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Lore Pages[edit]
Expanded Lore Pages[edit]
Ritemaster Josajeh transforming into orb of light
Loremaster Archive Questions[edit]
Bretons of the Systres Archipelago[edit]
To Lady Arabelle Davaux
One can not talk about the Systers without mentioning famed All Flags Navy. What are the beliefs of the Islanders about the Archmage Syrabane? Is he venerated as a god, like he is by the folk of Summerset, or seen more like a great historical figure?
Another question is the nature of the Fauns. I heard they are connected to nature just like Spriggans. Are they kind of faerie?
Kind regards,
Tyrvarion Firewolf of Markarth
Lost Depths & All Other Dungeon Lore[edit]
Greetings Dhulef.
I was curious about a spirit known by the Dreadhorn Clan, Cernunnon. I once met a Dreadhorn witch, who exclaimed "blood for the Hunt-Father, soul for Cernunnon." The nature of the Hircine is known to me, but I never heard of Cernunnon, except for the outlandish tales of folk claiming that he protects those oathbound to him from death. Do you know anything about him?
A friend of mine, of the Undaunted, recently ventured to the old keep of the Silver Rose Knights. She mentioned a realm full of ancient elven bridges floating in the air. She claimed that old scholars called it Goriseli Moraburo and likened it to the Golden Path of the Ayleids. I wonder if you know anything about it, for it sounds like a very interesting topic.
When venturing through the Black Drake Villa, I stumbled upon documents about the mysterious coven Tagh Droiloch cooperating with the Longhouse Emperors. Yet aside from a few rumors and whispers here and there I know very little of this group. Have you by chance met anyone who knows more of this coterie of dangerous wizards?
—Tyrrosh of clan Firewolf
Systres Archipelago Druid Lore[edit]
Greetings Druid Ryvanna.
1.It is my understanding that the Wyrd and the Druids come from the same roots. I heard some among the druid-folks have taken to shapeshifting to animals like those dire bears known as ursauks. I am curious how your arts differ from the Glenmoril Wyrd's shapeshifting - which is connected to the Stag Prince Hircine. I believe that folks of Systres do it in adherence to the True Way, yes?
2. During the time I spent among the Stonelore Circle I heard of two Elk spirits: Una the Green Elk and the Elk of Arrows. Back in the Reach, some clans venerated spirits of sacred elks, and here elks seem important too. Could you tell me more about those two Elks? Is there any connection between them? If so, how are they connected and what do they represent?
3.I know that Bosmer of the Valenwood, adherent followers of Y'ffre detest shapeshifting, yet the Druid folk, similarly to my own kin from the Valley of Karth seems to embrace such art. Where from such a difference in approach to this particular craft stems from?
4.Can you tell me more about the Druidic Language? Is it the same language as Old Bretic, or perhaps the more modern Bretic? Additionally, did the Direnni and other neighbors of your ancestors such as Reachfolk influence it? Do the words Draioch, Galen and Tor have a translation in your language?
May your spirits guide you.
Tyrrosh of Clan Firewolf
I've heard some among the druid-folks have taken to shapeshifting to animals like those dire bears known as ursauks. I am curious how your arts differ from the Glenmoril Wyrd's shapeshifting - which is connected to the Stag Prince Hircine.
—Tyrrosh of Clan Firewolf
Shape magic, the ability to temporarily wear the form of another living being, is a gift given to us by Y'ffre. A great divide exists between the followers of the True Way and the Wyresses of Glenumbra [sic], you see. The Wyresses look to the past, to the old gods of the ancient past and the beneficent mask of the "Stag Prince."
Just as the Druids have the clarity look beyond, to the wider world, so too do we have clarity in our belief. Y'ffre alone is the wellspring of our power. Just as a song or a tale can be reshaped, be revised and retold in the telling so too can a living being channel the strength of the Singer and find themselves a bird, or a buck, or a mighty bear.
Telvanni Lore[edit]
I heard of Mushroom Towers of Port Telvannis. They're a really impressive display of Nature Magic. How do the practices of your Mycoturges differ from the practices of groups such as Wardens, Bosmeri Greenspeakers, Reachfolk, Wyrd Covens, and Druids?
-Druid Tyrrosh
Arcanist Lore[edit]
"Greetings Azandar al-Cybiades,
Rumors and legends speak of a connection between god Xarxes and Hermaeus Mora. What do you know about it, and the Symbols of Xarxes used by the Scribes of Mora and some other mages? Is it a standard element of the Arcanist repertoire?
Tyrrosh of Clan Firewolf, Reachfolk Spellcaster"
Infinite Archive[edit]
Greetings, freehand Malkhest,
The Archive stores the past, present, and potential future, not just the written word. Can oral stories, like sagas of the great Vateshrans Eoinola and Allaghach, or Bosmeri Spinner magical tales, find a place within the Archive? If so, how are they stored? What about stories that have occurred but remain untold?
-Tyrrosh of Clan Firewolf, Reachfolk Historian and Scholar
Greetings, freehand Malkhest,
The Endless Archive stores the past, present, and potential future, not just the written word. Can oral stories, like sagas of the great Vateshrans Eoinola and Allaghach, or Bosmeri Spinner magical tales, find a place within it? If so, how are they stored? What about stories that have occurred but remain untold?
—Tyrrosh of Clan Firewolf, Reachfolk Historian and Scholar
Yes and no. I deeply respect the oral traditions of the cultures you reference, and more beyond. However, the Endless Archive is first, foremost, and only a recollection of the writings from across the Aurbis.
Some scant few stories told in this fashion have made it into the archive as observational writings from researchers, or notes intended to prompt a performer looking to make the most of a performance opportunity. But as you'll no doubt agree, a great deal is lost in the translation from spoken and ephemeral art to text upon the page.
Malacath and Maelstrom[edit]
"To Whim of Palanquin,
The recent attack on the Oathsworn Pit could not go unnoticed by the Reachfolk. We are used to many foes, but Bosmer are new. Whether Orc or Reachfolk, it does not matter, as it threatens the Karth itself. But it made me think, shed more light on how the Pit's relations are with Reachfolk and Nord neighbors. Bloody, I suppose, with the Spirit of Ash and Bone whims and all that, but do indulge me, Whim.
Chieftain Cormac of Clan Silverwing"
To Do List[edit]
Lore page for: Vernaccus and Bourlor Thozukodd Orc necromancer THE CROSSING (N. Elsweyr, Realm) High Priority:
- Dark Witnessess
- Eltrys
- Shada/Shada's Tear
- Egnatius
- Leythen
- Veya
Alinon the alchemist Sloads from ESO
house of reveries (add stuff)
Valentis Medium Priority
- Magistrix Urili Vox
- Maulborn
- Pyre Watch
- Forge-Mother Alga
- Iaendir
- Gwaering
- Gharesh'ri
- Akkhuz-ri
- Ulondil
Moon-Sentinels Low Priority:
- Belain
- Death Hopper,
- Telenger the Artificer
- Bladebearers / Rynkyus
blessed with the old magicks. 350 prima outrfits
- Medya Zuric, Viridian Sentinels (of note)
Lore additions: Add (A LOT) of lore to:
- Zenithar
- Ard Caddach
- Reachmen/Markarth (with info about ESO Events)
- Order of Waking Flame/Order of the Staff
- Order of Silver Rose
- The Hound
- Spinners
elder council members HIGH ISLE: Amunara dialogue IF you are Necromancer Steadfast Manor dialogue IF you are Vampire (also maybe galaxy and meteor/rite)