Online:Zone Guide/The Deadlands

"An ever-changing landscape of fire and storm, of disaster personified and unending destruction, this is the domain Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Ambition and Lord of Flood and Flame. Behold its glory and bow before our Lord!" — Valkynaz Nokvrez
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
The Celestial Palanquin
: You have been summoned to Fargrave, a strange city in Oblivion.
Destruction Incarnate
: Investigate the purpose of the Waking Flame's Cataclyst devices.
The Durance Vile
: The Waking Flame have been kidnapping unaligned Dremora for a nefarious purpose.
Born of Grief
: Ascend Annihilarch's Summit to locate the Waking Flame's hidden base.
: Invade a lost realm of Oblivion that serves as Sister Celdina's headquarters.
Against All Hope
: Launch an attack on the citadel of Ardent Hope and take on Valkynaz Nokvroz.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Raging Coast Wayshrine
— Located south of Zynoahz's Gaol in the south of the Deadlands (map)
The Blood Pit Wayshrine
— Located west of the Blood Pit in the west of the Deadlands. (map)
Ardent Hope Wayshrine
— Located east of The Blood Pit in the west of the Deadlands. (map)
Wretched Spire Wayshrine
— Located east of Wretched Spire in the west of the Deadlands (map)
False Martyrs' Folly Wayshrine
— Located east of the Abomination Cradle in the east of the Deadlands. (map)
Annihilarch's Summit Wayshrine
— Located west of Charnel Pulpit in the northeast of the Deadlands. (map)
The Scourshales Wayshrine
— Located northwest of Wretched Spire in the center of the Deadlands (map)
Fargrave Outskirts Wayshrine
— Located in the far south of Fargrave City District. (map)
Fargrave Wayshrine
— Located within the city walls, to the south. (map)
The Shambles Wayshrine
— Located in the western portion of the Shambles. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
The Brandfire Reformatory
— A Daedric fortress in the northwest of the Deadlands, containing Daedra and Order of the Waking Flame cultists. (map)
False Martyrs' Folly
— A delve in the deep northeast of the Deadlands, containing creatures from The Sever. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Ardent Hope
— A vast Daedric citadel in the Deadlands. (map)
Wretched Spire
— A hidden settlement in the Deadlands, located south of Jynd's Foundry. (map)
— A demiplane of Oblivion containing a city. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
The Tempest Engine
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located northeast of Destruction's Solace. (map)
Traitor's Ascent
— A rise in The Deadlands, located west of The Blood Pit. (map)
Charnel Pulpit
— A Daedric ritual site in The Deadlands, located northeast of The Abomination Cradle. (map)
Chantry of the Moon Reiver
— A site of worship in the Deadlands, located near the gates to Ardent Hope. (map)
Ravaged Crossing
— A jagged mountain pass located in the center of The Deadlands. (map)
Skein Row
— The eastern neighborhood of the Shambles in Fargrave. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Stormwright's Cleft
— A crafting site in The Deadlands, located east of Wretched Spire. (map)
The Razorworks
— A crafting site found in The Deadlands, located east of the Raging Coast Wayshrine. (map)
Forgotten Feretory
— A crafting site in the Shambles district of Fargrave. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
The Abomination Cradle
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located northeast of Jynd's Foundry. (map)
Den of the Unmaker
— A bone-filled clearing in The Deadlands, located north of The Blood Pit. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location |
Atop a natural bridge cut in half, north of the Raging Coast. | (?) |
In a deep pit below a toiling foundry. | (?) |
Looming over a small camp in the shadow of Annihilarch's summit. | (?) |
Resting atop the sharp teeth of a dead giant in The Shambles. | East of the entrance to the Fargrave Outlaws Refuge in the Shambles |
Cradled within an altar inside the Brandfire Reformatory. | (?) |
On a ledge overlooking green pools inside False Martyrs' Folly. | (?) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
- To Dream Beyond Dreams by the Omen of a Hundred Prophecies — The autobiography of the First Nightcaller
- The House of Troubles — Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal
- Myths of Sheogorath, Volume 1 by Mymophonus — Magical myths about the Madgod himself
- The Book of Daedra — Excerpts from a lengthy tome describing the nature of each of the Daedra
- On Oblivion by Morian Zenas — A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra
- Varieties of Daedra, Part 1 by Aranea Drethan — An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
- Varieties of Daedra, Part 2 by Aranea Drethan — An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
- Dark Ruins by Cyrillo the Deranged — A Dunmer describes his obsessive search for hidden Daedric ruins
- I was Summoned by a Mortal by Kynval Zzedenkathik of Clan Deathbringer — A humorous tale of a Dremora's summoning
- Oath of a Dishonored Clan by Lyranth — A Daedric oath