Online:Zone Guide/Eastmarch

One of the "Old Holds," Eastmarch was among the first regions of Skyrim settled by the Nords when they arrived from Atmora. Its capital, Windhelm, is the oldest continually inhabited human settlement in Tamriel, and was founded by Ysgramor himself.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
Shadows Over Windhelm: Investigate the reappearance of a Nord clan.
The Konunleikar: Represent Windhelm in the Footrace of the Nine Holds.
Windhelm's Champion: Find the assassins.
One Victor, One King: Stop assassins from killing the Skald-King.
Blindsided: Help rescue captured Pact soldiers.
Sleep for the Dead: Return ancient relics to their rightful place.
Sleeping on the Job: Help locate a missing royal guardsman.
The Pride of a Prince: Convince the Nords, Dunmer and Argonians to act on your information.
The War Council: Stop the Stormfists infiltrating the king's court.
Our Poor Town: Help save an Argonian who was injured in a troll attack.
A Right to Live: Make a cure for vampirism for a young Argonian.
The Better of Two Evils: Choose to aid either Valeric's coven or Majorn's bloodfiends.
Lifeline: Search the Frostwater Tundra for the components for the Ternions' ritual.
Eternal Slumber: Help the Dreamwalker and the Ternion monks save the sleeping king.
Gods Save the King: Rescue the king from his nightmares.
Making Amends: Help the prince make amends for his behavior.
A Council of Thanes: Convince the thanes of Eastmarch to attend the war council.
Snow and Flame: Cause enough chaos at Skuldafn to keep the Stormfist Brigade occupied.
Songs of Sovngarde: Enter Sovngarde and stop Fildgor's plot.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Cradlecrush Wayshrine — Located northwest of Cradlecrush. (map)
Fort Amol Wayshrine — Located northeast of Fort Amol. (map)
Fort Morvunskar Wayshrine — Located south of Fort Morvunskar. (map)
Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine — Located south of Jorunn's Stand. (map)
Kynesgrove Wayshrine — Located northwest of Kynesgrove. (map)
Logging Camp Wayshrine — Located south of Thulvald's Logging Camp. (map)
Mistwatch Wayshrine — Located just northeast of Mistwatch. (map)
Skuldafn Wayshrine — Located northwest of Skuldafn. (map)
Voljar Meadery Wayshrine — Located south of Voljar's Meadery. (map)
Windhelm Wayshrine — Located in central Windhelm. (map)
Wittestadr Wayshrine — Located west-southwest of Wittestadr. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
The Bastard's Tomb — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, north-northeast of the Rift gate containing draugr and Stormfist soldiers. (map)
The Chill Hollow — A cave in northeastern Eastmarch, east of Windhelm containing wispmothers and atronachs. (map)
The Frigid Grotto — A cave in southwestern Eastmarch, northwest of Fort Amol containing wildlife. (map)
Icehammer's Vault — An ancient Nordic tomb in eastern Eastmarch, north of Cragwallow containing draugr. (map)
Old Sord's Cave — A cave in southern Eastmarch, south of Wittestadr containing Stormfist soldiers. (map)
Stormcrag Crypt — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, south of Jorunn's Stand containing draugr. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Bonestrewn Crest — An ancient Nordic crypt in central Eastmarch. (map)
Cradlecrush — A fort in western Eastmarch, north of Fort Amol. (map)
Cragwallow — A small town in eastern Eastmarch, south-southeast of Windhelm. (map)
Fort Amol — A fort in southwestern Eastmarch. (map)
Fort Morvunskar — A fort in northwestern Eastmarch, southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Jorunn's Stand — A camp in eastern Eastmarch, north of the Rift gate. (map)
Kynesgrove — A sacred forest in eastern Eastmarch, south of Windhelm. (map)
Lost Knife Cave — A mine in southwestern Eastmarch, west of Fort Amol. (map)
Lower Yorgrim — A small town in northeastern Eastmarch, east of Windhelm. (map)
Mistwatch — An ancient Nordic ruin in southern Eastmarch. (map)
Mzulft — A Dwemer ruin in eastern Eastmarch, east of Cragwallow. (map)
Skuldafn — An ancient Nordic ruin on a high mountain east of Eastmarch. (map)
Thulvald's Logging Camp — A camp in eastern Eastmarch, east of Wittestadr. (map)
Voljar's Meadery — A meadery in northern Eastmarch, west of Windhelm. (map)
Windhelm — A city in northern Eastmarch. (map)
Wittestadr — A small settlement in central Eastmarch, south of Windhelm. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Bitterblade's Camp — A Stormfist Clan camp located southeast of Mzulft in eastern Eastmarch. (map)
Cragwallow Cave — A cave located east of Cragwallow in eastern Eastmarch. (map)
Darkwater Crossing — A small Argonian settlement east of Fort Amol in southern Eastmarch. (map)
Giant's Heart — A Giant camp southeast of Windhelm in northern Eastmarch. (map)
Hermit's Hideout — A shack northwest of Mistwatch in southern Eastmarch. (map)
Ragnthar — A Dwemer ruin that exists outside the physical reality of Nirn. (map)
Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole — A small camp located on the river east of Cradlecrush in western Eastmarch. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Crimson Kada's Crafting Cavern — A cave in southwestern Eastmarch, northeast of Fort Amol. (map)
Hammerhome — A ruin in southeastern Eastmarch, northeast of the Rift gate. (map)
Tinkerer Tobin's Workshop — A shop in central Eastmarch, south of Kynesgrove. (map)
Mundus Stones[edit]
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
The Ritual — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Thief — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Warrior — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
Hall of the Dead — A tomb in Windhelm. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Frostwater Tundra Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point west of Fort Amol in southwestern Eastmarch. (map)
