Online:Zone Guide/Deshaan

The fertile valleys of Deshaan are home to lush fungal forests, deep kwama mines, and broad pastures where netches and guar graze. But all pales before the magnificence of Mournhold, home of the Tribunal and capital of the Ebonheart Pact.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
Bad Medicine: Discover the source of the Llodos Plague.
- Proprietary Formula: Collect samples of the Maulborn curative.
Quest for the Cure: Create a real cure for the Llodos Plague.
For Their Own Protection: Investigate the disappearances in Narsis.
Unwanted Guests: Help House Hlaalu prepare to seal the town.
Fighting Back: Find the location of a secret meeting place.
Ratting Them Out: Disrupt a meeting of agitated citizens.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Help rescue the missing Narsis villagers.
Death Trap: Find out what's happening in the Obsidian Gorge.
Payback: Infect the Maulborn with their own plague.
Plague Bringer: Locate and defeat the creator of the Llodos Plague.
A Favor Returned: Register your presence in the Ebonheart Pact's capital.
The Mournhold Underground: Investigate the Mournhold Sewers for signs of the Maulborn.
The Seal of Three: Prevent the Maulborn from completing their scheme inside the Tribunal Temple.
A Saint Asunder: Restore and cleanse the Shrine of Saint Veloth.
Into the Mouth of Madness: Lower the wards to enter Vox's lair.
Motive for Heresy: Learn about Vox's past.
The Judgment of Veloth: Confront Magistrix Vox and end her plot.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Eidolon's Hollow Wayshrine — Located southwest of Eidolon's Hollow. (map)
Ghost Snake Vale Wayshrine — Located north of the Vale of the Ghost Snake. (map)
Mournhold Wayshrine — Located in southeastern Mournhold. (map)
Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine — Located north of Muth Gnaar. (map)
Mzithumz Wayshrine — Located south of Mzithumz. (map)
Obsidian Gorge Wayshrine — Located southwest of the Obsidian Gorge. (map)
Quarantine Serk Wayshrine — Located north of Quarantine Serk. (map)
Selfora Wayshrine — Located southeast of Selfora. (map)
Shad Astula Wayshrine — Located south of Shad Astula. (map)
Silent Mire Wayshrine — Located southwest of Silent Mire. (map)
Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine — Located east of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
West Narsis Wayshrine — Located west of Narsis. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
The Corpse Garden — A crypt in eastern Deshaan, north of the Tal'Deic Fortress containing skeletons. (map)
Knife Ear Grotto — A Daedric ruin in eastern Deshaan, northeast of the town of Silent Mire containing Daedra. (map)
Lady Llarel's Shelter — A kwama mine in western Deshaan, just northeast of the town of Narsis. (map)
Lower Bthanual — A Dwemer ruin in central Deshaan, containing Dwemer constructs. (map)
Taleon's Crag — A cave in southern Deshaan, just south of the Vale of the Ghost Snake, containing kwama. (map)
Triple Circle Mine — A mine in central Deshaan, just west of the town of Selfora, containing kagouti. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Bthanual — A Dwemer ruin in central Deshaan, west of Mournhold. (map)
Deepcrag Den — A kwama mine south of Mournhold, just north of the gate to Shadowfen. (map)
Eidolon's Hollow — A Daedric ruin in northeastern Deshaan. (map)
Malak's Maw — An Orc camp in southwestern Deshaan, southwest of Narsis. (map)
Mournhold — A city on Morrowind's southern mainland, in the Deshaan region. (map)
Muth Gnaar — A monastery in western Deshaan, just southeast of the town of Narsis. (map)
Mzithumz — A Dwemer ruin in northern Deshaan, north of Mournhold. (map)
Narsis — A town in western Deshaan, just south of the village of Quarantine Serk. (map)
Obsidian Gorge — A pass in northern Deshaan, east of Narsis and west of Mournhold, filled with old Daedric ruins. (map)
Quarantine Serk — A small village in western Deshaan, just north of the town of Narsis. (map)
Selfora — A small town in eastern Deshaan, east of Mournhold. (map)
