife. (map)
Mtharnaz — A Dwemer ruin in southwestern Craglorn, near the Bangkorai Gate, inhabited by dwarven automatons and spiders. (map)
Rkhardahrk — A Dwemer ruin found in central Craglorn, northeast of the Seeker's Archive. It is inhabited by dreugh and the Dusteater Tribe. (map)
Rkundzelft — A Dwemer ruin in eastern Craglorn, just south of the Lake of Teeth, inhabited by dwarven automatons. (map)
Ruins of Kardala — An ancient Yokudan tomb in western Lower Craglorn, inhabited by Anka-Ra warriors. (map)
Zalgaz's Den — A cave west of Belkarth, inhabited by lamias and aquatic wildlife. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear. Each also has a repeatable daily quest for their completion, and an in-game Achievement (also turning the map icon from black to white) for first-time completion.
Elinhir — A major city situated in eastern Craglorn. (map)
Rahni'Za, School of Warriors — A sword academy in south-central Craglorn, west of Belkarth. (map)
The Seeker's Archive — An ancient library in Craglorn. (map)
Shada's Tear — A ruined Nedic city located in western Craglorn, northeast of the Bangkorai Gate. (map)
Spellscar — A giant obelisk that crashed to Tamriel, located north of Belkarth in Craglorn. (map)
Three other points of interest exist, but are not actually considered towards Zone Completion:
Skyreach Pinnacle — A ruined Nedic tower located in Upper Craglorn, north of Skyreach Catacombs. (map)
Skyreach Hold — A ruined Nedic city located in Upper Craglorn, east of Skyreach Pinnacle. (map)
Skyreach Catacombs — An ancient Nedic crypt located in Upper Craglorn, southeast of Dragonstar. (map).
Nevertheless, like the five that are considered part of the Zone Story, all three have a repeatable daily quest associated with their completion, and an in-game Achievement for first-time completion.
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Bangkorai Gate — A border gate in western Craglorn. (map)
Crossroads Encampment — A campsite found east of Dragonstar in Upper Craglorn. (map)
Inazzur's Hold — An Iron Orc stronghold in eastern Craglorn. (map)
Lake of Teeth — A lake found east of the Spellscar. (map)
Ogondar's Winery — The personal winery of Ogondar, the brewer at Crossroads Tavern in Belkarth. (map)
Proving Grounds Dolmen — A destroyed dolmen in Lower Craglorn. (map)
Scorpion Ravine — A ravine found west of Belkarth. (map)
Skyreach Overlook — A mountaintop east of Skyreach Catacombs. (map)
Sunken Lair — A cave west of Dragonstar. (map)
Taborra's Camp — A camp inhabited by Dusteater goblins located east of Hel Ra Citadel. (map)
Thunder Falls Camp — An Iron Orc campsite located on the northern border of Lower Craglorn. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Atelier of the Twice-Born Star — A workshop in Upper Craglorn. (map)
Lanista's Waystation — A small camp in northern Craglorn. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Adamant Anomaly — A Magical Anomaly in eastern Craglorn, north of Belkarth. (map)
Boreal Anomaly — A Magical Anomaly in eastern Craglorn, north of Mountain Overlook Wayshrine. (map)
Conflagrant Anomaly — A Magical Anomaly in eastern Craglorn, northwest of Elinhir. (map)
Cyclonic Anomaly — A Magical Anomaly in eastern Craglorn, east of the Spellscar. (map)
Fulminant Anomaly — A Magical Anomaly in eastern Craglorn, west of Balamath. (map)
Anka-Ra's Avowal — An Anka-Ra Burial Site in central Craglorn, east of Thunder Falls Camp. (map)
Anka-Ra's Crucible — An Anka-Ra Burial Site in western Craglorn, southeast of Shada's Tear. (map)
Anka-Ra's Mettle — An Anka-Ra Burial Site in central Craglorn, south of Rkhardahrk. (map)
Anka-Ra's Plight — An Anka-Ra Burial Site in western Craglorn, north of Buried Sands. (map)
Anka-Ra's Vigil — An Anka-Ra Burial Site in central Craglorn, north of Scorpion Ravine. (map)
Defunct Nirncrux Mine — An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine in northern Craglorn, east of Loth'Na Caverns. (map)
Neglected Nirncrux Mine — An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine in central Craglorn, east of Skyreach Overlook. (map)
Overrun Nirncrux Mine — An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine in eastern Craglorn, southeast of the Howling Sepulchers. (map)
Pillaged Nirncrux Mine — An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine in western Craglorn, south of Crossroads Encampment. (map)
Secluded Nirncrux Mine — An Iron Orc Nirncrux Mine in northern Craglorn, west of the Howling Sepulchers. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Lava flows where Ayleids walked. | In Molavar, right of entrance, upper level | (map) | |
In a lair of metal spiders. | In Rkundzelft | (map) | |
Among Yokuda's dead. | In the Ruins of Kardala, second room on the path to the right of the entrance | (map) | |
Where sunlight penetrates Dwarven delves. | In Rkhardahrk | (map) | |
Where fishmongers sell no fish. | In Haddock's Market | (map) | |
Where chisled [sic] tunnels meet crystal caverns. | In Chiselshriek Mine | (map) | |
A sea of dunes beneath the earth. | In Buried Sands | (map) | |
Under Centurion guard. | In Mtharnaz | (map) | |
At the head of the class. | In Balamath, right of entrance, atop a doorway | (map) | |
In the grotto of snake-women. | In Zalgaz's Den, northern room | (map) | |
Beyond the pillar of hunger. | In the Tombs of the Na-Totambu | (map) | You can see this one from the entrance on your left, but you'll need to fight or sneak your way through the entire delve to reach it. |
Howling at the moon. | In Hircine's Haunt, the corridor before Packleader Sigmund | (map) |
Clue | Location | Notes | |
In the nesting grounds of scales and deceit. | In the Serpent's Nest | (map) | |
Overlooking a valley of serpents beneath glimmering falls. | In the Loth'Na Caverns | (map) | |
Among the treasures of the Iron Exarch. | In Exarch's Stronghold, middle room | (map) | |
Beneath the tower on the ridge. | In Ilthag's Undertower | (map) | |
Amidst howling winds and restless tombs. | In the Howling Sepulchers | (map) | |
Clutched within the jaws of the stone serpent. | In Fearfangs Cavern | (map) |