Giant's Run Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northwest of Fort Morvunskar in northwestern Eastmarch. (map)
Icewind Peaks Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northwest of The Rift gate in southeastern Eastmarch. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Ammabani's Pride — An animal lair in Eastmarch. (map)
Dragon Mound — An ancient dragon burial site that can be found west of Kynesgrove in Eastmarch. (map)
Dragon's Hallow — A dragon mound in Eastmarch. (map)
Rageclaw's Den — A clearing in Eastmarch, west of Voljar's Meadery. (map)
Ratmaster's Prowl — A camp near Wittestadr in Eastmarch. (map)
Swiftblade's Camp — A camp in Eastmarch. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Nestled beside Morvunskar's royal tomb. | Beside exit to the Fort Morvunskar tomb. | (map) | |
Giants despoil the village below. | South of Giant's Heart, Southeast of Lower Yorgrim. | (map) | |
Leave the hollow to cure the chill. | North of Lower Yorgrim, northwest of The Chill Hollow, side of rocks. | (map) | |
Strewn between tusks near the barrow. | Bonestrewn Crest, Southwest of the Barrow entrance. | (map) | |
Beside a bridge to Amol. | Below the bridge to Fort Amol. | (map) | |
Lost in ruins beyond the grotto. | West of Lost Knife Cave outside of building. | (map) | |
Mzulft's secrets are not all underground. | Above Mzulft's entrance, can be reached via the hills to the right. | (map) | |
Attempting to spy on Aelif. | Behind rocks at Jorunn's Stand. | (map) | The meaning of this clue is unknown, as Aelif is never found anywhere near this location. |
Stashed near a farm in icy winds. | Behind Seeks-White-Bird's House. | (map) | |
An illegitimate child's reading material. | The Bastard's Tomb, room left of entrance bottom floor. | (map) | |
Search the slipperiest places in the hollow. | The Chill Hollow, bottom ice room in the corner with Wispmother & Wisps. | (map) | |
Three eyes gleam, a frigid prize. | The Frigid Grotto, room right of entrance with Bears & Skeevers. | (map) | |
Crashed from the sky to open the vault. | Icehammer's Vault, small room on top left in water with Wolves. | (map) | |
Old Sord excelled at hide-and-seek. | Old Sord's Cave, big room on bottom. | (map) | |
Among the dead, sheltered from storms. | Stormcrag Crypt, Square room to the left, bottom floor. | (map) | |
Near a throne in the Hall of the Dead. | Hall of the Dead, middle chamber atop rocks. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Eastmarch Lore[edit]
- All About Giants by Bonorion the Wanderer — Observations on the Giantish Peoples of Skyrim
- The Stormfist Clan by Thora Far-Wanderer — The rise and fall of the Stormfist Clan
- On Stepping Lightly by Narsis Dren, Treasure Hunter — A warning on what to expect in the ruins of Skyrim
- Dreamwalkers Observations by Raynard, Academic of Mournhold — An essay on Dreamwalkers and the Dreamstride
- The Brothers' War — On the duel between Jorunn the Skald Prince and his brother Fildgor
- Second Invasion: Reports — Diary surrounding the Battle of Windhelm during the Second Akaviri Invasion
- The Ternion Monks by Elgad the Scribe — On the diminishing Ternion Monks
- Orcs of Skyrim by Thora Far-Wanderer — A history of the Orcish settlers and strongholds of Skyrim
- The Crown of Freydis by Taleon Mythmaker — A history of the second royal crown of Skyrim
- Spirits of Skyrim by Isstille the Scholar — On the guardian spirit of the Haunted Wood
Daedric Princes[edit]
- Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie by Mabei Aywenil, Scribe — A brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless Death
- The Totems of Hircine — Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine
Dungeon Lore[edit]
- To Posterity by Hafara — On the Direfrost witch-hunters
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-B by Marobar Sul — How a boy escapes his kidnappers
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII by Marobar Sul — Book 8 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Guylaine's Dwemer Architecture by Guylaine Marilie — Guylaine Marilie's outdated summary of historical Dwemer architecture
Legends of Nirn[edit]
- An Accounting of the Elder Scrolls by Quintus Nerevelus, Former Imperial Librarian — An author's report on the Elder Scrolls and his subsequent entry into the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
- The Adabal-a by Morihaus — The memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia and Taker of the Citadel
- The Amulet of Kings by Wenengrus Monhona — Chronicles the creation of the Amulet of Kings
- The Cleansing of the Fane — Fragmented script from a member of the Alessian Order
- The Exclusionary Mandates — The dictates of the Marukhati Selective
- The Last King of the Ayleids by Herminia Cinna — Chronicles the downfall of the Ayleid Empire in the First Era
- The Order of the Ancestor Moth — A Temple novice's initiatory pamphlet on the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part One — A summary of ancient artifacts
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Two — A summary of ancient artifacts
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Three — A summary of ancient artifacts
Poetry and Song[edit]
- Flesh to Cut from Bone — A sea shanty
- Ode to the Tundrastriders by Unknown — A poem dedicated to giants
- The Battle of Glenumbria Moors — Song on the famous 1E 482 battle between the Alessian Empire and the Direnni
- The Book of Dawn and Dusk — A collection of sayings and aphorisms attributed variously to the Tribunals and to their saints and servants
- The Cantatas of Vivec — A book of gospels in the form of epic songs
- The Five Far Stars by Zershishi Mus-Manul — Ashlander poetry