Online:Zone Guide/High Isle

Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
Of Knights and Knaves
: Investigate the missing ships.
People of Import
: Investigate the Ascendant Order.
Deadly Investigations
: Investigate three sites associated with Ascendant Order activity.
Escape from Amenos
: Travel to Amenos in search of survivors.
To Catch a Magus
: Track down the Ascendant Magus.
The Ascendant Storm
: Defend All Flags Islet from a frontal assault!
A Chance for Peace
: Help salvage Lord Bacaro's peace talks.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Coral Road Wayshrine
— Located in south central High Isle, between Castle Navire and Steadfast Manor, close to the coral river. (map)
Tor Draioch Wayshrine — Located southeast of the tower. (map)
Steadfast Manor Wayshrine — Located on a hill south of the manor. (map)
Castle Navire Wayshrine — Located on the northern road out of the town. (map)
Garick's Rest Wayshrine — Located at the road junction west of the keep. (map)
Stonelore Grove Wayshrine — Located east of the grove. (map)
Dufort Shipyards Wayshrine — Located just south of the docks. (map)
Amenos Station Wayshrine — Located in the middle of town. (map)
Brokerock Wayshrine — Located on a hill east of the mine. (map)
All Flags Wayshrine — Located at the docks of the settlement. (map)
Trappers Peak Wayshrine
— Located on the western coast of Amenos. (map)
Westbay Wayshrine
— Located just outside of Gonfalon Bay. (map)
Gonfalon Square Wayshrine — Located in the heart of the city (map)
Serpents Hollow Wayshrine
— Located in central Amenos. (map)
Flooded Coast Wayshrine
— Located in northeastern Amenos. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
The Firepot
— A volcanic cavern found in central High Isle just south of All Flags Islet. (map)
Breakwater Cave
— A sea cave found on the southern shore of High Isle, located just southeast of Spriggan's Crown containing aquatic wildlife. (map)
Death's Valor Keep
— A ruined garrison that can be found in the northwestern corner of High Isle. (map)
Shipwreck Shoals
— A small island found off the coast of High Isle, just west of the Dufort Shipyards. (map)
— An island found off the western coast of Amenos. (map)
Coral Cliffs
— A small cave system found on the very northwestern end of Amenos. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Gonfalon Bay
— A city on High Isle, located on its southeastern end. (map)
Castle Navire
— The seat of power House Dufort, located far west of Gonfalon Bay, southwest of All Flags Islet. (map)
Steadfast Manor
— The ancestral home of Lord Bacaro Volorus located west of Gonfalon Bay, south of All Flags Islet. It has now become a recovery center for wounded alliance war soldiers, run by the Society of the Steadfast. (map)
Stonelore Grove
— A Stonelore Druid grove. (map)
Garick's Rest
— A large castle located in north-central High Isle. (map)
All Flags Islet
— An islet and castle located in the middle of High Isle. (map)
Tor Draioch
— A wizard's tower located south of the Dufort Shipyards. (map)
Amenos Station
— The only settlement on Amenos. (map)
Brokerock Mine
— A mine located in eastern Amenos. (map)
Skulltooth Coast
— A shipwreck site and large Dreadsails camp located in northwestern Amenos. (map)
Colossus View Lighthouse
— A lighthouse on High Isle, located just east of Gonfalon Bay. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Spriggan's Crown
— A grove on High Isle, located just northwest of Breakwater Cave. (map)
Banished Refuge
— A small camp for exiles prisoners from Amenos Station found northwest of Serpents Hollow Wayshrine. (map)
Green Serpent Getaway
— A small camp of Green Serpents found north of Brokerock Mine. (map)
Augury Monoliths
— A Druidic ruin found in northern High Isle, between Death's Valor Keep and Garick's Rest. To properly discover it you have to climb to the top. (map)
Albatross Leap
— The highest point in High Isle, with a cliff with wooden scaffolding that overlooks a body of water. (map)
Stonelore Falls
— A series of waterfalls found north of Stonelore Grove. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Stonelore Forge and Craft
— A crafting site located on High Isle north of Albatross Leap for crafting the Serpent's Disdain set. (map)
Steadfast Hammer and Saw
— A crafting site located south of Steadfast Manor. (map)
Hidden Foundry
— A crafting site located in a tunnel north of Amenos Station used for crafting the Druid's Braid set. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
Spire of the Crimson Coin
— A ruined Breton settlement located in High Isle. (map)
Ghost Haven Bay
— An ancient pirate cove and ship graveyard on Amenos. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Sapphire Point Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site on High Isle, located southwest of Gonfalon Bay. (map)
