Online:Zone Guide/Rivenspire

This northwestern region of High Rock contains some of the province's most dramatic terrain, including towering, flinty crags, windswept moors, and narrow canyons. Many folk find the environment oppressive, even threatening.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
Shornhelm Divided: Help reunify the city of Shornhelm.
Dream-Walk Into Darkness: Discover the true nature of the threat to Rivenspire.
The Blood-Splattered Shield: Help House Tamrith and the Crestshade refugees in Eyebright Feld.
The Concealing Veil: Head to Westmark Moor to assist the Count in some Ayleid research.
Northpoint in Peril: Help House Dorell find a way into their own city.
The Liberation of Northpoint: Free Northpoint from the control of House Montclair.
Puzzle of the Pass: Head to the Boralis mountains and find a way through the Shrouded Pass.
The Lightless Remnant: Strike down the traitor and restore peace to Rivenspire.
The Crown of Shornhelm: Counsel the High King and recommend a true leader for Rivenspire.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Boralis Wayshrine — Located southwest of Northpoint. (map)
Camp Tamrith Wayshrine — Located south of Camp Tamrith. (map)
Crestshade Wayshrine — Located in northern Crestshade. (map)
Fell's Run Wayshrine — Located southwest of Fell's Run. (map)
Hoarfrost Downs Wayshrine — Located in western Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
Northpoint Wayshrine — Located west of Northpoint. (map)
Oldgate Wayshrine — Located right next to Oldgate. (map)
Sanguine Barrows Wayshrine — Located south of Sanguine Barrows. (map)
Shornhelm Wayshrine — Located in northeastern Shornhelm. (map)
Shrouded Pass Wayshrine — Located east of The Doomcrag on the upper level of the Shrouded Pass. (map)
Staging Grounds Wayshrine — Located east of The Doomcrag at the base of the Shrouded Pass. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Crestshade Mine — A mine in central Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm containing trolls. (map)
Erokii Ruins — Ayleid ruins in northern Rivenspire, northeast of The Doomcrag containing Montclair soldiers. (map)
Flyleaf Catacombs — Tombs in southwestern Rivenspire, southwest of Crestshade containing Bitterhand Bandits. (map)
Hildune's Secret Refuge — A cave in northeastern Rivenspire, west of Northpoint containing Montclair soldiers. (map)
Orc's Finger Ruins — Ayleid ruins in eastern Rivenspire, northeast of Fell's Run containing Bitterhand Bandits. (map)
Tribulation Crypt — A tomb in southeastern Rivenspire, east of Hoarfrost Downs containing skeletons. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Breagha-Fin — A cave in northern Rivenspire, southwest of Northpoint. (map)
Camp Tamrith — A camp in southwestern Rivenspire, south-southwest of Shornhelm. (map)
Crestshade — A village in western Rivenspire, west of Shornhelm. (map)
Edrald Estate — A manor located in eastern Rivenspire, south of Fell's Run. (map)
Fell's Run — A small town in eastern Rivenspire, south of Northpoint. (map)
Hinault Farm — A farm in southern Rivenspire, south of Shornhelm. (map)
Hoarfrost Downs — A small town in central Rivenspire, east of Shornhelm. (map)
Lorkrata Hills — The site of a ruined fortress located in central Rivenspire, east-northeast of Shornhelm. (map)
Moira's Hope — A small town in southern Rivenspire, southeast of Shornhelm. (map)
Northpoint — The primary city of House Dorell, located in northeastern Rivenspire. (map)
Ravenwatch Castle — A castle in northwest Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm. (map)
Sanguine Barrows — A graveyard in southeastern Rivenspire, southeast of Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
Shornhelm — The capital city of Rivenspire, located in the center of the region. (map)
Silverhoof Vale — A valley in southern Rivenspire, south-southwest of Shornhelm. (map)
The Doomcrag — A ruined Ayleid tower located in northwestern Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm. (map)
Traitor's Tor — A battlefield in eastern Rivenspire, east of Shornhelm. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Dorell Farmhouse — A ruined home located just south of Northpoint, in northeastern Rivenspire. (map)
Lagra's Pearl — A shipwreck off the northeastern tip of Rivenspire, north of Northpoint. (map)
Northsalt Village — A harbor village located northwest of Northpoint, in northeastern Rivenspire. (map)
Old Fell's Fort — A ruined fort located north of Fell's Run, in northeastern Rivenspire. (map)
Old Shornhelm Ruins — Located southeast of Shornhelm, in southern Rivenspire. (map)
Shadowfate Cavern — Located in the far southwest corner of Rivenspire. (map)
Southgard Tower — A tower located south of Crestshade in southwest Rivenspire. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Trader's Rest — A camp in southern Rivenspire, northeast from the Oldgate Wayshrine. (map)
Veawend Ede — An Ayleid ruin on an island in northern Rivenspire, northeast of the Staging Grounds Wayshrine. (map)
Westwind Lighthouse — On an island in northern Rivenspire, west of Northsalt Village. (map)
Mundus Stones[edit]
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
The Atronach — A Mundus Stone found in Greenshade, Rivenspire, Shadowfen, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Serpent — A Mundus Stone found in Greenshade, Rivenspire, Shadowfen, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Shadow — A Mundus Stone found in Greenshade, Rivenspire, Shadowfen, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
Obsidian Scar — A cave in Rivenspire. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Boralis Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point on an island north of The Doomcrag in northern Rivenspire. (map)
Eyebright Feld Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point southwest of Crestshade in western Rivenspire. (map)