Shad Astula — An academy of magic located in north-central Deshaan, just northeast of Mournhold. (map)
Shrine of Saint Veloth — A ruin in eastern Deshaan, north of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
Silent Mire — An Argonian town in eastern Deshaan, just southeast of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
Tal'Deic Fortress — An Ebonheart Pact-aligned House Redoran military outpost in eastern Deshaan, located northwest of Silent Mire. (map)
Tribunal Temple — A large temple in the northern section of Mournhold in Deshaan. (map)
Vale of the Ghost Snake — A large river valley in eastern Deshaan, east of the city of Mournhold. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Coiled Path Landing — A dock in eastern Deshaan, on the eastern edge of the Vale of the Ghost Snake. (map)
Hlanii's Hovel — A small floating dock in central Deshaan, just southeast of the monastery of Muth Gnaar. (map)
House Dres Farmstead — A farm in central Deshaan, just south of the city of Mournhold. (map)
Old Ida's Cottage — A small cottage in western Deshaan, east of the town of Narsis. (map)
Redoran Pier — A dock in eastern Deshaan, just west of Knife Ear Grotto. (map)
Shrine to Saint Rilms — A small shrine in central Deshaan, just southeast of the city of Mournhold. (map)
Smuggler's Slip — A small dock on the eastern edge of Deshaan, just southeast of the town of Silent Mire. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Avayan's Farm — A small farm located in eastern Deshaan, just southeast of the Academy of Shad Astula. (map)
Berezan's Mine — A closed mine located in northern Deshaan, just west of Mzithumz. (map)
Lake Hlaalu Retreat — A lakeside camp located in western Deshaan, just north of the town of Narsis. (map)
Mundus Stones[edit]
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
The Lord — A Mundus Stone found in Grahtwood, Stormhaven, and Deshaan. (map)
The Mage — A Mundus Stone found in Grahtwood, Stormhaven, Deshaan, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Tower — A Mundus Stone found in Grahtwood, Stormhaven, Deshaan, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
Forgotten Crypts — Burial vaults in western Deshaan, just southeast of the village of Quarantine Serk. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Lagomere Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point west of Selfora in central Deshaan. (map)
Redolent Loam Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northeast of Narsis in western Deshaan. (map)
Siltreen Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point south of Silent Mire in eastern Deshaan. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Caravan Crest — A hill in eastern Deshaan, west of Silent Mire. (map)
Dire Bramblepatch — A grove in central Deshaan, west of Selfora. (map)
Druitularg's Ritual Altar — On an island in the river north of Selfora in Deshaan. (map)
Grove of the Abomination — A grove in western Deshaan, southeast of Narsis. (map)
Mabrigash Burial Circle — A cemetery in eastern Deshaan, at the eastern edge of the Vale of the Ghost Snake. (map)
Short-Tusk's Hillock — A hill in northwest Deshaan, northwest of Narsis. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Free from quarantine. | Right beside rocks from Maulborn Quarantine. | (map) | |
A Hlaalu victory in Narsis. | Behind Hlaalu Kinhouse. | (map) | |
A river view on Muth Gnarr's outskirts. | Behind Andaren House. | (map) | |
A twin falls in Mournhold. | In the water on rocks next to waterfall. | (map) | |
Near the remnants of a House caravan. | Beside Building in Mzithumz. | (map) | |
Follow the river that snakes south to its source. | Southeast of Taleon's Crag, on an island next to the waterfall. | (map) | |
Search near the cavern with three eyes. | Beside Darkshade Caverns, right of the entrance. | (map) | |
The right tower is Tal'Deic's left. | Behind the entrance arch. | (map) | |
Where ships dock and mushrooms Mire. | Atop of cliffs overlooking village & docks. | (map) | |