Navire Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site in southwestern High Isle, northeast of Castle Navire. (map)
Feywatch Isle Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site on an island in northeast High Isle. (map)
Garick's Rise Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site in northern High Isle, northwest of Garick's Rest. (map)
Serpents Hollow Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site in central Amenos, north of Amenos Station. (map)
Haunted Coast Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site in southeastern Amenos, east of Amenos Station. (map)
Flooded Coast Volcanic Vent
— A volcanic vent site in northeastern Amenos. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Y'ffre's Cauldron
— A druidic ruin and a world boss site on High Isle, located southeast of Steadfast Manor. (map)
Serpent Bog
— A swampy bowl and World Boss site in central High Isle. (map)
Faun Falls
— A series of waterfalls and World Boss site in northern High Isle. (map)
Dark Stone Hollow
— An Ascendant Order camp and World Boss site in western High Isle. (map)
Amenos Basin
— A natural landmark and World Boss site in southwestern Amenos. (map)
Mornard Falls
— A series of small waterfalls and a Group Boss site in central Amenos. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
High above the river across from the Firepot. | On the rocky cliffs above river west of Steadfast Manor, southeast of The Firepot. | (map) | |
Under the middle bridge spanning Loch Abhain. | By the southern pillar of a bridge just north of Gonfalon Bay. | (map) | |
By a beach near the bridge on High Isle's southern coast. | On the beach southwest from Coral Road Wayshrine. | (map) | |
Hidden in the rocks above Jheury's Cove on High Isle. | On the rocks at the southern end of Jheury's Cove. | (map) | Accessible from the cliffs above the cove. |
Just west of a pointed rock on High Isle's northernmost beach. | On the beach north of Augury Monoliths. | (map) | |
In the shadow of All Flags Castle's north wall. | By the north wall of All Flags Islet's castle. | (map) | |
Overlooking the volcanic vent north of Tor Draioch. | Northwest of Tor Draioch. | (map) | |
In the heart of the river canyon east of Amenos Station. | On the rock by the river east of Amenos Station. | (map) | |
On the shore of the Flooded Coast below Snake's Eye View. | Along the cliffs southwest of Flooded Coast Wayshrine. | (map) | |
By a bay full of wrecked ships along Skulltooth Coast. | North side of Skulltooth Coast bay. | (map) | |
Follow a climbing path on the southern side of Ghost Haven Bay. | At the end of a path going south from Captain Tuvacca's place in Ghost Haven Bay caves. | (map) | |
In the hedge maze of the Spire of the Crimson Coin. | Hidden in the maze on the eastern side of Spire of the Crimson Coin. | (map) | Take a path directly west of the Crimson Apprentice's arena. |
On a ledge above a pool in the back of Breakwater Cave. | Northernmost part of Breakwater Cave. | (map) | |
Guarded by the dead in Death's Valor Keep. | In a room two turns right from Death's Valor Keep entrance. | (map) | |
At one end of a natural bridge in the heart of the Firepot. | Behind rock formation at the southern end of a stone bridge in the Firepot. | (map) | From the southern end of the delve, take path north and go along the left wall. |
At the end of a winding path high above Shipwreck Shoals. | Hidden in the cliffs in western part of Shipwreck Shoals. | (map) | The winding path begins behind a wooden structure on cliffs above the sea. |
By a blue tree within the caverns of Coral Cliffs. | Northwest of indoors part of Coral Cliffs. | (map) | |
Hidden high among the rocky ridges of Whalefall | On the rocks making southwestern border of Whalefall. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
- Guide to the Daggerfall Covenant — A history and overview of the Daggerfall Covenant
- Varieties of Faith: The Bretons by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — A summary of the Breton pantheon
- Wyresses: The Name-Daughters Attributed to Glargargil the Speaking Oak — A song of Jephre and the Wyrd Women
- The Knightly Orders of High Rock by Lady Cinnabar of Taneth — A description of Breton knights
- The Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons? by Phrastus of Elinhir — An essay surrounding the ancestral roots of the Bretons
- Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay by Sathyr Longleat the Elder — A history of the city Wayrest, circa 2E 582
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 10 by His Majesty King Emeric — An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest
- Flesh to Cut from Bone — A sea shanty