Westmark Moor Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point southeast of Moira's Hope in southern Rivenspire. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Aesar's Web — A den in southwestern Rivenspire. (map)
East-Rock Landing — An island off the east coast of Rivenspire, southeast of Northpoint. (map)
Magdelena's Haunt — A camp in Rivenspire. (map)
Old Kalgon's Keep — A ruined keep in Rivenspire. (map)
Siren's Cove — A cove located in Rivenspire, north of Northsalt Village. (map)
Valeguard Tower — A tower in southern Rivenspire, overlooking Silverhoof Vale. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Just outside Shornhelm's gate. | Beside guild traders on outskirts of Shornhelm. | (map) | |
Honoring the dead in Eyebright's west. | North of Eyebright Feld Dolmen with ghosts. | (map) | |
Crumbled tower, Crestshade's welcome. | Slightly southeast of Crestshade Wayshrine. | (map) | |
Wolves howl at the Hoarfrost nearby. | North of Hoarfrost Downs Wayshrine, right side of road next to mountain. | (map) | |
Cresting the wood of words. | Behind Hoarfrost Downs village, behind Dusklight Inn, up hidden path by the Cave of Sorrows. | (map) | |
In the eye of the Point. | Northpoint, atop the lighthouse. | (map) | |
Skittered over in the pass. | In the lower tiers of the Doomcrag. | (map) | |
Follow the song to the Landing. | On Siren's Cove in a boat. | (map) | |
Ditched outside of Lorkrata. | West of Lorkrata Hills on hill behind broken wall. | (map) | |
In the tunnels under Crestshade. | Crestshade Mine, main room in a cart on the upper platform. | (map) | |
Seek worms who burrow for a tear. | Erokii Ruins, second small room on the right. | (map) | |
Among Flyleaf's unearthed dead. | Flyleaf Catacombs, left side of big room. | (map) | |
Secret in the blood-suckers' hideaway. | Hildune's Secret Refuge, big room heading to exit. | (map) | |
Look upon the Orsimer's hand. | Orc's Finger Ruins, top of second stairs, big room. | (map) | |
Conquer the crypt of trials. | Tribulation Crypt, first little room, right of entrance. | (map) | |
Stolen by worshipers of Ashpit's Lord. | Obsidian Scar, second very small room right of entrance. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Rivenspire Lore[edit]
- The Barrows of Westmark Moor by Sathyr Longleat the Elder — On the conflicts surrounding the burial grounds near Rivenspire
- The Story of Princess Eselde — Thinly-veiled propaganda from House Tamrith
- Bloodfiends of Rivenspire by Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith — A report on the vampiric Bloodfiends of Rivenspire
- The Remnant of Light Being an Ayleid Tract, Translated by Beredalmo the Signifier — Translation of an Ayleid tract
- The Horse-Folk of Silverhoof by Doctor Nabeth al-Gilane, Khefrem Academy of Yokudan Heritage — On the lost tribe of Yokuda, the Horsemen of High Rock
- Dire Legends of the Doomcrag by Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith — A collection of local legends surrounding the Doomcrag
- House Tamrith: A Recent History by Chancellor Regina Troivois, the Department of Interior Affairs — A treatise on House Tamrith of Rivenspire
- Shornhelm, Crown City of the North by Lord Wylon, 39th Baron Montclair — On Shornhelm and the House of Montclair
- Northpoint: An Assessment by Chancellor Regina Troivois — A treatise on House Dorell of Rivenspire
- House Ravenwatch Proclamation by Count Verandis Ravenwatch — A House Ravenwatch pamphlet denouncing Baron Wylon Montclair and the Lightless Remnant
Daedric Princes[edit]
- Invocation of Azura by Sigillah Parate — A work written by a priestess of Azura arguing the superiority of Azura to other Daedra Princes
- Modern Heretics by Haderus of Gottlesfont — An account of one researcher's visit to the shrine of the Daedric Lord Azura
Divines and Deities[edit]
- Gods and Worship in Tamriel by Brother Hetchfeld, Associate Scribe at the Imperial University, Office of Introductory Studies — An overview of how the presence of Gods affects temple life worship
- Monomyth: The Heart of the World — A theological book containing the Altmer creation myths
- Nine Commands of the Eight Divines — An overview of principles relating to ethics and worship under the Imperial pantheon
- Vivec and Mephala — Informational book about ALMSIVI and Mephala
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer XI by Marobar Sul — Book 11 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Antecedents of Dwemer Law — A historical account of the development of Dwemer law and custom from its roots in High Elven culture
- Dwarven Automatons by Herebane, Nord — A guide to Dwemer Constructs
Myths of the Mundus[edit]
- The Firmament by Ffoulke — A book of constellations and their meanings
- The Pig Children by Tyston Bane — Discusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac Bay
- Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls by Septimus Signus, College of Winterhold — A philosophical view on the role of the Elder Scrolls
- Sithis — On Sithis, the start of the house
Oblivion Lore[edit]
- The Book of Daedra — Excerpts from a lengthy tome describing the nature of each of the Daedra
- Darkest Darkness — A description of various Daedra
- The Doors of Oblivion, Part 1 by Seif-ij Hidja — The chronicles of Morian Zenas' journey through the realms of Oblivion, penned by his apprentice
- The Doors of Oblivion, Part 2 by Seif-ij Hidja — The chronicles of Morian Zenas' journey through the realms of Oblivion, penned by his apprentice
- On Oblivion by Morian Zenas — A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra
- Spirit of the Daedra — A look into the Daedric mindset
- Varieties of Daedra, Part 1 by Aranea Drethan — An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
- Varieties of Daedra, Part 2 by Aranea Drethan — An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
Tamriel History[edit]
- Frontier, Conquest by University of Gwylim Press, 2E 344 — Details the presence of humans in Tamriel before the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to Tamriel