Where the dead walk, no memories linger. | Group, Forgotten Crypts, Top hallway with ghosts & wraith. | (map) | |
Lend me your ear. | Knife Ear Grotto hallway on right of entrance. | (map) | |
Where a lady seeks kwama before the storm. | Lady Llarel's Shelter, room at the end with Lady Llarel. | (map) | |
Asleep in the depths, the Dwemer awakens. | Lower Bthanual, last large room with spiders. | (map) | |
Mine your step where the water drops in. | Triple Circle Mine, top room with Kagouti. | (map) | |
Go from Crags to riches. | Taleon's Crag, middle room in the water. | (map) | |
Where corpses till a garden of sand. | Corpse Garden, bottom room. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Deshaan Lore[edit]
- Dark Ruins by Cyrillo the Deranged — A Dunmer describes his obsessive search for hidden Daedric ruins
- Dwemer Dungeons: What I Know by Kireth Vanos, Dungeon-Delver Extraordinaire — A description of Dwemer dungeons
- The Judgment of Saint Veloth by Magistrix Vox — A description of a relic of Saint Veloth
- Kwama Mining for Fun and Profit by Dorayn Redas, House Hlaalu — An instructional guide to Kwama mining
- Legend of the Ghost Snake by Bonorion the Wanderer — Observations on the Mabrigash tribe
- The Living Gods by Durillis the Theologian — Praise for the Tribunal
- A Pocket Guide to Mournhold — A traveler's guide to the city of Mournhold
- Sanctioned Murder by Mjahlar Virian — Extract from the journal of a retired Morag Tong assassin
- Shad Astula Academy Handbook — Introductory pamphlet for new students at Shad Astula, Academy of Magic
- War of Two Houses by Drelisa Hlaalu, House Historian — A Hlaalu account of an armed conflict with House Dres in 2E 559
Daedric Princes[edit]
- The Dreamstride by The Mysterious Alchemists of Vaermina — A description of the nature and effect of Vaermina's Torpor
- The House of Troubles — Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal
Divines and Deities[edit]
- Monomyth: Lorkhan and Satakal — Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths
- Monomyth: "Shezarr's Song" — A theological book containing the common creation myths
- Monomyth: The Myth of Aurbis — Excerpt of a theological book containing the common creation myths
Dungeon Lore[edit]
- The Art of Kwama Egg Cooking by Belami Llevarso — An Introduction
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer V by Marobar Sul — Book 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VI by Marobar Sul — Book 6 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer X by Marobar Sul — Book 10 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Magic and Magicka[edit]
- Arcana Restored by Wapna Neustra — Cryptic instructions for the restoration of Arcana
- Guild Memo on Soul-Trapping by Vanus Galerion, Archmagister Emeritus — Vanus Galerion's proposal on the use of soul-trapping magics
- Liminal Bridges by Camilonwe of Alinor — A Discourse On The Theory and Praxis of Traveling Between Mundus and Oblivion
- Magic from the Sky by Zeroli Jarol — Treatise concerning Ayleid Wells, Welkynd Stones, and Varla Stones
- Manual of Spellcraft — An introduction to magic and the Mages Guild
- The Old Ways by Celarus the Loremaster — A guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefs
- On the Detachment of the Sheath by Arch-Prelate Fervidius Tharn — An explanation of an aspect of Aurbis
- Reality and Other Falsehoods — Summary of the basic principles of Alteration magic
Myths of the Mundus[edit]
- Before the Ages of Man: Dawn Era by Aicantar of Shimmerene — Chronicle of the major events of the Dawn Era
- Before the Ages of Man: Merethic Era by Aicantar of Shimmerene — Chronicle of the major events of the Merethic Era
- Ebony Blade History — A warning to whomever would seek to wield the power of the Ebony Blade
- Noxiphilic Sanguivoria by Cinna Scholasticus — An overview of a vampirism strain common during the Second Era
- A Werewolf's Confession by Captain Philmont of the Oldgate Lancers, Daggerfall Covenant Army — The confessions of a regretful lycanthrope